Rights of Third Parties 样本条款

Rights of Third Parties. A person who is not a party to this Agreement (called “third party” under this Clause) will have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce any provision of this Agreement or to enjoy any other benefit. For the avoidance of doubt, this Agreement may be rescinded, varied or supplemented without consent by, or notice to, any third party in all circumstances.
Rights of Third Parties. These Conditions of Issue shall not create or give rise to, nor shall it be intended to create or give rise to, any third party rights. No third party shall have any right to enforce or rely on any provision of these Conditions of Issue which does or may confer any right or benefit on any third party, directly or indirectly, expressly or impliedly. The application of any legislation giving rise to or conferring on third parties contractual or other rights (including without limitation the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance) in connection with these Conditions of Issue is hereby expressly excluded. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in these Conditions of Issue shall affect the rights of any permitted assignee or transferee of these Conditions of Issue.
Rights of Third Parties. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap. 623 of the laws of Hong Kong) shall not apply to these Conditions of Use and unless specifically herein provided no person other than the parties to these Conditions of Use and any assign of PrimeCredit shall have any rights under it nor shall it be enforceable by any person other than the parties to them and any assign of PrimeCredit.
Rights of Third Parties. 14.1 A person, who is not a party to a contract (called “third party” under this Clause) to which these terms and conditions apply, will have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any provision of such contract or these terms and conditions or to enjoy any other benefit. For the avoidance of doubt, such contract and / or these terms and conditions may be rescinded, varied or supplemented without consent by, or notice to, any third party in all circumstances.
Rights of Third Parties. Unless expressly provided to the contrary in these Conditions, a person who is not a party to these Conditions has no right to enforce any terms of these Conditions. Notwithstanding any term herein, the consent of any third party is not required for any subsequent agreement between the parties hereto to amend or vary (including any release or compromise of any liability) or terminate there Conditions. Where third parties are conferred rights under these Conditions, those rights are not assignable or transferable.
Rights of Third Parties. Any person or entity who is not a party to this Policy shall have no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap. 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any terms of this Policy.
Rights of Third Parties. 若福迈迪依照客户指示履行合同,客户应对该履 行不侵犯第三方权利负责。如果福迈迪因此被第 三方要求承担责任,客户有义务保障福迈迪免受 这些索赔损害。该保障义务也包含福迈迪因第三 方索赔而承担的所有费用。 The Customer is responsible for not infringing the rights of third parties if Formel D performs a Customer Contract as per its requirements. In the event that Formel D is held liable by a third party the Customer is obliged to indemnify Formel D for these claims. The indemnification duty also refers to all costs borne by Formel D with regard to claims by a third party.
Rights of Third Parties. No person other than I and CCB (Asia) will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Chapter 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provisions of this Agreement. Terms and Conditions for use of Octopus Card Function on CCB (Asia) Octopus UnionPay Dual Currency Credit Card

Related to Rights of Third Parties

  • 法律依据 质疑事项 2 ……

  • 关联方基本情况 1、关联方名称:深圳市中兴和泰酒店投资管理有限公司

  • V= ―――――――――― 100 (備 考) V は、16(13)の規定により算定するガス量 V1は、計量法で定める使用公差を超えているガスメーターによるガス量 A は、計量法で定める使用公差を超えているガスメーターによる速動又は遅動の割合(パーセント) (別表第9)2.5 キロパスカルを超える圧力で供給する場合のガス量の算式 V1×(101.325+P) V= ―――――――――――――― 101.325+0.981 (備 考) V は、16(16)の規定により算定するガス量 P は、2.5 キロパスカルを超えて供給する圧力 V1は、ガスメーターの検針量

  • 事業契約 第6条 甲及び乙は、本事業に係る事業契約の仮契約を、本協定締結後、平成 年 月日を目途として、豊橋市議会への事業契約に係る議案提出日までに、甲と事業予定者間で締結せしめるものとする。

  • 关联方的基本情况 1. 山东黄金集团有限公司

  • X X XXX.xxx Internet Freight Shipping

  • 個人情報の取扱 第33 条(個人情報の取扱)

  • 本次交易构成关联交易 本次发行股份及支付现金购买资产完成后,金卫医疗 BVI 将持有上市公司超过 5%股份,成为上市公司新增关联方。在本次重组募集配套资金中,公司实际控制人袁亚非先生拟认购配套资金金额不低于 10 亿元。根据《上市规则》及相关法规关于关联交易之规定,本次交易构成关联交易。三胞集团作为本次交易的关联股东将在南京新百审议本次交易的股东大会上回避表决。 本公司曾于 2011 年发生实际控制人变更。2011 年 5 月 30 日,本公司的前控股股东南京新百投资控股集团有限公司、南京金鹰国际集团有限公司、南京华美联合营销管理有限公司与三胞集团签署了《股份转让协议书》,分别向三胞集团转让其各自持有的本公司 15.15%、1.14%和 0.71%股份,股份总数合计为 60,916,150 股,占本公司总股本的 17.00%。此次股权转让完成后,三胞集团持有本公司股份总数的 17.00%,成为本公司的控股股东,袁亚非先生成为本公司的实际控制人。 本次交易不涉及向控股股东三胞集团及其一致行动人及实际控制人袁亚非先生购买资产,且本次交易不会导致上市公司的控制权变化。根据《重组管理办法》、《证 券期货法律适用意见第 12 号》及上海证券交易所《上市公司重大资产重组信息披露工作备忘录第七号-借壳上市的标准和条件》的规定,本次交易不构成借壳上市。 本次交易前,上市公司总股本为 828,016,327 股,根据交易双方初步商定的交易标的资产作价,公司本次拟向金卫医疗 BVI 发行不超过 134,336,378 股作为购买资产作价的一部分,同时向包括袁亚非先生在内的不超过 10 名其他特定投资者发行股 份,具体发行数量根据发行价格及特定投资者认购数量而定。根据 32.98 元/股的发行底价计算,本次交易完成后,上市公司股权结构变化如下: 股东名称 本次交易前 本次交易后 (不含配套融资) 本次交易后 (含配套融资) 三胞集团 259,251,567 31.31% 259,251,567 26.94% 259,251,567 23.34% 袁亚非 - - - - 30,321,407 2.73% 中森泰富 35,000,000 4.23% 35,000,000 3.64% 35,000,000 3.15% 上海金新实业有限 公司 59,311,956 7.16% 59,311,956 6.16% 59,311,956 5.34% 南京华美联合营销 管理有限公司 44,658,856 5.39% 44,658,856 4.64% 44,658,856 4.02% 南京商贸旅游发展 集团有限责任公司 41,320,000 4.99% 41,320,000 4.29% 41,320,000 3.72% 金卫医疗BVI - - 134,336,378 13.96% 134,336,378 12.09% 配套融资投资者 - - - - 148,574,894 10.64% 其他股东(股权比 例<5%) 388,473,948 46.92% 388,473,948 40.37% 388,473,948 34.97%

  • 项目用地 2.1. 土地性质:土地性质为工业用地。

  • 添付資料 の提案が必須となっている資料の「提案書頁番号」欄に頁番号が記入されていること。