Allocation of Residual Transmission Capacity As Original Residual Sample Clauses

Allocation of Residual Transmission Capacity As Original Residual. TCCs Before the first Centralized TCC Auction, the ISO calculated the Residual Transmission Capacity across each transmission Interface in both the Summer and Winter Capability Periods from the Operating Study Power Flow dispatch and allocated the Residual Transmission Capacity across Interfaces to individual Transmission Owners in the form of Original Residual TCCs in accordance with the Interface MW-Mile Methodology. The Original Residual TCCs allocated to individual Transmission Owners are shown in Table 3. The ISO’s allocation of Original Residual TCCs to Transmission Owners shall remain the same for at least the duration of the LBMP Transition Period. At the conclusion of the LBMP Transition Period, the Transmission Owners will review this methodology and shall have the sole discretion to modify by unanimous vote, the procedure to be used to allocate Residual Transmission Capacity across Interfaces in the form of Original Residual TCCs, and to determine the duration of all such Original Residual TCCs allocated. Original Residual TCCs for each Interface will constitute point-to-point TCCs, each from a Point of Injection in one Load Zone to a Point of Withdrawal in another Load Zone. Transmission Owners will be required to sell Original Residual TCCs, not previously sold in a Direct Sale, through a Centralized TCC Auction. Primary Holders of Original Residual TCCs shall inform the ISO of all Direct Sales of those TCCs, including the identity of the buyer.
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