Vice Chair. The Vice Chair shall perform such duties as prescribed by the Board or the Chair and shall act for the Chair in his or her absence.
Vice Chair. The Vice Chair shall exercise all powers of the Chair in the Chair’s absence or inability to act, and shall be a member of the Board.
Vice Chair. In the absence of the Chair or in the event of his or her inability or refusal to act, the Vice-Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair, and when so acting, shall have all the powers of, and be subject to all the restrictions of the Chair. The Vice-Chair shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him or her by the Chair or by the Council from time to time.
Vice Chair. The Board shall annually select a Vice Chair, by a vote taken in accordance with Section 10.8 of this Agreement, who serves without compensation at the pleasure of the Board. The Vice Chair shall act in the absence of the Chair, with full powers of the Chair.
Vice Chair. The Vice Chair shall be the Officer next in seniority after the Chair and, upon the absence of the Chair, shall have the authority, powers and duties of the Chair.
Vice Chair. The Vice-Chair shall serve as the Chair in the absence of the regularly-elected Chair. In the event both the Chair and Vice-Chair are absent from a meeting which would otherwise constitute a quorum and a temporary Chair was not designated by the Chair at the last regular meeting, any Board member may call the meeting to order, and a temporary chair may be elected by majority vote to serve until the Chair or Vice-Chair is present.
Vice Chair. In the absence of the Chair, fulfills all duties of the Chair.
Vice Chair. The Trustees shall elect a Vice Chair who shall perform the duties of the Chair in case of a vacancy in office, or in the absence or incapacity of the Chair.
Vice Chair. 5.1. The Vice-Chair of the ESG will be a Mid Wales based business person (private company), appointed for a 2-year term, nominated and voted in by the ESG. .
5.2. The Vice Chair of the ESG will be a joint appointment by the Authorities.
Vice Chair. During the temporary absence or inability of the Chair to perform his or her duties, the Vice Chair shall perform such duties. If the vacancy becomes permanent due to death, disability, resignation or removal, the Vice Chair shall serve as acting Chair until the vacancy is filled.