ACTIONS REQUIRED BY THE BIDDER AT THE BIDDING. STAGE AND BEFORE AWARD State Adverse Interest ActWhere required, fully disclose any potential conflict with the State Adverse Interest Act as State Advisor or State Consultant. If there is no adverse interest, certify as such. Professional Services Involvement Restrictions – Where required, indicate that involvement in such firms can be avoided, neutralized, or mitigated by completing the following:


  • DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE BID 13.1 The bid to be prepared by the bidder shall comprise: (a) Duly filled-in the Form of Bid and Appendix to form of bid; (b) Bid security; (c) Priced Bills of Quantities; (d) Schedules of information (e) Qualification criteria (f) Any other materials required to be completed and submitted in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders embodied in these bidding documents. 13.2 These Forms, Bills of Quantities and Schedules provided in these bidding documents shall be used without exception (subject to extensions of the Schedules in the same format).

  • NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATION In accordance with Section 139-d of the State Finance Law, if this contract was awarded based upon the submission of bids, Contractor affirms, under penalty of perjury, that its bid was arrived at independently and without collusion aimed at restricting competition. Contractor further affirms that, at the time Contractor submitted its bid, an authorized and responsible person executed and delivered to the State a non-collusive bidding certification on Contractor's behalf.

  • For E-bidding The auctioneer and the Bank’s solicitor shall sign all 5 copies of contract first, right after the auction. The successful E-bidder must to come to the ESZAM AUCTIONEER SDN BHD main office in Seremban to sign the Contract of Sale within two (2) working days after the auction date.

  • Required Certifications A bidder who makes a false certification on the Bidder Certification of the Prequalification Classification and Work Capacity Form will be subject to forfeiture of his bid bond and/or disqualification from bidding on future work for a 90 day period, or both. The Contracting Officer will determine the imposition and the extent of such sanctions. A sworn statement shall be executed by the bidder or his agent on behalf of each person, firm, association, or corporation submitting a bid. The statement shall certify that the person, firm, association, or corporation has not, either directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, or otherwise taken any action to restrain free competitive bidding in connection with the proposal. The sworn statement shall be part of the bid or in the form of an affidavit and shall be sworn to before a person who is authorized by the laws of the State to administer oaths. The bids shall contain the identical sworn statement. For the purpose of this Section, affixing digital ID to the bid will be considered by the Department conditional evidence of signing before a person who is authorized by the laws of the Commonwealth to administer oaths. The original of the sworn statement shall be filed with the Department when the bid is submitted.

  • Order Confirmation All TIPS Member Agreement purchase orders are approved daily by TIPS and sent to vendor. The vendor should confirm receipt of orders to the TIPS Member (customer) within 3 business days. • Vendor custom website for TIPS: If Vendor is hosting a custom TIPS website, updated pricing when effective. TIPS shall be notified when prices change in accordance with the award.

  • Required Certification Contractor must include with any request for reimbursement from the JBE a certification that Contractor is not seeking reimbursement for costs incurred to assist, promote, or deter union organizing. If Contractor incurs costs or makes expenditures to assist, promote or deter union organizing, Contractor will maintain records sufficient to show that no reimbursement from the JBE was sought for these costs, and Contractor will provide those records to the Attorney General upon request.

  • THE BIDDING 6.1 Each new bid shall not be less than the immediately preceding bid. 6.2 All increments in the bids shall be not less than the incremental amount as fixed by the Auctioneer at the Auction Sale. 6.3 The Auctioneer shall have the right to refuse any bid. 6.4 A bid once made shall not be withdrawn. 6.5 If any dispute should arise as to any bidding, the Property shall at the option of the Auctioneer be put up again for sale at the last undisputed bidding price and the Auctioneer shall at the Auction Sale decide on the dispute and such decision by Auctioneer shall be final. 6.6 Subject to the Reserve Price, the highest bidder for the Property at the Auction Sale shall be declared by the Auctioneer to be the purchaser (`the Purchaser’). 6.7 Each bid will be called for 3 times, “First Calling, “Second Calling”, “Final Call”. Bidders may submit their bid at any of these stages of biddings. 6.8 When the system display “No more bids”, no further bids will be accepted by the Auctioneer, whether on-site or through the Auctioneer’s website. 6.9 The bidder with the highest bid shall be declared as successful bidder upon the fall of hammer. No bid shall be less than the previous bid and each bid shall be increased by a minimum amount to be determined by the Auctioneer at the time the Property is put up for sale and no bidding shall be withdrawn or retracted. Should there be any withdrawal or retraction from the registered bidder(s) or the highest bidder before or after the fall of the hammer, the bidding deposit (“Bidding Deposit”) shall be forfeited to the Assignee/Bank and the Property shall be at the option of the Auctioneer be put up for sale again or the Auctioneer may decide to adjourn the auction sale to another date. For online bidders please refer to the Terms & Conditions on for the manner of payment of the same.

  • E-Bidders intending to authorize any person to execute the Memorandum/Contract of Sale upon successful bidding of the property shall do so by furnishing the following documents to the Auctioneer: a. The person’s NRIC copy (front and back); and b. A copy of the relevant Letter of Authorization.

  • NON-COLLUSIVE BIDDING CERTIFICATE By submission of this bid or proposal, the Bidder certifies that: 1) This bid or proposal has been independently arrived at without collusion with any other Bidder or with any Competitor; 2) This bid or proposal has not been knowingly disclosed and will not be knowingly disclosed, prior to the opening of bids, or proposals for this project, to any other Bidder, Competitor or potential competitor: 3) No attempt has been or will be made to induce any other person, partnership or corporation to submit or not to submit a bid or proposal; 4) The person signing this bid or proposal certifies that he has fully informed himself regarding the accuracy of the statements contained in this certification, and under the penalties being applicable to the Bidder as well as to the person signing in its behalf. Not a negotiable term. Failure to agree will render your proposal non-responsive and it will not be considered. You may find the Blank CIQ form on our website at: Copy and Paste the following link into a new browser or tab: xxxxx:// There is an optional upload for this form provided if you have a conflict and must file the form. If you have a conflict of interest as described in this form or the Local Government Code Chapter 176, cited therein- you are required to complete and file with TIPS. Do you have any CONFLICT OF INTEREST TO REPORT OR DISCLOSE under this statutory requirement? YES or NO No If yes (above), have you filed a form CIQ by uploading the form to this RFP as directed above?

  • Requirements for E- Bidders 3.1. For Individual/ Joint E-Bidders, the following documents shall be uploaded during online registration; 3.1.1. Copy of Identification Documents (both sides) 3.1.2. Evidence of deposit payment 3.2. For Agent acting for Individual/ Joint Online Bidders, the following documents shall be uploaded during online registration; 3.2.1. Copy of Identification Documents (both sides) of Individual/ Joint Online Bidder 3.2.2. Copy of Identification Documents (both sides) of Agent 3.2.3. Copy of letter of authorization to bid 3.2.4. Evidence of deposit payment 3.3. For Company, the following documents shall be uploaded during online registration: 3.3.1. Copy of Identification Documents (both sides) of the representative. 3.3.2. Copy of letter of authorization to bid under the Company’s Letter Head 3.3.3. Form 24; Form 44; Form 49 (or their equivalent forms under the Companies Act 2016)