Committee Officers. The Committee members shall elect a Chairperson and a Secretary from the Committee members. One of the officers must be an Employer (Department/SF MTA) member; the other an Employee (Union Representative) member. The officers shall serve no less than one (1) year and no more than two (2) years without a contested secret ballot election.
Committee Officers. The Board will appoint the Chair and Vice-Chair of each committee. The Committee Chair or Vice-Chair will preside over all meetings of the committee and will report recommendations of the committee to the Board of Directors. The Chair and Vice-Chair will be responsible for informing the Board regarding minority opinions and other information required by the Board along with overall committee recommendations. Whenever the committee elects to form a subcommittee to represent regions or address specific tasks, the Chair (or in the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair) will have the power to appoint the members of such subcommittee from both members of the committees and non-members. Upon resignation of the Committee Chair, the Vice Chair shall serve as Chair until the Board appoints a replacement. Upon resignation of the Vice Chair, the Chair may appoint a temporary Vice Chair to serve until the Board appoints a replacement. Upon resignation of both the Chair and Vice Chair, the Chair of the Board may appoint one or more temporary replacements to serve until the Board appoints permanent replacements.
Committee Officers. The chairperson shall be elected by a simple majority of the MPDC members. Additional officers may be selected at the discretion of the committee and/or the chairperson with those duties established in the MPDC bylaws.
Committee Officers. The chairperson shall be elected by a simple majority of the Master Teacher Committee members. Additional officers may be selected at the discretion of the committee and/or the chairperson with those duties established in the Master Teacher Committee Bylaws.
Committee Officers. At its initial August meeting the LPDC shall elect a teacher and an administrator to serve as co-chairs to serve a one-year term. A secretary will be elected to serve a one year term.
(a) The responsibilities of the co-chairs are to conduct LPDC meetings, communicate information to the members of the LPDC, represent the LPDC at meetings of other stakeholder organizations and ensure vacancies on the LPDC are filled in accord with the selection guidelines.
(b) It is the responsibility of the secretary to maintain and distribute minutes of action taken during LPDC meetings, make public a notice of the LPDC meeting schedule and notify applicants of acceptance/resubmission/denial status of individual professional development plans and/or proposals for credit.
Committee Officers. At its first regular meeting following the member towns’ annual elections, or as soon after the annual elections as new members can be sworn in by their respective town clerks, the Committee will elect from its membership a chairperson and a vice chairperson. Both the chairperson and vice chairperson will hold their respective offices for a term of one year or until a successor is elected. The Superintendent of Schools will call to order this annual organizational meeting and conduct the election of a chairperson. A majority of Committee members will constitute a quorum. The election will proceed as follows: Nominations for the office of chairperson will be made from the floor by another member of the Committee without the need to be seconded. The chairperson will be elected by a majority roll call vote of the members present and voting. If no nominee receives a majority vote, the election will be declared null and void and nominations will be reopened. Upon election, the new chairperson will preside, calling for the election of a vice chairperson using the same procedures. The Committee will also appoint a treasurer who will not be a member of the Committee, and the Committee will also appoint a secretary who may or may not be a member of the Committee. Following selection of officers at its organizational meeting, the Committee may proceed into such regular or special business as scheduled on the agenda.
Committee Officers. Co-Chairpersons: The Committee shall have two Chairpersons selected from among committee members; one representing management and the other representing non-management. The employee members will select one of the chairpersons and the employer members will select the other. The Chairpersons will alternate every meeting. In the event only one chairperson is present at the meeting, he or she will chair the meeting. The responsibility of the co-chairperson is to conduct the meeting in an orderly manner and have full knowledge of the agenda. The chairperson must ensure that the agenda is prepared and distributed prior to the meeting. The Chairpersons must be impartial, he/she must keep the discussion to the point yet encourage full participation. The Chairpersons should ensure prompt follow-up of items pertaining to the committee through contact with those with the authority to implement the decisions/recommendations. The term of the Chairpersons will be re-evaluated at the first Policy Committee meeting each year.
Committee Officers. The Executive Committee shall bi-annually, no later than its May regular or special meeting, select one of its members to serve as Chairperson and presiding officer of the Committee and one of its members to serve as Vice-Chairperson for a two-year term. The term of such Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson shall commence on July 1st. If a new Chairperson and/or Vice-Chairperson is not selected by the Executive Committee prior to July 1st of an expiring term, the sitting Chairperson and Vice- Chairperson shall serve until such time as his/her successor has been selected by the Executive Committee. The permanent secretary of the Executive Committee shall be the Director of the Cooperative. The Secretary shall ensure that the procedures followed by the Committee and the notice, scheduling and minutes of its meetings are proper and lawful. Regular meeting dates shall be as determined by the Executive Committee, special meetings may be called by the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson or any three members of the Executive Committee.
Committee Officers. Each committee shall select by Majority Vote one of its members to serve as Chair and one of its members to serve as Vice Chair. The Chair of each committee shall preside at all meetings of such committee and shall discharge the duties of presiding officer. The Vice Chair of each committee shall have such powers and perform such duties as the members of the committee may from time to time prescribe or as the Chair may from time-to-time delegate. At the request of the Chair, or in the event of the Chair’s absence or inability to act, the Vice Chair shall serve as acting Chair. If the Chair or Vice-Chair elects not to preside over a meeting or particular matter, a Majority Vote of the committee present shall then elect a temporary chair who shall be the presiding officer for that particular meeting or particular matter only, as the case may be.
Committee Officers. The Committee shall select a chairperson and vice chairperson whose terms shall run for one (1) year, commencing on the first meeting of the calendar year. The Committee shall hold regular meetings, at least once monthly, and special meetings as may be called pursuant to the Bylaws.