Air Capture Sample Clauses

Air Capture. 1. Testing should be carried out in a sealed laboratory glovebox or containment free from external air movements or contaminates. Released particulate should be collected on a 25mm air monitoring cassette with a 0.45-micron MCE filter, connected to a personal air sampling pump calibrated to a flow rate of 2.0 L / min. 2. With the air sampling pump running, use a makeup applicator or brush and apply enough pressure to transfer the product onto the tool. Tap or blow off excess product. Simulate applying the product to a gloved hand or other nonporous surface located no more than 20 cm from the air cassette, for 10 minutes. Allow the air sampling pump to run for another 5 minutes with no disturbance of the product. Prepare the resulting filters from the air cassettes for TEM by collapsing the filter, coating with carbon evaporated in high vacuum (10-4 to 10-5 Pa), placing onto TEM grids, and dissolving away residual filter material. Particulate should be analyzed via a TEM with an acceleration voltage of 100KeV equipped with EDXA and SAED at magnifications of at least 15,000x. Calculated concentration should be made relevant to effective filter area (EFA) divided by the area analyzed, relative to the liters of air sampled, i.e., on a str/L basis.

Related to Air Capture

  • Electrical Equipment Residents must use only CSA, UL-approved or Canadian-certified electrical equipment; the rated wattage of light fixtures must never be exceeded; and only replacement bulbs supplied by Waterloo maintenance staff may be used. Do not leave any unattended electrical equipment turned on (i.e. hair straighteners, lights etc.)

  • Management and Control Systems Grantee will: 1. maintain an appropriate contract administration system to ensure that all terms, conditions, and specifications are met during the term of the contract through the completion of the closeout procedures. 2. develop, implement, and maintain financial management and control systems that meet or exceed the requirements of Uniform Statewide Accounting System (UGMS). Those requirements and procedures include, at a minimum, the following: i. Financial planning, including the development of budgets that adequately reflect all functions and resources necessary to carry out authorized activities and the adequate determination of costs; ii. Financial management systems that include accurate accounting records that are accessible and identify the source and application of funds provided under each Contract of this Contract, and original source documentation substantiating that costs are specifically and solely allocable to a Contract and its Contract and are traceable from the transaction to the general ledger; iii. Effective internal and budgetary controls; iv. Comparison of actual costs to budget; determination of reasonableness, allowableness, and allocability of costs; v. Timely and appropriate audits and resolution of any findings; vi. Billing and collection policies; and vii. Mechanism capable of billing and making reasonable efforts to collect from clients and third parties.

  • Interconnection Facilities Engineering Procurement and Construction Interconnection Facilities, Network Upgrades, and Distribution Upgrades shall be studied, designed, and constructed pursuant to Good Utility Practice. Such studies, design and construction shall be based on the assumed accuracy and completeness of all technical information received by the Participating TO and the CAISO from the Interconnection Customer associated with interconnecting the Large Generating Facility.

  • Flexible Working Arrangements In accordance with the Employment Relations Act 2000, an employee affected by family violence may request a short-term (two months or less) variation of their employment arrangements to assist the employee to deal with the effects of family violence.

  • Operating Contracts Subject to the rights of the Timeshare Owners’ Association as set forth in the Timeshare Documents, no Operating Contract shall be modified, extended, terminated or entered into, without the prior written approval of Agent, if any such modification, extension, termination or new agreement could have a material adverse impact on the operation of the Resorts or the Collateral.

  • Air Conditioning If the Apartment has been provided with a ledge for split air conditioning system with suitable provision for keeping outdoor units of the AC system and also the route to take refrigerant piping, which the Allottee shall have to strictly follow while installing AC units

  • Capital Equipment Collaborator’s commitment, if any, to provide ICD with capital equipment to enable the research and development activities under the Research Plan appears in Appendix B. If Collaborator transfers to ICD the capital equipment or provides funds for ICD to purchase it, then ICD will own the equipment. If Collaborator loans capital equipment to ICD for use during the CRADA, Collaborator will be responsible for paying all costs and fees associated with the transport, installation, maintenance, repair, removal, or disposal of the equipment, and ICD will not be liable for any damage to the equipment.

  • Cloud Computing State Risk and Authorization Management Program In accordance with Senate Bill 475, Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., pursuant to Texas Government Code, Section 2054.0593, Contractor acknowledges and agrees that, if providing cloud computing services for System Agency, Contractor must comply with the requirements of the state risk and authorization management program and that System Agency may not enter or renew a contract with Contractor to purchase cloud computing services for the agency that are subject to the state risk and authorization management program unless Contractor demonstrates compliance with program requirements. If providing cloud computing services for System Agency that are subject to the state risk and authorization management program, Contractor certifies it will maintain program compliance and certification throughout the term of the Contract.

  • ELECTRICAL SERVICES The Company must construct and reticulate electrical requirements for all amenities and facilities. The Company must construct sub-station and distribution boards necessary to reticulate power to all Company owned or leased facilities which provide amenities to the public. The electrical installation must be to the design and installation standards of the State Energy Commission of Western Australia. All electrical reticulation must be placed underground.

  • Construction Contracts Item A: Enter the total dollar amount of all contacts awarded on the project/ program. Item B: Enter the total dollar amount of contracts connected with this project/program that were awarded to Section 3 businesses.