Rent Rolls; Operating Histories The Seller has obtained a rent roll (the “Certified Rent Roll(s)”) other than with respect to hospitality properties certified by the related Mortgagor or the related guarantor(s) as accurate and complete in all material respects as of a date within 180 days of the date of origination of the related Mortgage Loan. The Seller has obtained operating histories (the “Certified Operating Histories”) with respect to each Mortgaged Property certified by the related Mortgagor or the related guarantor(s) as accurate and complete in all material respects as of a date within 180 days of the date of origination of the related Mortgage Loan. The Certified Operating Histories collectively report on operations for a period equal to (a) at least a continuous three-year period or (b) in the event the Mortgaged Property was owned, operated or constructed by the Mortgagor or an affiliate for less than three years then for such shorter period of time, it being understood that for mortgaged properties acquired with the proceeds of a Mortgage Loan, Certified Operating Histories may not have been available.
Sale : Completion On Or Before The Completion Date a. Within ninety (90) days from the date of successful sale (the expiry date of which period referred to as “the Completion Date”), the Purchaser shall deposit with the Assignee’s Solicitors simultaneously:- (i) The balance of the purchase price i.e a sum equivalent to 90% of the successful bid price (referred to as “the Balance Sum”) either by way of IBG or XXXXXX or bank draft or cashier’s order crossed “A/C PAYEE ONLY” made payable to HONG XXXXX BANK BERHAD. The amount of the bank draft or cashier’s order shall include outstation clearing charges which shall be borne by the Purchaser, failing which the deficiency shall be recoverable from the Purchaser; and (ii) A copy of the requisite consents or confirmations (as the case may be) of the Developer and/or Proprietor and/or State Authorities and/or relevant bodies approving the sale (including transfer or assignment) in favour of the Purchaser, if necessary and/or required, subject firstly to the Assignee being satisfied with the conditions if imposed, otherwise the Assignee may elect to terminate the sale under Xxxxxx 11. - Extension b. The Completion Date will not be extended unless the Purchaser shall have at least fourteen (14) days before the Completion Date applied in writing for an extension of time to the Assignee and the Assignee may at its absolute discretion without assigning any reason whatsoever either:- (i) Reject such request in which event all monies paid by the Purchaser hitherto including the Deposit shall be forfeited absolutely and immediately for which the Purchaser shall not be entitled to nor have any or further reimbursements, claims and demands whatsoever in nature and howsoever caused against the Assignee, the Assignee’s Solicitors, the Auctioneer or their respective servants or agents and any other party on account thereof; or (ii) Agree to grant an extension of time subject to conditions imposed by the Assignee including but not limited to the imposition of non- refundable late payment charges / compensation charges on the balance unpaid or outstanding purchase price at such rate as the Assignee shall determine and to be calculated on a daily basis for the whole duration of the extended period granted and also to pay such sum within the time and in the manner as stipulated by the Assignee. Such decision by the Assignee shall be binding on the Purchaser. - Charges c. Notwithstanding any contrary terms and conditions which may be imposed by the Developer and/or Proprietor and/or State Authorities and/or relevant bodies and/or third parties entitled thereto on the Assignee in granting the consent or confirmation (as the case may be) to the sale herein, it is hereby agreed that only arrears of quit rent, assessment rate and service charges (collectively referred to as “the Outstanding Charges”) within a period of six (6) years prior to the date of successful sale of the Property which are lawfully and rightfully due and payable to the Developer and/or Proprietor and/or State Authorities and/or relevant bodies and/or third parties entitled thereto up to the date of successful sale of the Property shall be deducted from the purchase price upon receipt of the Balance Sum PROVIDED THAT the Assignee reserves the right to refuse to pay nor shall the Assignee be obliged to pay:- (i) Any Outstanding Charges that are time-barred i.e. charges which have remained unpaid for more than six (6) years prior to the date of successful sale of the Property irrespective of any payment or acknowledgement or judgment made or obtained on the said charges; (ii) Any Outstanding Charges that are excessively charged resulted from eg duplicate or double counting, wrong calculation or any other similar circumstances; (iii) Any Outstanding Charges wrongfully imposed including but not limited to being charged without any basis whatsoever; and/or (iv) Any bills issued by the Developer and/or Proprietor and/or State Authorities and/or relevant bodies and/or third parties entitled thereto for the Outstanding Charges but only received by the Assignee or the Assignee’s Solicitors more than seventy-five (75) days from the date of the successful sale. Such decision by Assignee on what is due and payable shall be binding on the Purchaser of which the Purchaser hereby expressly agrees. d. The Outstanding Charges due and payable immediately after the date of successful sale of the Property shall be solely borne and paid by the Purchaser. e. Where applicable, it shall be the duty of the Purchaser to obtain at the Purchaser’s own costs the particulars as stated in Section 22D(4) of the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966 and to obtain copies of the charges payable from the Developer and/or Proprietor and/or State Authorities and/or relevant bodies and/or third parties entitled thereto and to forward copies thereof together with the calculations as to the apportionment of the respective parties’ liability thereof to the Assignee’s Solicitors for the Assignee’s approval. For this purpose, the Purchaser shall also furnish the Assignee’s Solicitors with the Purchaser’s account details in order for the Assignee to process payment of the Assignee’s portion of the Outstanding Charges pursuant to and in accordance with Clause 8(c) above. f. In the event the Purchaser shall pay such arrears (if any) of the Outstanding Charges in advance to the Developer and/or Proprietor and/or State Authorities and/or relevant bodies and/or third parties entitled thereto:- (i) The Purchaser is not entitled to deduct the payment towards the arrears (if any) from the Balance Sum; (ii) Due apportionment and reimbursement for the payment (if any) made by the Purchaser towards the arrears shall only be made after the Assignee has received the Balance Sum and subject to the Assignee’s approval and other provisions of these Conditions of Sale. For this purpose, the Purchaser shall produce receipts evidencing payment together with the Purchaser’s account details in order for the Assignee to reimburse the Purchaser in accordance with this Clause 8(f)(ii) accordingly. g. Nothing herein shall impose any obligation on the part of the Assignee to pay any outstanding water, electricity, telephone, utilities, gas, sewerage, taxes, rates, bills, any type of interest, fine, penalty, losses incurred by reason of any breach of written laws, late payment charges, damages, compensation, other form of maintenance or management charges (including but not limited to security charges, charges incurred in relation to car park / accessory parcel, deposits, sinking / building / common / maintenance / management fund), costs for renovation / alteration / additional works, contribution, subscription, licence, dues, levies, insurance, premium, rents, commission, fees, costs and expenses (including but not limited to legal fees, disbursements, stamp duty, registration fees, administrative or vetting fees and transfer costs), other outgoings and charges in any form whatsoever (including for any increase in area of the Property imposed by the Developer and/or Proprietor and/or State Authorities and/or relevant bodies and/or third parties entitled thereto irrespective of whether the same was imposed or incurred before the date of successful auction, any penalty thereof in connection with incidental to or pursuant to the Assignment the Memorandum of Transfer and all other documents necessary for affecting the transfer or subsequent transfer [as the case may be] or assigning the beneficial ownership of the Property to the Purchaser or that as may be due to or imposed by the Developer and/or Proprietor and/or State Authorities and/or relevant bodies and/or third parties entitled thereto notwithstanding that the Developer and/or Proprietor and/or State Authorities and/or relevant bodies and/or third parties entitled thereto may require such payments to be made by the Assignee). The Purchaser hereby expressly agrees that such costs and expenses shall be solely borne and paid by the Purchaser. h. Any other costs, expenses and charges not specifically mentioned and/or specified in Clause 8.c, Clause 8.d, Clause 8.e, Clause 8.f and Clause 8.g hereof which are outstanding shall be solely borne and paid by the Purchaser. i. Upon payment of all monies mentioned and/or specified in Clause 6.d, Clause 7.a, Clause 8.a(i), Clause 8.c, Clause 8.d, Clause 8.e, Clause 8.f, Clause 8.g and Clause 8.h above and subject to the fulfillment of Clause 9 below by the Purchaser, the Assignee shall:- (i) Execute or cause to be executed as soon as possible at the Purchaser’s own costs and expenses (including legal fees, stamp duty and registration fees) an Assignment (in the form and substance acceptable to and upon the terms and conditions stipulated by the Assignee at its absolute discretion) in favour of the Purchaser of all the rights title interests and benefits under the Sale and Purchase Agreement entered into between the Developer and/or Proprietor of the Property and the Assignor or the original purchaser(s) when the Assignor is not the original purchaser of the Property. Where applicable, the Assignee shall be entitled to have a sufficient covenant of indemnity inserted in the Assignment in order for the Purchaser to assume all liabilities and obligations pertaining to the Property. The Assignee shall not be required to assign the Property to any person other than the Purchaser; and (ii) Deliver to the Purchaser or the Purchaser’s Solicitors the duly executed Assignment and certified true copy(ies) of the Sale and Purchase Agreement and previous Assignment within the Assignee’s custody. If any of the aforesaid documents is not available, the Assignee shall use its best endeavors to provide certified true copy(ies) or such other acceptable documentary evidence of previous transactions thereof. j. Where applicable, the Purchaser undertakes to forward to the Developer the duly stamped Assignment, the duly stamped Proclamation of Sale and the Memorandum together with the full payment of all sums and outgoings due to the Developer under the Sale and Purchase Agreement as required by Section 22D(2) of the Housing Development (Control and Licensing) Act 1966 within fourteen (14) days from the date of stamping of the Assignment and to forward a copy of the cover letter or acknowledgment of receipt by the Developer to the Assignee or the Assignee’s Solicitors within seven (7) days after the issuance of the cover letter or acknowledgment of receipt. - Charge / Transfer k. If the separate document of title or strata title for the Property has been issued whether before on or after the date of auction sale, the Assignee shall not be required to procure a Memorandum of Transfer nor to register its charge as prescribed by the National Land Code 1965 or Sarawak Land Code or the Land Ordinance Cap. 68 of the Laws of Sabah (where applicable) in favour of the Purchaser from the Developer and/or Proprietor (as the case may be). l. The transfer of the Property from the Developer and/or Proprietor (as the case may be) shall be prepared and procured by the Purchaser at the Purchaser’s own costs (including costs of transfer from the Developer and/or Proprietor to the Assignor where necessary) and expenses who undertakes to pay such sums and comply with the conditions (if any) imposed by the Developer and/or Proprietor and/or State Authorities and/or relevant bodies pertaining to the registration of such transfer of the Property. m. The Purchaser undertakes to inform the local authority of the change of ownership and to file the necessary form within fourteen (14) days from the date of stamping of the Assignment.
Final Completion The full and final completion of all Work in accordance with the Contract Documents.
Tests on Completion (i) At least 30 (thirty) days prior to the likely completion of the Project Highway, or a Section thereof, the Contractor shall notify the Authority’s Engineer of its intent to subject the Project Highway or a Section thereof, to Tests. The date and time of each of the Tests shall be determined by the Authority’s Engineer in consultation with the Contractor, and notified to the Authority who may designate its representative to witness the Tests. The Contractor shall either conduct the Tests as directed by the Authority’s Engineer or provide such assistance as the Authority’s Engineer may reasonably require for conducting the Tests. In the event of the Contractor and the Authority’s Engineer failing to mutually agree on the dates for conducting the Tests, the Contractor shall fix the dates by giving not less than 10 (ten) days’ notice to the Authority’s Engineer. (ii) All Tests shall be conducted in accordance with Schedule-K. The Authority’s Engineer shall either conduct or observe, monitor and review the Tests conducted by the Contractor, as the case may be, and review the results of the Tests to determine compliance of the Project Highway or a Section thereof, with Specifications and Standards and if it is reasonably anticipated or determined by the Authority’s Engineer during the course of any Test that the performance of the Project Highway or Section or any part thereof, does not meet the Specifications and Standards, it shall have the right to suspend or delay such Test and require the Contractor to remedy and rectify the Defect or deficiencies. Upon completion of each Test, the Authority’s Engineer shall provide to the Contractor and the Authority copies of all Test data including detailed Test results. For the avoidance of doubt, it is expressly agreed that the Authority’s Engineer may require the Contractor to carry out or cause to be carried out additional Tests, in accordance with Good Industry Practice, for determining the compliance of the Project Highway or Section thereof with the Specifications and Standards.
Construction Completion The related Construction shall have been completed substantially in accordance with the related Plans and Specifications, the related Deed and all Applicable Laws, and such Leased Property shall be ready for occupancy and operation. All fixtures, equipment and other property contemplated under the Plans and Specifications to be incorporated into or installed in such Leased Property shall have been substantially incorporated or installed, free and clear of all Liens except for Permitted Liens.
Date of Completion The Developer must ensure that the Developer’s Works reach Completion on or before the date or milestone referred to in clause 1 of Schedule 3 of this document.
TIME OF COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION 2.1 The Contractor shall commence the Work upon the date established in the Notice to Proceed. 2.2 The Contractor shall achieve Final Completion, as defined in Section 105.01, Contract Time, Notice of Contract Execution and Notice to Proceed of the Loudoun County Revisions to the 0000 XXXX Xxxx & Bridge Specifications, Division I - General Provisions, within one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days from the date specified in the Notice to Proceed. This time period shall be designated the Contract Time. The Notice to proceed will be issued approximately than thirty (30) days after the execution of this agreement. The Contractor agrees that the time for completion of the Work as described in the Contract Documents shall govern unless specifically amended in writing by the County, and that no claims for early completion are allowed to be presented by the Contractor to the County. 2.3 The County specifies that time is of the essence under this Contract. Time being of the essence, it is essential to the County that Contract work will be completed within the Contract Time. The County and the Contractor agree that damages for failure to complete the work within the Contract Time are not susceptible to exact determination but that $600 per day is in proportion to the actual loss that the County would suffer from such delay. Therefore, the Contractor will pay the County on demand $600 per day for each and every day beyond the one hundred and eighty (180) calendar days, or modified date of completion, that the County determines that work is not complete, as damages caused by such delay and not as a penalty. The County shall be entitled to offset liquidated damages against any sum owed by the County to the Contractor under this Contract. 2.4 The amount of liquidated damages set forth in Articles 2.3 above shall be assessed cumulatively. This provision for liquidated damages does not bar County's right to enforce other rights and remedies against Contractor, which are otherwise legally enforceable, including but not limited to, specific performance or injunctive relief. 2.5 The Contractor hereby waives any defense as to the validity of any liquidated damages stated in this Agreement as they may appear on grounds that such liquidated damages are void as penalties or are not reasonably related to actual damages.
Certificate of Completion The Interconnection Customer shall provide the EDC with a completed copy of the Interconnection Agreement Certificate of Completion, including evidence of the electrical inspection performed by the local authority having jurisdiction. The evidence of completion of the electrical inspection may be provided on inspection forms used by local inspecting authorities. The Interconnection request shall not be finally approved until the EDC’s representative signs the Interconnection Agreement Certificate of Completion.
Phase I In Phase I, the project will be connected as a tap to the Transmission Owner’s 230kV transmission line MWP-2 via one 230kV circuit breaker in series with one of two ring bus breakers for stuck breaker protection (one in each direction) and a tie-line breaker, as shown on the one-line diagram labeled CL-E-IA-01 attached to this Appendix A as Figure 1. The changes to the existing MWP-2 line protection for this arrangement are described in Phase I System Upgrades in Section II of this Appendix A.
Cost Estimate The cost estimate shall set out the estimated costs for the proposed Change Order in such a way that a fair evaluation can be made. It shall include a breakdown for labor, materials, equipment and markups for overhead and profit, unless TxDOT agrees otherwise. If the work is to be performed by Subcontractors and if the work is sufficiently defined to obtain Subcontractor quotes, DB Contractor shall obtain quotes (with breakdowns showing cost of labor, materials, equipment and markups for overhead and profit) on the Subcontractor’s stationery and shall include such quotes as back-up for DB Contractor’s estimate. No markup shall be allowed in excess of the amounts allowed under Section 10.6. DB Contractor shall identify all conditions with respect to prices or other aspects of the cost estimate, such as pricing contingent on firm orders being made by a certain date or the occurrence or non-occurrence of an event.