合 同. 国家税务总局柳州市税务局(以下简称“甲方”)通过磋商方式购,确定_ 公司(以下简称“乙方”)为《 项目》中标(成交)供应商。甲乙双方同意按照该项目招标(采购)文件约定的内容,签署《 合同书》(合同编号: ,以下简称“合同”)。
合 同. 国家税务总局广西壮族自治区税务局第二稽查局(以下简称“甲
合 同. (以下简称甲方和乙方) 根据《中华人民共和国民法典》、 《中华人民共和国合同法政府采购法》经双方协商,本着平等互利和诚实信用的原则,一致同意签订本合同如下。
合 同. 湖南科技学院2021--2022年度水、电维修整体(包工包料)及河边水泵房抽水劳务承包项目合同
合 同. 1. The Contract
1.1 要约和承诺。每一份采购订单或每一份 1.1 Offer and Acceptance. Each purchase order or purchase order revision (“Purchase Order”) is an offer to Seller by the entity identified in the Purchase Order (“Buyer”) for the purchase of goods (“Products”) or services (“Services”) identified in that Purchase Order. Seller will be deemed to have accepted a Purchase Order as issued 经修改的采购订单(“订单”)都是采购 订单所指的法律实体(“买方”)为采购 订单中所指货物(“产品”)或服务(“服 务”)而向卖方发出的要约。凡发生以下 任一情况的,将视为卖方已接受订单:
(1) 如卖方在收到订单之后五个营业日内未以书面形式拒绝订单或卖方开始履行订单,或
(2) 如卖方以书面形式确认接受订单。接受订单之后,订单连同本《一般采购条款和条件》、买方当时最新的 《供应商质量手册》(获取网址: xxx.XXXXxxxxx.xxx )、《供应商业务授予函》、《供应商保密协议》及任何其他明确纳入订单的或另行以书面形式约定并经双方签署的文件(例如合同书、规格书、图纸、买方客户的要求或质量要求)将成为买方和卖方之间有约束力的合同(统称为“合同”)。对买方订单的接受仅限于对订单特定条款的接受,卖方提议的任何附加、修改或不同条款(包括卖方可能使用或提交给买方的任何标准条款或格式)均被明确拒绝,且不是合同的一部分,但买方的授权代表以书面签署文本的形式特别约定的除外。如果本《一般采购条款和条件》中的任何规定与订单的特定条款及条件、或双方之间的任何合同书、或构成合同的其他文件存在不符,则上述各项将优先于本《一般采购条款和条件》中的该等不符规定。作为订单中所述产品或服务的供应商,卖方确认并同意, 卖方是即将供应给买方客户的零件、部件或系统的次级供应商,卖方负责遵守买方客户的所有条款、条件、标准和质量要求。 upon the first to occur of the following:
(1) if Seller fails to object to it in writing within five (5) business days after receipt or begins performance under the Purchase Order, or (2) if Seller acknowledges in writing its acceptance of the Purchase Order. Upon acceptance, the Purchase Order together with these General Terms and Conditions of Purchase, Buyer’s then current Supplier Quality Manual (available online at xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx), the Supplier Award Letter, the Supplier Confidentiality Agreement and any other documents specifically incorporated in the Purchase Order or separately agreed to in writing and signed by the parties, such as any letter agreement, specifications, drawings, requirements of Buyer’s customer, or quality requirements, will become a binding contract between Buyer and Seller (collectively, the “Contract”). Acceptance of Xxxxx’x Purchase Order is limited to the specific terms of the Purchase Order and any additions, modifications or different terms proposed by Seller, including any standard terms or forms that Seller may use or submit to Buyer, are expressly rejected and are not part of the Contract unless specifically agreed to in writing signed by an authorized representative of Buyer. Specific terms and conditions set forth in the Purchase Order, any letter agreement between the parties, and the other documents comprising the Contract will take priority over any inconsistent provision in these General Terms and Conditions. As a supplier of the Products or Service...
合 同. 甲 方(采购人): 法定代表人: 住所地: 邮 编: 乙 方(供应商): 法定代表人: 住所地: 邮 编: 采购人决定与乙方签订本项目之合同。为进一步明确双方的责任,确保合同的顺利履行,根据现行有效法律、法规的规定,经甲乙双方充分协商,特订立本合同,以便共同遵守。
合 同. 包 1 合同模板: 合同各方: 甲方:[合同中心-采购单位名称] 乙方:[合同中心-供应商名称] 地址:[合同中心-采购单位所在地] 地址:[合同中心-供应商所在地] 邮政编码:[合同中心-采购人单位邮编] 邮政编码:[合同中心-供应商单位邮编] 电话:[合同中心-采购单位联系人电话] 电话:[合同中心-供应商联系人电话]
合 同. 此为框架合同,具体内容根据谈判内容以实际签订为准)
合 同. 合同编号: 甲方: 乙方: 甲乙双方根据《中华人民共和国民法典》及国家相关法律法规、询价采购结果,遵循平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用原则,经甲乙双方友好协商签署本合同:
合 同. 江苏科技大学(以下简称“甲方”)和 (以下简称“乙方”)同意按下述条款和条件签订本合同(以下简称“合同”):