质量保证(Guarantee of Quality) 样本条款

质量保证(Guarantee of Quality). 货物除需要符合本合同的约定外,还必须符合最终用户与 公司(对应协议书的乙方)签订的编号为 的《进口货物购销协议书》要求以及其向最终用户提交的投标文件所列条件(若有)。买方或最终用户对货物进行的验收将依照前述要求以及本合同的约定进行。 卖方自货物验收合格之日起,提供给买方为期 年的免费保修期,也作为质量保证期(对应协议书 3.1 保修期限)。货物品质规格必须符合中华人民共和国进口商品质量管理相关要求、符合本合同及质量保证书之规定,技术参数及指标应达到最终用户持有文件及产品说明书的要求。卖方必须提供货物合格资料或国家商检局签发的安全质量许可证书及《安全标志》(对应协议书 1.9 质量要求)。在质量保证期内,非因买方原因产品出现缺陷造成的任何损害应由卖方负责赔偿。 The quality of the goods must meet the request of this Purchase Contract, and also must meet the request of the Import Goods Purchase and Sale Agreement signed and sealed between the End User and , and numbered .The Seller or The End User shall inspect the goods according to the Contract and The Agreement mentioned before. The Seller should give a guarantee of quality free to the goods for year(s) from the date of the end user’s acceptance. The Seller shall guarantee that the goods must be in conformity with the people's Republic of China imported goods quality management requirements, and with the quality, specifications and quantity specified in this Contract and Letter of Quality Guarantee. The Seller shall guarantee that the technical parameters and specified standard of the goods should meet the requirements of the product instructions and the documents hold by the end user. The seller must provide the documents which can prove the goods is qualified, or provide the safety quality license and safety signs issued by State Commodity Inspection Bureau. And during the guarantee period the Seller shall be responsible for any harm due to the defects in designing and manufacturing of the manufacturer.
质量保证(Guarantee of Quality). 货物除需要符合货物产地及中华人民共和国国家标准、行业标准以及本合同的约定外,还必须符合最终用户与 公司(对应《中山大学进口货物采购合同》的乙方)签订的编号为 的《中山大学进口货物采购合同》要求以及其向最终用户提交的投标文件所列条件(若有)。买方或最终用户对货物进行的验收将依照前述要求以及本合同的约定进行。 卖方自货物验收合格之日起,提供给买方为期 年的免费保修期,也作为质量保证期(对应《中山大学进口货物采购合同》3.1 保修期限)。货物品质规格必须符合中华人民共和国进口商品质量管理有关法律法规、符合本合同及质量保证书之规定,技术参数及指标应达到最终用户持有文件及产品说明书的要求。卖方必须提供货物合格资料,及/或中国官方检验检疫部门或官方指定机构签发的安全质量许可证书及安全标志,还需提供货物厂家出具的原产地证明、3C 认证(如有)、型式检验报告(如有)、质量保证书、海关开具的完税凭证、商品检验书等附随资料。同时,卖方提供的货物必须是优质全新产品 (包括但不限于货物的硬件、软件均未被除买方以外的主体使用过)、表面无划损、破损、无任何缺陷及隐患,不存在设计、材料及/或工艺上的缺陷或隐患,不存在侵犯第三人权利的情形,在中国境内可依常规安全合法使用。(对应《中山大学进口货物采购合同》1.9 质量要求)。在质量保证期内,非因买方原因产品出现缺陷造成的任何损害应由卖方负责赔偿。 The quality of the goods shall meet the national standards and industrial standards of the origin place and People’s Republic of China and provisions of this contract. It shall also conform to the Sun Yat-Sen University Import Goods Procurement Contract numbered signed and sealed between the End User and , and the bids submitted to the End User (if any). The acceptance of the goods by the Buyer or the End User will be conducted in accordance with the aforesaid requirements and provisions of this contract. The Seller shall provide a free warranty period for year(s) from the date of the End User’s acceptance. The Seller shall guarantee that the goods must be in conformity with the relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China on the quality control of imported commodities, and with provisions specified in this contract and in the Certificate of Quality. The Seller shall guarantee that the technical parameters and specified standard of the goods meet the requirements of the product instructions and the documents hold by the End User. The Seller shall provide the documents certifying the goods are qualified, and/or provide the Safety Quality License and safety sign issued by China's official department for inspection and quarantine or officially designated agency. The Seller shall also provide Certificate of Origin issued by the goods manufacturer, the 3C Certification (if any), the Type Inspection Report (if any), the Certificate of Quality, the Tax Payment Voucher and Inspection Certificates issued by the CUSTOMS P.R.CHINA, etc. The Seller shall guarantee that:
质量保证(Guarantee of Quality). 卖方保证货物是用最好材料上等工艺制作的、全新的, 其质量、规格和性能与本合同规定相符。质保期为自双方代表签订验收单之日起 XX 个月。 The Sellers guarantee that the commodity hereof is made of the best materials with first class workmanship, brand new and unused, and complies in all respects with the quality and specification stipulated in this Contract and conforms to the date sheets or technical manuals of the commodities contracted.The guarantee period shall be XXX months counting from the date on which the Acceptance Certificate has been signed by the representatives of both parties.
质量保证(Guarantee of Quality). 货物除需要符合本合同的约定外,还必须符合最终用户与 公司(对应协议书的乙方)签订的编号为 的《进口货物购销协议书》要求以及其 向最终用户提交的投标文件所列条件(若有)。买方或最终用户对货物进行的 验收将依照前述要求以及本合同的约定进行。 卖方自货物验收合格之日起,提供给买方为期 年的免费保修期,也作为质量保证期(对应协议书 3.1 保修期限)。货物品质规格必须符合中华人民共和国进口商品质量管理相关要求、符合本合同及质量保证书之规定,技术参数及指标应达到最终用户持有文件及产品说明书的要求。卖方必须提供货物合格资料或国家商检局签发的安全质量许可证书及《安全标志》(对应协议书

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