Measurement and Payment. Temporary traffic control work, including, but not limited to installation and removal of portable signs, cones, drums, skinny drums, flaggers, AFAD’s, changeable message boards, truck mounted attenuators, flashing arrow boards, and pilot vehicles will be paid at the contract lump sum price for
Measurement and Payment. Incidental Stone Base will be measured and paid in accordance with Article 545-6 of the 2012 Standard Specifications.
Measurement and Payment. Payment for all items for this project shall be by the unit price as stated herein Exhibit C. The estimated quantities on the Proposal form are for determination of the lowest cost for the Work. The City reserves the right to increase or decrease quantities shown on the Proposal to stay within the amount budgeted by the City. No claims for extra compensation due to increased or decreased quantities shall be considered. Contractor shall submit all final quantities to the City within one month after completion of the Work.
Measurement and Payment. Asphalt Surface Treatment: Fog Seal will be measured and paid at the contract unit price per square yard. Payment at the above price will be made for replacing any satisfactorily completed asphalt surface treatment when such replacement has been made necessary by defects in subgrade or base constructed by others.
Measurement and Payment. The Engineer will measure each SWPPP inspection performed in compliance with this specification. The Engineer will measure each Water Pollution Control Manager (WPCM). Each is defined as each calendar week (Sunday-Saturday) that the Contractor provides a WPCM according to subsection 901.3.d. Each week will be measured only once, regardless of the number of site visits or time spent performing WPCM duties for that week. The Engineer will measure SWPPP design for payment as a lump sum upon the Area Engineer’s approval. All revisions or updates to the SWPPP shall be subsidiary. The Engineer will assess disincentives under the bid item "Stormwater Compliance Disincentive Assessment" by the Lump Sum. 12-18-15 C&M (JVN) Apr-16 Letting Use this form only when s t o rmwater d i sch arge and control r esp on s ibi l i t y fo r t h e en tire p ermitted area will b e jo in t l y h e ld b y ad din g an owner/operator to an existing Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) authorized permit. Submission of the Request for Joint Owner/Operator (RJOO) constitutes notice of a request for joint authorization for coverage with KDOT under the Kansas Water Pollution Control General Permit, or KDHE issued successor permits, issued for discharge of Stormwater Runoff from Construction Activities in the State of Kansas. Completion o f this RJOO does not provide automatic coverage under the general permit to the added owner/operator. Coverage is provided and discharge permitted for the joint owners/operators when the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) authorizes the Request for Joint Owner/Operator. TO CONTINUE COVERAGE, KDOT AND THE ADDED OWNER/ OP ERATOR MUST CONTINUE TO IMPLEMENT THE STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN DEVELOPED FOR THE PERMITTED AREA AND KDOT CONTINUES TO PAY THE ANNUAL PERMIT FEE. Submission of this RJOO to KDHE does not relinquish the KDOT’s authorization to discharge stormwater runoff from construction activity at the site described herein. Completion of this RJOO does not automatically relieve KDOT of any civil, criminal and/or administrative penalties. To be considered complete, the RJOO must be signed by the added owner/operator and KDOT or a duly authorized representative of the added owner/operator, and must include the permit number assigned to the construction site. KDHE will notify KDOT and the added Owner/ Operator when the RJOO is incomplete, deficient or denied. TO BE COMPLETED BY THE ADDED OWNER/OPERATOR: I hereby confirm that ...
Measurement and Payment. 90-1 MEASUREMENT OF QUANTITIES. All work completed under the contract will be measured by the Engineer, or his/her authorized representatives, using United States Customary Units of Measurement. The method of measurement and computations to be used in determination of quantities of material furnished and of work performed under the contract will be those methods generally recognized as conforming to good engineering practice. Unless otherwise specified, longitudinal measurements for area computations will be made horizontally, and no deductions will be made for individual fixtures (or leave-outs) having an area of 9 square feet or less. Unless otherwise specified, transverse measurements for area computations will be the neat dimensions shown on the plans or ordered in writing by the Engineer. Structures will be measured according to neat lines shown on the plans or as altered to fit field conditions. Unless otherwise specified, all contract items which are measured by the linear foot such as electrical ducts, conduits, pipe culverts, underdrains, and similar items shall be measured parallel to the base or foundation upon which such items are placed. In computing volumes of excavation the average end area method or other acceptable methods will be used. The thickness of plates and galvanized sheet used in the manufacture of corrugated metal pipe, metal plate pipe culverts and arches, and metal cribbing will be specified and measured in decimal fraction of inches.
Measurement and Payment. The cement wash shall be measured in m2 (sq. feet) of the surface to which the wash is given. Cement wash will be paid by the contract unit price which shall include the cost, conveyance, storing of materials and shall include full compensation for all operations described in the specifications, mixing, curing, etc., and for furnishing all labour, tools, necessary for the proper execution of the work.
Measurement and Payment. Materials as governed by the specifications will not be measured for payment nor paid for as separate items, but the cost shall be considered as included in the price paid for the relevant contract item.of work.
Measurement and Payment. 1. Perform measurement and documentation of quantities on appropriate forms and in accordance with appropriate specifications and bid item descriptions.
2. Prepare progress payments by established deadlines.
3. Monitor Materials on Hand and provide for payment in monthly progress payments
4. Develop Change Orders as appropriate for Payment of Extra Work
5. Monitor Contractor’s compliance with contract provisions related to payments to subproviders
Measurement and Payment. The plastering snail be measured in m2 (square feet) of the Surface plastered. Plastering will be paid for at the contract unit price which shall include the cost, conveyance and storing of materials and shall include full compensation for all operations described in the specification, mixing, mortar, plastering, curing and for furnishing all labour, tools necessary for the proper execution of the work.