价 格 样本条款

价 格. 21.1 卖方在本合同项下提交货物和履行服务收取的价格在合同格式中给出。
价 格. 17.1 卖方在本合同项下提交货物和履行服务的价格在合同中给出。 18.
价 格. 丙方应以乙方中选通知书规定相一致的规格以及价格向甲方指定的医疗机构配送中选品种。 乙方给予丙方的配送费率原则上为中选价的 6%,配送费须单独支付,配送费率及支付方式由乙、丙双方另行商定。 在本协议履行期间,若由于出现需要调低终端药品零售价格的情况导致乙方必须调低其中选品种终端零售价格的,乙方应于调价信息公布后 15 日内向甲方提出解决方案。
价 格. 第二十六条 交易所应当及时发布开盘价、收盘价、最高价、最低价、最新价、涨跌、最高买价、最低卖价、申买量、申卖量、结算价、成交量、持仓量等与交易有关的信息。
价 格. 10 价格得分 S=(Pmin/P)×10,其中:Pmin 为所有投标人的最低有效报价,P 为投标人有效投标报价。 表格中前 28 项体检项目的个人体检费用合计报价作为本项目报价的评审标准。其他报价作为参考,但若成 交作为结算价格。 10 2
价 格. 2.1 供应商将按照采购订单中规定的价格提供货物。除非采购订单另有规定,货物价格包括所有包装费,以及至指定交货点的运费;适用的税款及其他政府收费,以及必须在供应商所有发票上单独列明的所有关税、费用或收费。在向买方供应任何货物应适当征收增值税 (或任何同等税款)的情况下,如果供应商向买方提供增值税(或同等税款)发票,买方将在支付其在采购订单项下应向供应商支付的款项之外,支付该等税款。
价 格. 4.1. 科利耳将按采购订单中载明的付款方式向供应商支付采购订单中规定的商品及/或服务价格。如果采购订单未载明付款方式,科利耳将在自开具发票之日起 30 天内支付商品及/或服务价格。
价 格. 5.1 在订单确认函生效日有效的出售方价格应作为开票价格。开票价格不得包含税金、关税、运费或者其它类似费用,除非另有书面约定,前述费用应由购买方承担。特别是,购买方应单独负责承担增值税,该增值税应附加在开票价格上,并与开票价格一起在销售发票中标明。 5.2 在订单确认函的生效日与交付日的期间内,若出售方的价格大幅上涨,则应以交付日有效的出售方价格为准。在此情形下,购买方有权在出售方公布价格大幅上涨后的十五(15)日内解除购销合同,并无需承担进一步的责任。 5.3 若可适用,应由出售方最终决定与价格计算有关的产品重量。 explicitly oppose any conditions of purchase provided by BUYER or provides Products and/or Services unconditionally while being aware of deviating, opposing or supplementing conditions of purchase provided by BUYER. None of any past practice, industry standards, course of dealing or usage of trade shall constitute a modification of any term or condition contained herein, nor shall same add any term not contained herein. Any modification to this Agreement requires the express written approval of SELLER. 3. OFFER AND ACCEPTANCE 3.1 Offers to sell Products and/or Services by SELLER are non-binding with respect to price, quantity, delivery time and subject to modification solely by SELLER. Purchase Orders not containing a deadline for confirmation shall bind the BUYER for at least three (3) days. 3.2 Purchase Orders from BUYER shall only become binding upon the Parties after an Order Confirmation has been signed and duly chopped by SELLER and fully accepted by BUYER. After its confirmation, any and all changes or cancellations made to a Purchase Order shall be subject to approval of SELLER and moreover an additional fee or compensation shall be paid by BUYER for any approved change or cancellation. 3.3 Any deviations in the Order Confirmation or the documents referred to in it, from any prior declarations by the Parties shall be considered as irrevocably accepted if BUYER does not contradict the deviation in question expressly and in writing, within a reasonable period of time, latest within two (2) days from the receipt of the Order Confirmation. After the Order Confirmation is signed and chopped by BUYER or is not contradicted expressly and in writing by BUYER within two (2) days from the receipt of the same, all terms and conditions of the Order Confirmation and of the documents referred to in it shall be deemed as fully and irrevocably accepted by BUYER. In any case the BUYER shall have no right to contradict the applicability and validity of the present Agreement. 4. SAMPLES AND CATALOGUES Any figures, measurements, statements, descriptions, illustrations, photographs, drawings, or any other matters contained in SELLER’s brochures, catalogs, price lists, or advertising literature, or any samples pr...
价 格. 5.1. 除非另有书面明确约定,合同中的所有价格应根据合同中约定的《国际贸易术语解释通则》确定,并应包括所有适用的税费(包括但不限于增值税)、运输费用、保险费、货币波动产生的费用、包装费和关税。
价 格. 7.1 如在货物销售合同订立后,汇率、税款、关税或者其他政府收费发生变化,或者,原材料、运输和员工工资产生了任何重大并不可预见的成本,由此影响卖方提供货物的成本,卖方有权相应地调整价格。