Payment Conditions The price of the whole accommodation service booked is always payable by the Guest in advance, at the latest upon arrival in the hotel. Set-off by the Guest is excluded unless the set- off relates to an undisputed or legally confirmed claim. Valid means of payment are cash in Euros, EC card, Master Card, Visa Card, Diners Card and American Express. For payment settlement we use the 3D Secure 2.0 system for secure and additional customer authorisation. For further information on data processing for payment transactions see xxxxx://
Eligibility Changes Employees who become eligible for a full Employer Contribution must make their benefit elections within thirty (30) calendar days of becoming eligible. If employees do not choose a health plan administrator and a primary care clinic and do not waive coverage within this thirty (30) day timeframe, they will be enrolled in a Benefit Level Two clinic (or Level One, if available) that meets established access standards in the health plan with the largest number of Benefit Level One and Two clinics in the county of the employee’s residence at the beginning of the insurance year. If employees who become eligible for a partial Employer Contribution choose to enroll in insurance, they must do so within thirty (30) days of becoming eligible or during open enrollment. An employee may change their health or dental plan if the employee changes to a new permanent work or residence location and the employee's current plan is no longer available. If the employee has family coverage and if the new residence location is outside of the current plan’s service area, the employee shall be permitted to switch to a new plan administrator and new Benefit Level within thirty (30) days of the residence location change. The election change must be due to and correspond with the change in status. An employee who receives notification of a work location change between the end of an open enrollment period and the beginning of the next insurance year, may change their health or dental plan within thirty (30) days of the date of the relocation under the same provisions accorded during the last open enrollment period. An employee or retiree may also change health or dental plans in any other situation in which the Employer is required by the applicable federal or state law to allow a plan change.
Qualifying Conditions In addition to any other compensation earned, any employee who is on the payroll of the Company on any of the foregoing recognized statutory holidays will be granted eight (8) hours' pay at the straight time rate of the employee's regular job, subject to compliance with all of the conditions (a) to (f) set forth below: (a) The employee must have been on the payroll for not less than the sixty (60) days just preceding the holiday and must have previously qualified for a statutory holiday as provided in (d) below, and (b) The employee must have worked at least one (1) day during the sixty (60)- day qualifying period just preceding the holiday, and (c) The employee must have worked their scheduled work day before, and their scheduled work day after, such holiday, unless failure to work their scheduled work day before or after the holiday was due to any of the following events: (i) When the employee is on their regular authorized paid vacation; (ii) When the employee is unable to work by reason of an industrial accident as recognized by the Workers' Compensation Board or non-occupational sickness or injury; (iii) When the operation in which the employee is engaged is curtailed or discontinued by the decision of the Company and which curtailment or discontinuance changes or eliminates the employee's scheduled work day before, or their scheduled work day after, such holiday; (iv) When a trade in shifts agreed upon between employees and approved in advance by the company results in a temporary change of the scheduled work day before, or the scheduled work day after, the holiday, provided the employee works the shift agreed upon; (v) When the employee is on a leave of absence authorized by the Company. (d) The employee who has been on the payroll for at least sixty (60) days but who has not previously qualified for a statutory holiday will qualify for the holiday if he has worked a minimum of one hundred eighty (180) hours during the sixty (60)- day qualifying period just preceding the holiday and meets the requirements of (b) and (c) above. (e) Time lost as the result of an accident as recognized by the Workers' Compensation Board, suffered during the course of employment, or time lost as a result of non-occupational sickness or injury shall be considered as time worked for the purpose of qualifying for a recognized paid holiday, it being understood that the employee will only be entitled to this credit for time while on Workers' Compensation or non-occupational sickness or injury for a period of up to but not exceeding one (1) year from the date of their sickness or injury. (f) It is understood and agreed, however, that an employee shall not receive the above provided holiday pay if they have agreed to work on such holiday and fails or refuses to work, except in the case where bona fide sickness, or other bona fide reason approved by the Company, prevents them working on such holiday.
ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS The eligibility conditions specified in Adoption Agreement Section 2.01 are effective for Plan Years beginning after _______________________.
GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE (Continued 6. The Board and the Administration will cooperate with any investigation of any grievance, and will furnish such information insofar as possible. Costs, if any, shall be paid by the requesting party. The cost of the copies shall comply with board policy. 7. Forms for filing a grievance and written decisions shall be given appropriate distribution to administrators, supervisors, and teachers. These forms will be readily available in each school office or from an Association representative. 8. The P.R.&R. Committee and such administrative personnel as designated by the Superintendent shall meet at least once annually to discuss and agree upon how grievances are to be handled. Such meetings shall be held prior to or during the first day of the school year. Such meetings shall be co-chaired by the chairman of the P.R.&R. Committee and a designee of the Superintendent and shall be conducted within the regular work day so far as possible. 9. A grievance must be initiated within fifteen (15) days following the act or condition or knowledge of the act which is the basis for said grievance. 10. The number of days indicated at each step shall be considered as maximum. If the aggrieved fails to file the grievance within the time limits specified in the succeeding sections of this procedure, it shall be presumed that said incident or grievance has been resolved. If the responding party fails to comply with any time limit in the succeeding sections of this procedure, the grievance may automatically be appealed to the next step in the grievance procedure. Both parties may, however, in writing, mutually agree to extend the time limits. 11. It shall be mutually agreed that the handling of any professional grievance may be conducted within the regular work day if such can be done without interruption of the students’ educational program. 12. In the event a grievance is carried to Step Four, the grievant and a member of the P.R.&R. Committee shall be granted released time with pay to attend hearings held by the arbiter if the hearing is held within a contract day.
Performance Conditions The Shares shall be issuable only if (and to the extent) that the Performance Criteria, set forth herein, are satisfied during the Performance Period. The Controller of the Company and the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company shall certify whether, and to what extent, the Performance Criteria have been achieved. If the minimum performance is not met, no Shares shall be issued and the Award shall be forfeited.
Termination Conditions This Agreement terminates upon the earlier of any of the following events: a.
Performance Condition Notwithstanding the vesting schedule stated in the Award Notification, your Restricted Stock Units shall not vest unless the Company achieves positive Adjusted Net Earnings in any fiscal year during the term of the Award. “Adjusted Net Earnings” means net earnings determined in accordance with GAAP as publicly reported by the Company for a fiscal year, adjusted to eliminate the following: (1) the cumulative effect of changes in GAAP; (2) gains and losses from discontinued operations; (3) extraordinary gains or losses; and (4) any other unusual or nonrecurring gains or losses which are separately identified and quantified, including merger related charges.
Deviation from Grievance Procedure The Employer agrees that, after a grievance has been discussed at Step 2 of the grievance procedure the Employer or his representatives shall not initiate any discussion or negotiations with respect to the grievance, either directly or indirectly with the aggrieved employee without the consent of the xxxxxxx or the Union.
Loss Mitigation and Consideration of Alternatives (i) For each Single Family Shared-Loss Loan in default or for which a default is reasonably foreseeable, the Assuming Institution shall undertake reasonable and customary loss mitigation efforts, in accordance with any of the following programs selected by Assuming Institution in its sole discretion, Exhibit 5 (FDIC Mortgage Loan Modification Program), the United States Treasury's Home Affordable Modification Program Guidelines or any other modification program approved by the United States Treasury Department, the Corporation, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System or any other governmental agency (it being understood that the Assuming Institution can select different programs for the various Single Family Shared-Loss Loans) (such program chosen, the “Modification Guidelines”). After selecting the applicable Modification Guideline for each such Single Family Shared-Loss Loan, the Assuming Institution shall document its consideration of foreclosure, loan restructuring under the applicable Modification Guideline chosen, and short-sale (if short-sale is a viable option) alternatives and shall select the alternative the Assuming Institution believes, based on its estimated calculations, will result in the least Loss. If unemployment or underemployment is the primary cause for default or for which a default is reasonably foreseeable, the Assuming Institution may consider the borrower for a temporary forbearance plan which reduces the loan payment to an affordable level for at least six (6) months. (ii) Losses on Home Equity Loans shall be shared under the charge-off policies of the Assuming Institution’s Examination Criteria as if they were Single Family Shared-Loss Loans. (iii) Losses on Investor-Owned Residential Loans shall be treated as Restructured Loans, and with the consent of the Receiver can be restructured under terms separate from the Exhibit 5 standards. Please refer to Exhibits 2(a)(1)-(2) for guidance in Calculation of Loss for Restructured Loans. Losses on Investor-Owned Residential Loans will be treated as if they were Single Family Shared-Loss Loans. (iv) The Assuming Institution shall retain its loss calculations for the Shared Loss Loans and such calculations shall be provided to the Receiver upon request. For the avoidance of doubt and notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, (x) the Assuming Institution is not required to modify or restructure any Shared-Loss Loan on more than one occasion and (y) the Assuming Institution is not required to consider any alternatives with respect to any Shared-Loss Loan in the process of foreclosure as of the Bank Closing if the Assuming Institution can document that a loan modification is not cost effective and shall be entitled to continue such foreclosure measures and recover the Foreclosure Loss as provided herein, and (z) the Assuming Institution shall have a transition period of up to 90 days after Bank Closing to implement the Modification Guidelines, during which time, the Assuming Institution may submit claims under such guidelines as may be in place at the Failed Bank.