Phase I. In Phase I, the project will be connected as a tap to the Transmission Owner’s 230kV transmission line MWP-2 via one 230kV circuit breaker in series with one of two ring bus breakers for stuck breaker protection (one in each direction) and a tie-line breaker, as shown on the one-line diagram labeled CL-E-IA-01 attached to this Appendix A as Figure 1. The changes to the existing MWP-2 line protection for this arrangement are described in Phase I System Upgrades in Section II of this Appendix A.
Phase I. Design Documents – 30% Submittal (Owner Review):
Phase I. Phase I shall consist of the review of the existing predesign planning documents and programmatic documents, and coordinating the development of the program from which the Design Professional will accomplish the design of the Project. The goal is that detailed design criteria for quality and serviceability (including as applicable, system performance requirements), and building assurance methods and criteria, be developed into a complete and verified “Using Agency’s Program” so that the Design Professional, in coordination with the CM/GC, is able to produce full and complete Construction Documents in accordance with the Using Agency’s Program. Major Deliverables: Using Agency Program Initial Cost Determination and Cost Model Professional Services: Engineering and design review services Budget and costing services Project management services
Phase I. The Pre-interim Period duration 6 months (D-day to D-day + 6 months) ceasefire activities shall start (as per attached lists), including the redeployment of SAF from the South to the North, the beginning of the Demobilization, Disarmament, Re-integration and Reconciliation (DDRR), the redeployment of SPLA forces from Eastern Sudan, the formation, co-location in training centres, training of the Joint/Integrated Units (JIUs) and the UN monitoring.
Phase I. Pre-Assistance. Before a permanent teacher may be placed on Pre-Assistance, two (2) consecutive observations by the principal or designee of at least 30 minutes in duration shall occur. To be placed on Pre-Assistance, the principal or designee must find both observations “unsatisfactory.” Placement on pre-assistance will coincide with placement in TASP (the administrative mandate referenced in this Evaluation Article). After the first “unsatisfactory” observation, a written notice will be given to the teacher which will include the following information: • A statement of the problem, including the Professional Standard the problem encompasses. • A statement of the desired behavior. • Date(s) the problem occurred. • Date by which the problem is to be resolved. Phase II—When a teacher is placed in Pre-Assistance, two (2) formal observations, including a pre and post-conference between the teacher and the principal or designee will take place. Pre-Assistance shall be at least ten (10) weeks in length. During this time, the Evaluating Teacher will be asked to provide input and assistance. After the Pre-Assistance period, the teacher will either be placed on Assistance (PAR) if the “unsatisfactory” area has not been corrected as shown by an “unsatisfactory” evaluation; or returned to the former evaluation option. If the problem is resolved, then no written record of the Pre-Assistance shall be placed in the employee's permanent Personnel File (although one may be preserved and filed if the teacher is placed on a Pre-Assistance Plan for the second time for the same or substantially similar problem area).
Phase I. In Phase I, the project will be connected as a tap to the Transmission Owner’s 230kV transmission line MWP-2 via one 230kV circuit breaker in series with one of two ring bus breakers for stuck breaker protection (one in each direction) and a tie-line breaker, as shown on the one-line diagram labeled EL-E-IA-01 attached to this Appendix A as Figure 1. The changes to the existing MWP-2 line protection for this arrangement are described in Phase I System Upgrades in Section II of this Appendix A. Civil/Site work: The Developer will provide site civil work including drainage, finish grade and stone the site. Drainage from the switchyard will be promoted by sloping the base layer below the crushed stone at the site with a minimum slope of 0.5 percent to provide adequate drainage and prevent the accumulation of standing water. The switchyard area shall be covered with a 6 inch layer of 0.75 inch crushed stone and will extend for a distance equal to 5 feet beyond the fence line. Disturbed areas which will not receive stone will be mulched and seeded. Site work, grading, fencing and drainage will be mostly completed during Phase I construction, since the foundations and site work associated with Phase II are completed during Phase I construction. Foundations: Foundations will be designed in accordance with generally accepted practices of soil mechanics. Foundation works will be completed during Phase I, including Phase II equipment foundations for the second incoming A-Frame structure and two additional breakers. Grounding: The substation yard is L-shaped with the outer leg dimensions of the ground grid of 338 feet by 507 feet which includes the area 5 feet outside the perimeter fence. Substation grounding grid resistance shall be designed to be less than 5 ohms per IEEE-80, measured without external ground and without the grounding grid of the Large Generating Facility connected. In addition, the 230 kV Control Building shall be furnished with a special high frequency grounding system for the protection of electronic equipment from transient electrical noises as recommended by IEEE 1100. The below grade grounding system installed in Phase I includes the ground grid and ground wire tails for the Phase II work. The grounding work associated with Phase II is the above grade connections to Phase II equipment.
Phase I. During their first year of study at XXX, students will complete courses required by their own disciplines as well as any extra English language training needed to achieve the language proficiency requirement for admission to ASU.
Phase I. A copy of the existing “Phase I” environmental assessment of the Project, if any, in Seller’s possession; and
Phase I. Phase I of the Work shall consist of Contractor's engineering support and other services required by Owner to support Owner's licensing efforts for the Facility (including receipt of approvals from the Public Service Commission of the State of South Carolina), continuation of design work (other than design work performed under the NuStart program), project management, engineering and administrative support to procure long lead time Equipment, the procurement of long lead time Equipment, construction mobilization and Site preparation work, all as more specifically described in Exhibit A. Phase I shall commence upon the Effective Date and shall continue until the earlier of issuance of the Full Notice to Proceed or termination of this Agreement in accordance with Article 22; provided, however, that Phase I Site Work must be authorized by Owner pursuant to one or more Limited Notices to Proceed. By mutual agreement of the Parties as set forth in a Change Order issued pursuant to Article 9, additional Site Work identified as part of Phase II in the Scope of Work may be moved to Phase I and authorized by Owner to proceed by means of an additional Limited Notice to Proceed. In the event that any Phase I Work that was commenced under separate purchase orders between Owner and one or both of the Consortium Members (the "Purchase Orders") remains to be completed as of the Effective Date, then as of June 1, 2008, the Purchase Orders shall be terminated and the remaining work thereunder will be subsumed by this Agreement.
Phase I. The Company hereby agrees to issue and sell to the Purchaser, and the Purchaser hereby agrees to purchase from the Company, the following (“Phase I”): On the date of execution of this Agreement, for a purchase price equal to the sum of the purchase prices set forth in the Monthly Purchase Schedule for each calendar month commencing April 2010 through the calendar month in which this Agreement is dated: (a) a number of shares of Common Stock equal to the sum of such monthly purchase amounts divided by US$0.30 and (b) a number of Class F-1 Warrants equal to the number of shares purchased pursuant to subsection (a); and On the first day of each calendar month commencing after the date of this Agreement through March 2011, for a purchase price equal to the monthly purchase amount for each such month on the Monthly Purchase Schedule: (a) a number of shares of Common Stock equal to such monthly purchase amount divided by the then applicable Phase I-A Price (if the purchase is in Phase I-A) or the then applicable Phase I-B Price (if the purchase is in Phase I-B); and (b) a number of Class F-1 Warrants (for issuances in Phase I-A) or Class F-2 Warrants (for issuances in Phase I-B) equal to the number of shares purchased pursuant to subsection (a). Paragraph 5, Definitions, of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: