Alternate Fuel Capability means a situation where an alternate fuel could have been utilized whether or not the facilities for such use have actually been installed; provided however, where the use of natural gas is for plant protection, feedstock or process uses and the only alternate fuel is propane or other gaseous fuel, then the Buyer will be treated as if he had no altemate fuel capability.
Ramping Capability means the sustained rate of change of generator output, in megawatts per minute.
capability , in relation to an employee, means his capability assessed by reference to skill, aptitude, health or any other physical or mental quality, and
Potential electrical output capacity means, with regard to a unit, 33 per- cent of the maximum design heat input of the unit.
Compatibility means compatibility as defined in point (10) of Article 2 of Directive (EU) 2019/770;
Contract Capacity has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1(f).
Interoperability means the ability of a CenturyLink OSS Function to process seamlessly (i.e., without any manual intervention) business transactions with CLEC's OSS application, and vice versa, by means of secure exchange of transaction data models that use data fields and usage rules that can be received and processed by the other Party to achieve the intended OSS Function and related response. (See also Electronic Bonding.)
Project Capacity means the AC capacity of the project at the generating terminal(s) and to be contracted with MSEDCL for supply from the Solar Power Project.
Generation Capacity Resource shall have the meaning specified in the Reliability Assurance Agreement.
Nominal Rated Capability means the nominal maximum rated capability in megawatts of a Transmission Interconnection Customer’s Customer Facility or the nominal increase in transmission capability in megawatts of the Transmission System resulting from the interconnection or addition of a Transmission Interconnection Customer’s Customer Facility, as determined in accordance with pertinent Applicable Standards and specified in the Interconnection Service Agreement.
Outputs means the goods or services that are produced by an entity or other person;
Load means energy consumed by Customers together with allocated losses and unaccounted for energy;
Design capacity means the volume of a containment feature at a discharging facility that accommodates all permitted flows and meets all Aquifer Protection Permit conditions, including allowances for appropriate peaking and safety factors to ensure sustained, reliable operation.
Available Flowgate Capability or “AFC” shall mean the rating of the applicable Flowgate less the projected loading across the applicable Flowgate less TRM and CBM. The firm AFC is calculated with only the appropriate Firm Transmission Service reservations (or interchange schedules) in the model, including recognition of all roll-over Transmission Service rights. Non- firm AFC is determined with appropriate firm and non-firm reservations (or interchange schedules) modeled.
Output means the exposure rate, dose rate, or a quantity related in a known manner to these rates from a brachytherapy source or a teletherapy, remote afterloader, or gamma stereotactic radiosurgery unit for a specified set of exposure conditions.
Interconnection Provider means PacifiCorp Transmission.
Interconnector means equipment used to link the electricity system of the State to electricity systems outside of the State;
Technical Capacity means the maximum firm capacity that the transmission system operator can offer to the network users, taking account of system integrity and the operational requirements of the transmission network;
Transit Passenger means a passenger who arrives at the airport in an aircraft and departs from the airport in the same aircraft, where such an aircraft is operating a through flight transiting the airport, and includes a passenger in transit through the airport who has to depart in a substituted aircraft because the aircraft on which the passenger arrived has been declared unserviceable.
Heat input means the product (expressed in mmBtu/time) of the gross calorific value of the fuel (expressed in Btu/lb) and the fuel feed rate into the combustion device (expressed in mass of fuel/time) and does not include the heat derived from preheated combustion air, recirculated flue gases, or ex- haust from other sources.
Interface means the mixture occurring in pipeline operations between adjoining batches having similar or dissimilar physical characteristics.
Licensed capacity means the number of children the Department has determined the day care home can care for at any one time in addition to any children living in the home who are under the age of 12 years. Children age 12 and over on the premises are not considered in determining licensed capacity.
Contracted Capacity means the capacity (in MW AC) contracted with MSEDCL for supply by the successful bidder at the Delivery Point from the Solar Power Project.
Nameplate capacity means the maximum electrical generating output (in MWe) that a generator can sustain over a specified period of time when not restricted by seasonal or other deratings as measured in accordance with the United States Department of Energy standards.
Connectivity means the provision of a Permanent Separated Bicycle Lane system that reflects desired routes between all major origins and destinations in the city.
System Capacity means the operational capacity of the System at any applicable point in time.