Abusing Policies. The Parks and Recreation Director and Director’s designee reserve the right to refuse any User applicant seeking to reserve any of the Facilities the privilege of using the Facilities based on such User applicant’s failure to comply with the policies of the City or such User applicant’s prior activities at any of the Facilities. In addition, any User applicant, or its successor, charged with a second occurrence of abuse may be barred from making any further reservations. If User violates any of the terms or conditions of the Reservation Application and Agreement, the City shall have the right to immediately terminate without notice or refund.
Abusing Policies. The Parks, Recreation & Arts Director and his/her designee reserve the right to effuse any group the privilege of Renting the Gazebo due to abusing policies of the Gazebo, park or city. In addition, any group charged with a second occurrence of abuse may be barred from making any further reservations. If Lessee violates any of the terms or conditions of the Agreement, the city shall have the right to immediately terminate without notice or refund.