Evaluation Report The summary evaluation report shall be prepared by the Faculty Evaluation Committee and administrative evaluator(s) and shall include each evaluator’s individual rating. The summary evaluation report shall take into account the results of each of the evaluation components (Section 20.5.3) in order to arrive at an overall rating. When the committee and the administrative evaluator(s) cannot reach an agreement as to the overall rating, the report must include written explanation.
Evaluation Reports Where a formal evaluation of an employee's performance is carried out, the employee shall be provided with a copy to read and review. Provision shall be made on the evaluation form for an employee to sign it. The form shall provide for the employee's signature in two (2) places, one indicating that the employee has read and accepts the evaluation, and the other indicating that the employee disagrees with the evaluation. The employee shall sign in one of the places provided within seven (7) calendar days. No employee may initiate a grievance regarding the contents of an evaluation report unless the signature indicates disagreement with the evaluation. The employee shall receive a copy of the evaluation report at the time of signing. An evaluation report shall not be changed after an employee has signed it, without the knowledge of the employee, and any such changes shall be subject to the grievance procedure.
Submission of Audits and Financial Statements A. Audits Due the earlier of 30 days after receipt of the independent certified public accountant's report or nine months after the end of the fiscal year, Grantee shall submit electronically one copy of the single audit or program-specific audit to the System Agency via:
Inspection Report The Client and the Company agree that the Company, and its inspector(s), will prepare a written home inspection report which shall: