Accepting the Card Sample Clauses

Accepting the Card a. By choosing to enter into this Agreement, you agree to accept American Express Cards as payment for goods and services sold at your Establishments in the United Kingdom and agree to provide such goods and services to the Cardmember in accordance with any terms (express or implied) relating to the provision of such goods and services and applying between you and the Cardmember. b. Whenever you communicate the payment methods you accept to customers, you must indicate your acceptance of American Express Cards and display our Marks according to our guidelines. c. You must not at any time: (i) criticise or mischaracterise the Card or any of our services or programmes; (ii) engage in marketing, promotional or other activities that harm our business or brand; (iii) require Cardmembers to waive their rights to dispute a Charge as a condition to acceptance of the Card; or (iv) require Cardmembers to provide personal information as a condition to acceptance of the Card. d. You must not accept the Card for: (i) damages, losses, penalties, or fines of any kind; (ii) costs or fees over the normal price of your goods or services (plus applicable taxes) or Charges that Cardmembers have not specifically approved; (iii) overdue amounts, or amounts covering returned or stop-payment cheques; (iv) gambling services (including online gambling), gambling chips, gambling credits or lottery tickets; (v) adult content sold via Digital Delivery Transactions; (vi) cash; (vii) sales made by third parties or entities conducting business in industries other than yours; (viii) amounts that do not represent bona fide sales of goods or services at your Establishments, e.g. purchases by your owners (or their family members) or employees contrived for cash flow purposes; (ix) illegal business transactions, or goods or services for which the provision is illegal under laws applicable to us, you, or the Cardmember (e.g., illegal online/internet sales of prescription medications; sales of any goods that infringe the rights of a Rights-holder); or (x) other items of which we notify you from time to time. e. You agree to inform us immediately should a point of sale terminal no longer accept or process the Card efficiently.
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Accepting the Card. 4.1. By choosing to enter into this agreement, You agree to accept American Express Cards as payments for goods and services sold at Your Establishments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and agree to provide such goods and services to the Cardmember in accordance with any terms (express or implied) relating to the provision of such goods and services between You and the Cardmember.
Accepting the Card. 4.1. By choosing to enter into this Agreement, you agree to accept American Express Cards as payments for good and services sold at your Establishments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and agree to provide such goods and services to the Cardmember in accordance with any terms (express or implied) relating to the provision of such goods and services and applying between you and the Cardmember. 4.2. Whenever you communicate the payment methods you accept to customers, you must indicate your acceptance of American Express Cards and display our Marks accordingly to our guidelines and as prominently and in the same manner as any other payment products, except: (i) Your own-branded card that is issued by You; and (ii) Your own branded in store credit or finance products. 4.3. You must not at any time: 4.3.1. Discourage Cardmembers from or persuade them against using the American Express Card; 4.3.2. Criticize or mischaracterize the American Express Card or the Card service in any way; 4.3.3. Engage in marketing promotional or other activities that harm our business or brand; 4.3.4. Require Cardmembers to waive their rights to dispute a Charge as a condition to acceptance of the Card; or 4.3.5. Persuade the Cardmember to use any other credit, charge or debit card or service. 4.4. You shall not accept the Card as a payment method in relation to any of the following: 4.4.1. Gambling goods or services; 4.4.2. Pornographic goods or services; 4.4.3. Goods or services for which the provision thereof is illegal (e.g. drug trafficking or alcohol); 4.4.4. Sales where the amount charged does not correspond with the value of the goods or services purchased or rendered; 4.4.5. Sales made by third parties or entities conducting business in industries other than yours; 4.4.6. Sales where you know, or ought to know, that the goods or services will be resold i. e. not for the personal use of the Cardmember; 4.4.7. Dispensation of cash; 4.4.8. Damages, penalties, fines, charges, costs or fees of any kind which are in addition to the value of the Charge for the goods or services originally purchased or rendered; 4.4.9. An amount that does not represent a bona fide sale of goods or services at your Establishment; or 4.4.10. Goods, services or commercial transactions which are prohibited under Sharia Law. 4.5. You agree to inform us immediately should a point of sale terminal no longer accepts or processes the Card efficiently.
Accepting the Card. 4.1. By choosing to enter into this agreement, You agree to accept American Express Cards aS paymentS for goodS and SerViceS Sold at Your EStabliShmentS in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and agree to provide such goods and services to the Cardmember in accordance With any termS (expreSS or implied) relating to the proViSion of Such goodS and services between You and the Cardmember. 4.2. Whenever You communicate the payment methods You accept to customers, You muSt indicate Your acceptance of American ExpreSS CardS and diSplay Our MarkS accordingly to Our guidelines and as prominently and in the same manner as any other payment productS, except: (i) Your oWn-branded Card that iS iSSued by You. (ii) Your .ulũĜ lpĖ İŁŝŻ "ķloĜ ¿ƍİĖ ţlaĜdl ëżiŝĜ ëbĸl9Ė ëżiƍµï£lŅl ëōř›oll ŞŻµb jŐ öżřioll ěЛolaoll" ëżi9Ĵï2ŤИl ëōřxũŤl gŻĴb jz öżř¡ũŤl ëLŨlaũŤl eĖ İŁŝŻ "ëżiƍµï£lŅl ëōř›oll ŞŻµb jŐ qŘİll" ū92Ĝ9 rëżi9Ĵï2ŤИl ëōřxũŤl gż!aĜ gŻĴb jz öżř¡ũŤl ëLŨlaũŤl 9Ĭ ulũĜ ū9İĖ (lŁĜdl ëż¡ŝĜ ëaĸl9Ė ëũżŝŤl jŨ ëŻ9đŨ ë!Ĺi (I) 52ļ żĬťŻ9 ëŜla!Ťl (9!Ŝ Ĵżōi olńlŝïi źżŤl XX!ũŤl eĖ İŁŝŻ "aażll" 9Ĭ Ŷ92ļ 9Ĭ ë!ŤlaŨ lp¡z ťĽi (lp¡Ũ 2jĤ 9Ĭ) ë¡ŻİŨ s9żŜ źĬ lpĖ İŁŝŻ "lgż2Ő ŏjliïoll ëiŻİoll s9żŝll" .oǙzĬ "aażll" çLaŁŨ ŚŻĴaĜ ŽŘ sİxũŤl p¡aũŤl eŤ ū92Ż "aażll ţİ' ao" ŶĴĬИl Œż!Ťl blŝi ëŘlS9 ëżi9Ĵï2ŤИl ŒŜl9ũŤl9 żŘl¡ũŤl9 ĴĤlïũŤl9 ŒŜl9ũŤl ëŘlS lpĖ İŁŝŻ "ëĹĸėoll" ŢŤı 5ũĽŻ9 rělŨİĭŤl9 ŒLĹŤl ŒżĖ ŽŘ ëřLïĭŨ ựżŤlĸĬ Œ!ïĜ ŽïŤl9 ëaĖlïŤl a2ĜlSĴĽŤ9 a2Ť ëaĖlïŤl ŽŘ "ëżŨİĭŤl ëĹĸ9ũŤl" 9Ĭ "ĴĤlïŤl" ŎřLĖ lilżĨĬ lpżŤl ijlĽŻ) 5!ŝïĹũŤl ŽŘ lœ9¡!ïĜ ŽïŤl ựżŤlĸИl jlĴĖl (ǙĬ jŨ ŶĴĥĜƿ ŽïŤl ë¡ŻİũŤl s9żŝŤl lpĖ İŁŝŻ "ëŜlbėll ŧlİżïĸlĖ lżażļ öżřioll ëiŻİoll s9żŝll" ū9İĖ (lŁĜdl ëż¡ŝĜ ëaĸl9Ė ëżi9Ĵï2ŤИl ëōřxũŤl gŻĴb jz öżř¡ũŤl ěǙŨlaũŤl ëŤlĨ ŽŘ r9Ĭ ëŜla!Ťl .ŽĜlżŤl ŒŘİŤl öjpĤĬ ëaĸl9Ė żř¡Ĝƿ ŽïŤl ë¡ŻİũŤl s9żŝŤl 5ũĽĜ9 rŒż!Ťl ëaŝi ŽŘ (9ũxũŤl jlpĥŤl rulũĜ ŽŘ Ži9Ĵï2ŤИl ŒŘİŤl ělilżĖ pLz (9ŁxŤl eŤǙĬ jŨ aïŻ źżŤl jlpĥŤl eĖ İŁŝŻ "(POS) qżėll ëbŝi jlgĤ" 9Ĭ ëŨİĭŤl ělŨǙz 9Ĭ gla¡Ťl 2lũĸĬ 9Ĭ ělijlaĽŤl 9Ĭ 2lũĸИl lpĖ İŁŝŻ "ëŻjlĥïll (ěloЛall) ëoЛall" ƿ ƿ ƿ żżř¡Ĝ9 pŻĴ!ĹSl ūl2ŻĴŨĬ ë2!ĽĖ (lŁĜdlĖ ëalĭŤl ěl!LaïũŤl ëz9ũĥŨ lpĖ İŁŝŻ "ělřal9oll" j2ũŻ9 rl¡Ť ěǙŨlaũŤl aŻİŝĜ9 ņŻ9řïŤl pLz (9ŁxŤl ëżLũz ŢŤı 5ũĽŻ9 rëżi9Ĵï2ŤИl ěǙŨlaũŤl .l¡Ũ lp!LaĖ 9Ĭ l¡aŜ9Ũ pLz lpżLz ŏǙbdl jżLŝïĹŨ jŻĴŁ¡z pLz İũïaŻ źżŤl gŝxïŤl ŧlōi eĖ İŁŝŻ "ëŜlbėll 9ŅŐ jo ŧjlall Şŝ›ïll ŧlōi" 9Ĭ jżïđŘ jũń Ĵal¡aŤl ģijİ¡Ĝ9 rĴĬǚl XX¡aŤl ūlŨĬ pLz İĨl9 XX¡aŤ Ž¡ŨĬ gĴĬ źĬ Ĵz9Ż d ǚżxĖ ĴıSĬ 9Ĭ Ŷ9ĸ İĨĬ e2LũŻ d 2Žļ (7)9 ëŜla!Ťl 9Ņz ŶİŤ bŝŘ ëŘ9ĴaŨ ū92Ĝ ëŨ9LaŨ (I) :뿍lïŤl ělđřŤl jŨ ĴıSĬ .7rIro İ¡!Ťl ŽŘ sİx...
Accepting the Card 

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  • Right to Refuse Unsafe Work Employees have the right to refuse to perform unsafe work pursuant to the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations of the Workers Compensation Act.

  • Jury Service 46.1 Subject to this clause, Employees are entitled to leave and payment for jury service in accordance with the NES and the Juries Act 2000 (VIC). 46.2 An Employee (other than a casual Employee) called for jury service during ordinary working hours will be reimbursed by the Employer an amount equal to the difference between the amount paid by the Court and the amount of Ordinary Rate he/she would have received for the ordinary time hours for which the Employee’s attendance at the Court was required up to a maximum of 10 days’ pay. 46.3 The Employee will provide the Employer with proof of attendance, duration of attendance and amount received in respect thereof.

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