Adoption of the agenda. The agenda was adopted without changes.
Adoption of the agenda. 2.1 An agenda was adopted by the meeting (ANNEX 3).
Adoption of the agenda. 37. The Meeting adopted the following agenda, on the basis of the provisional agenda contained in document AEWA/MOP1.1/Rev.1:
Adoption of the agenda. 4. The Chair recalled that a short Agenda had been posted on the AEWA website. The main purpose of the meeting was to elect Standing Committee officers for the coming triennium and emphasized that ideally there should be a regional rotation. Agenda item 3. Election of Officers to Fill the Posts of Chair and Vice-Chair of the Standing Committee for the Triennium 2019-2021
Adoption of the agenda. The agenda was approved as presented and the Chairman informed that an item would be included under "Other business" to address the AIDCP rules of operation.
Adoption of the agenda. The meeting will be invited to adopt its agenda on the basis of the provisional agenda.
Adoption of the agenda. At the commencement of each PSC meeting, subject to Rule 12, and following the election of officers as required under Rule 14, the PSC shall adopt the agenda for the meeting on the basis of the prov isional agenda.
Adoption of the agenda. The provisional agenda was approved as presented.