Защита данных Sample Clauses

Защита данных. The Client acknowledges and accepts it will include said code and tags on its properties. Any data received by Criteo via said tags will be used Клиент признает и соглашается с включением указанного кода и тегов в свои ресурсы. Любая информация, полученная Criteo с помощью for performing the Criteo Services and enhancing the Criteo Technology. Criteo will and is entitled to collect and use such data in accordance with applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to laws governing privacy and data protection. указанных тегов, будет использована в рамках предоставления Услуг Criteo и усовершенствования Технологии Criteo. Criteo вправе осуществлять и будет осуществлять сбор и использование такой информации в соответствии с действующим законодательством и правовыми нормами, включая, помимо прочего, законы, регулирующие вопросы конфиденциальности и защиты данных. The Client undertakes to include on its properties: Клиент обязуется включить в настройки своих веб-сайтов:
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Защита данных. In the course of the operation of the Solution and of the supply of the Service EcoVadis will process personal data, as such terms are defined under Directive 95/46/CE of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. In connection with such processing, EcoVadis will employ adequate physical, administrative and technical controls to protect such data against their accidental or unlawful destruction, their accidental loss, alteration, disclosure, any unauthorized access, in particular over the Internet, as well as against any form of unlawful processing, in accordance with its Statement of Data Privacy, which can be found by clicking on the following link: xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/fr/legal-notice. При использовании Решения и предоставлении Услуги EcoVadis обрабатывает персональные данные, в соответствии с Директивой 95/46/ЕС от 24 октября 1995 года о защите физических лиц при обработке персональных данных и о свободном движении таких данных. При обработке персональных данных EcoVadis предпримет все необходимые технические и организационные меры для защиты таких данных от непроизвольного или незаконного уничтожения, случайной потери, искажения, распространения или несанкционированного доступа, в частности, в ходе передачи указанных данных через сеть Интернет, а также от любых видов незаконной обработки в соответствии с «Положениями о защите персональных данных», ознакомиться с которыми можно, перейдя по ссылке xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/fr/legal- notice.

Related to Защита данных

  • Rescission and Early Termination of Contract The Illinois Commerce Commission is considering rescission and early termination of contract regulations that may afford you opportunities within certain parameters to rescind or terminate your contract without incurring an early termination fee. In addition, your DSP’s tariff (which is on file with the Illinois Commerce Commission) may contain provisions regarding penalty-free rescission periods. DES will comply with all applicable provisions and regulations concerning rescission and early termination of contract. Shortly after your election to take service from DES, your DSP should provide you an enrollment notice informing you of any rescission rights you may have and the last day for making a request to rescind. If you rescind this Agreement within the timeframe specified by your DSP, your enrollment with DES will be cancelled without penalty to you. Upon rescission in accordance with applicable law, this Agreement will be considered cancelled and neither party shall have any further obligation hereunder to each other. If you do not rescind this Agreement, you still may terminate the Agreement without any termination fee or penalty within 10 business days after the date of the first xxxx issued to you under this Agreement by calling DES toll-free at 000-000-0000 to let DES know to terminate this Agreement. You may terminate a residential electric supply agreement in this manner only one time in any 12 month period. Upon termination, you will remain responsible for all obligations, including payment for Retail Power and related costs and charges, incurred under this Agreement prior to the effective date of termination, including any applicable termination fee.

  • – GENERAL PROVISIONS ON PAYMENTS II.16.1 Payments shall be made by the Commission in euro. Any conversion of actual costs into euro shall be made at the daily rate published in the Official Journal of the European Union or, failing that, at the monthly accounting rate established by the Commission and published on its website applicable on the day when the payment order is issued by the Commission, unless the Special Conditions of the agreement lay down specific provisions. Payments by the Commission shall be deemed to be effected on the date when they are debited to the Commission's account.

  • HOLIDAY PROVISIONS 16.1 The paid holidays are designated as:

  • General provisions applicable to payments The holder of a Global Note shall be the only person entitled to receive payments in respect of Notes represented by such Global Note and the Issuer will be discharged by payment to, or to the order of, the holder of such Global Note in respect of each amount so paid. Each of the persons shown in the records of Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg as the beneficial holder of a particular nominal amount of Notes represented by such Global Note must look solely to Euroclear or Clearstream, Luxembourg, as the case may be, for his share of each payment so made by the Issuer to, or to the order of, the holder of such Global Note. Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Condition, if any amount of principal and/or interest in respect of Notes is payable in U.S. dollars, such U.S. dollar payments of principal and/or interest in respect of such Notes will be made at the specified office of a Paying Agent in the United States if:

  • Provisions are severable Each of the terms and conditions of this agreement is severable and distinct from one another and if at any time any one or more of the terms and conditions of this agreement or any part thereof is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining provisions will not thereby be affected or impaired in any way.

  • Use of Accrued Leave During an Approved Period of Leave Without Pay.

  • Use of Funds Grantee shall expend funds under this Contract only for approved services and for reasonable and allowable expenses directly related to those services.

  • Pay Provisions An employee who serves on a safety and health committee shall receive his regular rate of pay for attending meetings of the Committee held during working hours and for investigations by the Safety Committee.

  • Limitation of Funds In no case shall the Government’s financial liability exceed the amount obligated under this Agreement.

  • Only Tenders alternative Tenders and discounts that are opened and read out at Tender opening shall be considered further for evaluation. The Form of Tender and pages of the Bills of Quantities are to be initialed by the members of the tender opening committee attending the opening. The number of representatives of the Procuring Entity to sign shall be specified in the TDS.

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