DRUG POLICY Sample Clauses
DRUG POLICY. Contractor certifies that it maintains a drug free work place environment to ensure worker safety and workplace integrity. Contractor agrees to provide a copy of its drug free workplace policy at any time upon request by the State.
DRUG POLICY. In accordance with Federal law, the Ridgedale Local Board of Education prohibits the use, possession, concealment, or distribution of drugs by employees on school grounds, in school or school-approved vehicles, or at any school-related event. Drugs include any alcoholic beverage, anabolic steroid, dangerous controlled substance as defined by state statute or substance that could be considered as a “look-alike” controlled substance. Compliance with this policy is mandatory for all staff members. Any part-time or full-time employee who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, in accordance with due process, up to and including termination. When appropriate or required by law, the District will also notify law enforcement officials. The District is concerned about any staff member who is a victim of alcohol or drug abuse, and will facilitate the process by which he/she receives help through programs and services available in the community. A staff member should contact his/her supervisor or the Superintendent’s Office whenever such help is needed. All contact will be treated confidentially. Any staff member who is in need of help, and makes the request in writing, shall be permitted to use accumulated sick leave and enter a program as an “out” or “in” patient. The program shall be approved by the Board.
DRUG POLICY. 12.01 The use, possession, transportation, distribution, transfer, production, sale or trafficking of intoxicating beverages, legal, or illegal drugs or paraphernalia by any employee while on duty, while on Employer premises or in an Employer vehicle, or while on any show site at any time, is prohibited.
DRUG POLICY. The Union, in cooperation with the AMPD, shall administer a drug testing program covering all bargaining unit members employed by AMPD Employers and any other Employer signatory to this Agreement. To the extent that drug testing is required by an outside entity that employs our members as a condition for admission to their jobsite or facility or as a result of an accident, drug testing will be accepted without question. In addition, the Union and AMPD will also institute drug testing for “cause” as determined by a mutual agreement of both parties. If both parties are not in agreement on a request by either party, drug testing of a member will not be performed. In the case of an outside entity, the testing will be paid for by the Employer or the entity requesting the test. When testing is mutually agreed upon by the signatory contractor and the Union, the cost will be split by the parties. Results of these tests will be confidential between the designees of the Union and the Contractor requesting the testing. If an Employee who is identified for testing refuses to comply, they will be deemed to have tested positive. Any member who tests positive may not return to work for any signatory Employer until they have made arrangements and/or enrolled in a self-help program through ATAP.
DRUG POLICY. Niles City Schools complies with the Ohio Bureau of Worker’s Compensation Drug Free Safety Policy as distributed.
DRUG POLICY. Comply with WAIS' Anti-Doping policy.
DRUG POLICY. No employee shall unlawfully possess, use or distribute illicit drugs (including marijuana) or alcohol on school premises or at any place where school activities are held. Disciplinary sanctions will be imposed on employees who violate this provision. In the event of employee possession or use, the sanctions will, as a first step, be the referral to a rehabilitation program. In other circumstances, including possession for distribution, sanctions may include referral to and completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program, suspension and/or termination.
DRUG POLICY. The Boarding Person shall not carry on or bring into any illegal drugs YOKOSUKA or shall not use such drugs on board. In case where the possession of illegal drugs on board is detected or the use of such drugs on board is detected by testing or otherwise possession, the Boarding Person agrees that the Master is entitled to forfeit the drugs and others from the Boarding Person, to store and manage the same or dispose of/ destroy/rendering innocuous the same and shall, without raising any objection, immediately disembarkation. The Boarding Person also agrees to bear all the costs related to the above disposal or disembarkation including costs, for ferries and others to arise.
DRUG POLICY. 18.01 The Parties recognize the problems that drug and alcohol abuse have created in the construction industry and the need to develop drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs. Accordingly, the Parties agree that in order to enhance the safety of the workplace and to maintain a drug/alcohol free work environment. All testing is at the employer’s expense. The Union recognizes the employer’s drug and safety policies. The employer may do random drug testing for all employees for reasonable suspicion of Drug or alcohol use on the jobsite.
DRUG POLICY. The St. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Academy Policy indicates that no student shall use in anyplace at school: Narcotics, Alcoholic beverages, Drugs, and Counterfeit or Look-Alike Drugs Tobacco No student shall wear, carry or bring drug paraphernalia to school or school events. A student shall not possess and shall not receive, buy, use, transmit, sell or be under the influence of any narcotic drug, hallucinogenic drug, amphetamine, barbiturate, marijuana, alcoholic beverage, controlled substance, any illegal mind-altering substance, inhalant or intoxicant of any kind or any counterfeit controlled substance. A counterfeit controlled substance is any substance that is made to look like a controlled substance or that a student believes to be a controlled substance. A student shall not buy, sell, transfer or use any drug, medication, inhalant or other substance which can be taken.