Break Between Shifts. Employees shall be given at least ten (10) hours rest between required shifts except in circumstances involving an emergency, as defined in Section 7.5.
Break Between Shifts. Eight (8) hours shall be the minimum break between an employee's finishing time and his following starting time, otherwise overtime rates shall prevail for the entire shift. This Clause shall not apply when an employee is bumping to the opposite shift.
Break Between Shifts. There shall be a minimum of eight (8) hours between regularly scheduled shifts for any employee. In those cases where a regular shift is scheduled less than eight (8) hours following completion of the last regular scheduled shift, an employee shall receive pay at the rate of two times (2X) the regular hourly rate inclusive of regular earnings for that portion of the period of rest which is less than eight (8) hours. An employee changing from one work shift to another work shift shall receive a rest period of not less than eight (8) hours between shifts. As a result of such change of shift, an employee shall not be scheduled to work two (2) shifts which begin on the same day.
Break Between Shifts. An employee will be entitled to a minimum break of 11 hours between finishing duty on one day and the resumption of ordinary duty.
Break Between Shifts. Employees are entitled to a break of at least 10 hours between shifts and will be stood down and paid as per their roster until a 10 hour break is achieved.
Break Between Shifts. IT Shiftworkers will have at least 8 hours off work between the cessation of an Evening or Night Shift and the commencement of a Day Shift.
Break Between Shifts. The Service agrees to make every effort to schedule at least 16 hours between changes in shifts, unless the parties agree locally to a lesser period.
Break Between Shifts. (a) An employee who has not had at least 8 consecutive hours off duty between completing work for the Company on one day and the commencement of work for the Company on the next day, will be released from work without the loss of pay until the emp loyee has had an 8 hour break.
(b) If the Company requires the employee to come back to work before having the 8 hour break, the employee will be paid at overtime rates for that complete shift.
(c) Where an employee works two shifts consecutively the 8 hour break between work provided for in accordance with clause 5.3 (a) and (b) above becomes 10 hours.
Break Between Shifts. (a) A minimum break of ten consecutive hours from the time the employee finishes work on one day and recommences work the following day.
(b) The period of 10 hours referred to in (a) will exclude travel time where an employee is required to undertake additional travel time in extraordinary circumstances. This does not apply to normal travel requirements while on tour.
(c) If this rest break cannot be arranged, the employee will receive payment at overtime rates for the period of shortfall. Provided that the minimum rest break does not apply to working arrangements while on tour.
Break Between Shifts. (a) An Employee will ordinarily be provided with a 10 hour break between the conclusion of work on one day and the commencement of work on the next day.
(b) If, on the instructions of NCRG, the Employee resumes or continues work without having had 10 hours off duty, the Employee will be paid at the rate of double their Base Rate of Pay until they are released from duty for such a period. The Employee is then entitled to be absent until they have had 10 consecutive hours off duty without loss of pay for ordinary working time occurring during such absence.