INDEMNIFICATION. Subscriber will indemnify, defend and hold the Vendor and Exchange, and their respective affiliates, directors, officers, employees and agents harmless from and against any and all claims arising out of or in connection with the Agreement, including, without limitation, any liability, loss or damages (including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees and other expenses) caused by any inaccuracy in or omission from, Subscriber’s failure to furnish or to keep, or Subscriber’s delay in furnishing or FF (04-16) keeping, any report or record required to be kept by Subscriber hereunder.
INDEMNIFICATION. 赔偿 Party A shall in no way be liable for the acts or defaults of Party B. All liabilities arising from or in connection with the services shall be the responsibility of Party B and no liability of any nature shall be passed to Party A. Party B shall indemnify Party A against all losses and expenses that Party A may incur (including reasonable legal costs) due to any breach of this Agreement by Party B and / or any action or default by Party B or its employees. This clause shall remain in full force and effect notwithstanding any termination or expiry of this Agreement. 甲方对乙方的行为和过失不承担责任。由于乙方违背本协议和/或乙方的雇员的行为或过失,使得甲方可能发生的一切费用和损失(包括合理的法律费用) ,将由乙方对甲方赔偿。本协议期满或终止,本条款仍将有效。
INDEMNIFICATION. 17.1 The Client agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified and hold harmless each of the Company, its affiliates, executives, employees, agents, successors and assigns (the “Indemnified Persons”) from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, cost and expenses (including any legal fees and expenses) which may be suffered or incurred by the Indemnified Persons or any one of them directly or indirectly arising out of or in connection with the Client’s failure to fully and timely perform the Client’s agreements or obligations contained in this Agreement or any of the representations and warranties given by the Client being untrue, inaccurate or misleading or otherwise breached or the Contract. The Client also agrees to pay promptly to the Company all damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees and expenses) incurred by the Company in the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Agreement. Furthermore, the Company shall not be held liable and shall be released from all claims and losses incurred in such regard if (and to the extent that) the claim or loss was caused or contributed by (a) the Client’s conduct: the actions or omission to act on the part of the Client, (b) forged signature: forged or unauthorised signatures on any document in connection with the Client’s account or this Agreement, (c) malfunctions: system malfunction, equipment failure (whether the Client’s or the Company’s equipment), system interruption or system unavailability,
INDEMNIFICATION. Section 8. 補償 TERMINATION Section 9. 終了
INDEMNIFICATION. 26.1 The Client hereby agree to hold ZSL indemnified against all losses, liabilities, costs, claims, actions, demands or expenses (including but not limited to, all reasonable costs, charges and expenses incurred in disputing or defending any of the foregoing) which ZSL may incur or which may be made against the ZSL arising out of, or in relation to or in connection with:
INDEMNIFICATION. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Keepy and its Affiliated Parties against all claims, demands, causes of action, losses, expenses, damages and costs, including any reasonable attorneys’ fees, resulting or arising from or relating to your use of or conduct on the Services, any activity related to your account by you or any other person, any User Content that you submit to, post on or transmit through the Services, your breach of this Agreement, your infringement or violation of any rights of another, or termination of your access to the Services.
INDEMNIFICATION. Customer shall indemnify Expeditors and hold Expeditors harmless from and against all charges, claims, damages, liabilities, judgments, costs, expenses, payments or losses of any kind (including for purchase price, freight, storage, demurrage, detention, duties, taxes, fines, penalties, incidental, indirect, consequential or exemplary damages, and Expeditors’ litigation expenses and reasonable expenses, including attorneys’ fees) arising from or related to any one or more of the following: (a) any breach of any representation, warranty, covenant, agreement, undertaking, consent, or waiver by Customer; (b) any failure of Customer to pay or perform when due its obligations to Expeditors or to any other Person (including any Governmental Unit, carrier, vendor, holder or assignee of any Transport Document, Storage Document, or other commercial document); (c) Customer’s violation of any Laws or failure to disclose, correct, or complete any entry, export, security or other data or documents; (d) any other claim by any such other Person, in each case, even if not due to any negligence or other fault of Customer. If any action, claim, suit or proceeding is brought against Expeditors, Expeditors shall give notice in writing to the Customer by mail to the address on file with Expeditors. At Customer’s expense, Expeditors may employ attorneys and other professionals of its own choice in connection with any indemnified matter. Customer’s indemnity obligation in this paragraph shall not apply to the extent a court of competent jurisdiction enters a final, non-appealable judgment, specifically finding that the charge, claim, damage, liability, judgment, cost, expense, payment or loss was directly and proximately caused by Expeditors’ gross negligence or willful misconduct.
INDEMNIFICATION. Customer agrees to indemnify and hold harmless DTC, its affiliates, officers, employees, agents, successors and assigns from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damages, costs and expenses, including attorney’s fees, incurred by them or any of them arising out of Customer’s failure to fully and timely perform Customer’s agreements herein or should any of the representations and warranties made by Customer herein or at any time fail to be true and correct. Except as otherwise expressly stated herein, Customer also agrees to pay promptly to DTC all damages, costs and expenses, including attorney’s and other professional fees, incurred by DTC in the enforcement of any of the provisions of this Customer Agreement, any other agreements between DTC and Customer, and any Contracts and other transactions hereunder.
INDEMNIFICATION. Sponsor agrees to indemnify and hold NACE, the Event facility and its owners, officers, committees, directors, employees and agents (collectively, the “Indemnitees”) harmless from any and all claims, damages, costs, losses, expenses, causes of action, liabilities and obligations of whatever nature or type, which the Sponsor has, or may have, or which have been, or could have been, or in the future otherwise might have asserted against it in connection with acts of the Sponsor, its directors, shareholders, officers, agents or employees. Upon signing this Agreement, Sponsor expressly releases the Indemnitees from any and all claims for loss, damage or injury.


  • 履约金 合同包1(物业管理服务): 本合同包不收取

  • 异常恶劣的气候条件 发包人和承包人同意以下情形视为异常恶劣的气候条件:

  • 履约能力分析 成都华融化工有限公司经营运转正常,主要财务指标和经营情况良好,公司与之关联交易占公司比重较小,以往履约情况良好,不存在履约能力障碍。

  • 以下无正文 牵头方:(全称并加盖单位公章) 法定代表人或其委托代理人: (签字或盖章)

  • 免責聲明 81. 主辦機構就展覽會訪客的入場有唯一及絕對酌情權(包括但不限於決定入場條件或程序)。參展商確認主辦機構未就參加展覽會的訪客人數及展覽會的成效作出任何承諾或保證,並且同意其將不會在此一方面針對主辦機構或者主辦機構的代理商或代表進行申索。

  • 会计数据和财务指标的核对 双方应每个交易日核对账目,如发现双方的账目存在不符的,基金管理人和基金托管人必须及时查明原因并纠正,确保核对一致。若当日核对不符,暂时无法查找到错账的原因而影响到基金资产净值的计算和公告的,以基金管理人的账册为准。

  • 履约能力 交易对手方信用状况良好,具有充分履约能力。三、

  • 开标程序 招标工作人员按招标公告规定的时间进行开标,由采购人或者采购代理机构工作人员宣布投标人名称、解密情况,投标价格和招标文件规定的需要宣布的其他内容(以开标一览表要求为准)。开标分为现场电子开标和远程电子开标两种。 采用现场电子开标的:投标人的法定代表人或其委托代理人应当按照本招标公告载明的时间和地点前往参加开标,并携带编制本项目(采购包)电子投标文件时加密所用的数字证书、存储有备用电子投标文件的U盘前往开标现场。 采用远程电子开标的:投标人的法定代表人或其授权代表应当按照本招标公告载明的时间和模式等要求参加开标。在投标截止时间前30分钟,应当登录云平台开标大厅进行签到,并且填写授权代表的姓名与手机号码。若因签到时填写的授权代表信息有误而导致的不良后果,由供应商自行承担。 开标时,投标人应当使用编制本项目(采购包)电子投标文件时加密所用数字证书在开始解密后按照代理机构规定的时间内完成电子投标文件的解密,如遇不可抗力等其他特殊情况,采购代理机构可视情况延长解密时间。投标人未携带数字证书或其他非系统原因导致的在规定时间内未解密投标文件,将作无效投标处理。(采用远程电子开标的,各投标人在参加开标以前须自行对使用电脑的网络环境、驱动安装、客户端安装以及数字证书的有效性等进行检测,确保可以正常使用)。 如在电子开标过程中出现无法正常解密的,代理机构可根据实际情况开启上传备用电子投标文件通道。系统将对上传的备用电子投标文件的合法性进行验证,若发现提交的备用电子投标文件与加密的电子投标文件版本不一致(即两份文件不是编制投标文件同时生成的),系统将拒绝接收,视为无效投标。如供应商无法在代理规定的时间内完成备用电子投标文件的上传,投标将被拒绝,作无效投标处理。

  • 登记机构 名称:中国证券登记结算有限责任公司住所:北京市西城区太平桥大街 17 号 办公地址:北京市西城区太平桥大街 17 号法定代表人:于文强 联系电话:000-00000000传真:010-50938991 联系人:赵亦清

  • 缺陷责任期与保修 15.2 缺陷责任期 缺陷责任期的具体期限:缺陷责任期 24 个月,其余按通用合同条款执行。