Maintenance Requirements The Contractor shall ensure and procure that at all times during the Maintenance Period, the Project Highway conforms to the maintenance requirements set forth in Schedule-E (the “Maintenance Requirements”).
Vehicle Requirements The following shall be considered minimum Vehicle requirements. The Authorized User shall include supplemental required specifications for Vehicles specified in a Mini-Bid. Unless otherwise indicated, all items specified which are listed on the OEM Pricelist as standard or optional equipment shall be factory installed and operative. Vehicles delivered to an Authorized User in a condition considered to be below retail customer acceptance levels will not be accepted. Items which determine this acceptance level shall include, but not be limited to, the general appearance of the interior and exterior of the vehicle for completeness and quality of workmanship, lubrication and fluid levels, with any leaks corrected, mechanical operation of the vehicle and all electrical components operational. Product specified to be furnished and installed which is not available through the OEM shall conform to the standards known to that particular industry, both product and installation.
Review of insurance requirements The Security Trustee shall be entitled to review the requirements of this Clause 13 from time to time in order to take account of any changes in circumstances after the date of this Agreement which are, in the opinion of the Majority Lenders, significant and capable of affecting the Owners or the Ships and their insurance (including, without limitation, changes in the availability or the cost of insurance coverage or the risks to which the Owners may be subject), and may appoint insurance consultants in relation to this review at the cost of the Borrower.
Lessee's Compliance with Applicable Requirements Except as otherwise provided in this Lease, Lessee shall, at Lessee's sole expense, fully, diligently and in a timely manner, materially comply with all Applicable Requirements, the requirements of any applicable fire insurance underwriter or rating bureau, and the recommendations of Lessor's engineers and/or consultants which relate in any manner to the Premises, without regard to whether said requirements are now in effect or become effective after the Start Date. Lessee shall, within ten (10) days after receipt of Lessor's written request, provide Lessor with copies of all permits and other documents, and other information evidencing Lessee's compliance with any Applicable Requirements specified by Lessor, and shall immediately upon receipt, notify Lessor in writing (with copies of any documents involved) of any threatened or actual claim, notice, citation, warning, complaint or report pertaining to or involving the failure of Lessee or the Premises to comply with any Applicable Requirements.
Personnel Requirements a. The CONTRACTOR shall secure, at the CONTRACTOR'S own expense, all personnel required to perform this Contract. b. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the CONTRACTOR'S employees or agents are experienced and fully qualified to engage in the activities and perform the services required under this Contract, and that all applicable licensing and operating requirements imposed or required under federal, state, or county law, and all applicable accreditation and other standards of quality generally accepted in the field of the activities of such employees and agents are complied with and satisfied.
Special Requirements Additional terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any, which are made a part hereof are set forth in the “Special Requirements” attached hereto as Exhibit “B” and incorporated herein by this reference. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of Exhibit “B” and any other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of Exhibit “B” shall govern.
Operating Requirements Any operating and technical requirements that may be applicable due to Regional Transmission Organization, Independent System Operator, control area, or the Connecting Transmission Owner’s requirements, including those set forth in the Small Generator Interconnection Agreement. Operating Requirements shall include Applicable Reliability Standards.
Insurance Requirements Vendor agrees to maintain the following minimum insurance requirements for the duration of this Agreement. All policies held by Vendor to adhere to this term shall be written by a carrier with a financial size category of VII and at least a rating of “A‐” by A.M. Best Key Rating Guide. The coverages and limits are to be considered minimum requirements and in no way limit the liability of the Vendor(s). Any immunity available to TIPS or TIPS Members shall not be used as a defense by the contractor's insurance policy. Only deductibles applicable to property damage are acceptable, unless proof of retention funds to cover said deductibles is provided. "Claims made" policies will not be accepted. Vendor’s required minimum coverage shall not be suspended, voided, cancelled, non‐renewed or reduced in coverage or in limits unless replaced by a policy that provides the minimum required coverage except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested has been given to TIPS or the TIPS Member if a project or pending delivery of an order is ongoing. Upon request, certified copies of all insurance policies shall be furnished to the TIPS or the TIPS Member. Vendor agrees that when Vendor or its subcontractors are liable for any damages or claims, Vendor’s policy, shall be primary over any other valid and collectible insurance carried by the Member or TIPS.
Training Requirements Grantee will: A. Authorize and require staff (including volunteers) to attend training, conferences, and meetings as directed by DSHS. B. Appropriately budget funds to meet training requirements in a timely manner, and ensure staff and volunteers are trained as specified in the training requirements listed at xxxxx:// and as otherwise specified by DSHS. Grantee shall document that these training requirements are met. C. Follow the appropriate DSHS POPS by funding opportunity (as per Section I: General Requirements for All Grantees) for training and observation requirements.
Time Requirements The Independent Contractor will not be required to follow or establish a regular or daily work schedule, but shall devote during the term of this Agreement the time, energy and skill as necessary to perform the services of this engagement and shall, periodically or at any time upon the request of the Company, submit information as to the amount of time worked and scope of work performed.