Adjustment of Plan Benefits. The benefits provided under the Plan established pursuant to the Sickness Agreement (“SSB Plan”) shall be adjusted as provided in Paragraph (b) so as to provide the same benefits as those provided under the October 1, 2007 agreement between the Xxxxxx Division of the Transportation Communications Union and the National Carriers’ Conference Committee.
Adjustment of Plan Benefits. (a) Benefits shall be provided under the Plan established pursuant to the Sickness Agreement as set forth in paragraph (b) so as to restore the same ratio of benefits to rates of pay as existed on December 31, 1999 under the terms of that Agreement.
(b) Section 4 of the Sickness Agreement shall be revised as follows: Class I Employees Earning Per Hour $17.36 or more Per Month $3,021 or more (as of December 31, 1999) Class II Employees Earning $16.03 or more $2,789 or more, (as of December 31, 1999) but less than $17.36 but less than $3,021 Class III Employees Earning (as of December 31, 1999) Less than $16.03 Less than $2,789 Basic and Maximum Amount Per Month Classification Basic RUIA Maximum Class I $992 $1,044 $2,036 Class II $873 $1,044 $1,917 Class III $738 $1,044 $1,782 Combined Benefit Limit Class I $2,185 Class II $2,054 Class III $1,911
Adjustment of Plan Benefits. (a) Benefits shall be provided under the Plan established pursuant to the Sickness Agreement as set forth in paragraph (b) so as to restore the same ratio of benefits to rates of pay as existed on December 31, 1999 under the terms of that Agreement.
(b) Section 4 of the Sickness Agreement shall be revised as follows: Class I Employees Earning Per Hour $17.36 or more Per Month $3,021 or more (as of December 31, 1999) Class II Employees Earning $16.03 or more $2,789 or more, (as of December 31, 1999) but less than $17.36 but less than $3,021 Class III Employees Earning (as of December 31, 1999) Less than $16.03 Less than $2,789 Basic and Maximum Amount Per Month Classification Basic RUIA Maximum Class I $992 $1,044 $2,036 Class II $873 $1,044 $1,917 Class III $738 $1,044 $1,782 Combined Benefit Limit Class I $2,185 Class II $2,054 Class III $1,911 Section 2 - Adjustment of Plan Benefits During Agreement Term Effective December 31, 2004, the benefits provided under the Plan shall be adjusted so as to restore the same ratio of benefits to rates of pay as existed on the effective date of this Article.
Adjustment of Plan Benefits. (a) The benefits provided under the Plan established pursuant to the Sickness Agreement shall be adjusted as provided in paragraph (b) so as to restore the same ratio of benefits to rates of pay as existed for the period July 1, 1991 through December 31, 1994 under the terms of that Agreement. Enactment of the agreed-upon RUIA legislation shall not cause the ratio of benefits to rates of pay to differ from that which existed for the period July 1, 1991 through December 31, 1994.
(b) Section 4 of the Sickness Agreement shall be revised as follows: Per Hour Per Month Class I Employees Earning $15.39 or more $2,678 or more (as of 12/31/94) Class II Employees Earning $12.57 or more $2,187 or more (as of 12/31/94) but less than $15.39 but less than $2,678 Class III Employees Earning (as of 12/31/94) Less than $12.57 Less than $2,187 Basic and Maximum Benefit Amount Per Month Classification Basic RUIA Maximum Class I $982 $783 $1,765 Class II $786 $783 $1,569 Class III $617 $783 $1,400 Combined Benefit Limit Classification Maximum Monthly Amount Class I $1,893 Class II $1,681 Class III $1,500
Adjustment of Plan Benefits. (a) The benefits provided under the Plan established pursuant to the Sickness Agreement shall be adjusted as provided in paragraph (b) so as to restore the same ratio of benefits to rates of pay as existed on December 31, 2004 under the terms of Article VI, Document “B” of the August 20, 2002 National UTU Agreement.
(b) Section 4 of the Sickness Agreement shall be revised to read as follows:
Adjustment of Plan Benefits. Benefits shall be provided under the Plan established pursuant to the Sickness Agreement as set forth in paragraph (b) so as to restore the same ratio of benefits to rates of pay as existed on December 31, 1999 under the terms of that Agreement.