APPENDICES AND ATTACHMENTS. ‌ The following appendices and attachments, attached hereto, are hereby expressly made a part of this Contract as fully as if set forth at length herein. Appendix AStandard Clauses for NYS Contracts (October 2019) Appendix BGeneral Specifications (April 2016) Appendix CContract Modification Procedure Appendix DFederal Funding Agency Mandatory Terms and Conditions (July 2021) Attachment 1 – Specifications and Pricing Attachment 2Insurance Requirements Attachment 3Report of Contract Usage Attachment 4Contractor Information
APPENDICES AND ATTACHMENTS. The following Appendices and Attachments are incorporated into and made part of this Agreement and the parties agree to be bound by these Appendices and Attachments: Appendix A - Invoice Appendix B - County of Erie Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Clause
APPENDICES AND ATTACHMENTS. The following Appendices and Attachments are incorporated into and made part of this Agreement and the parties agree to be bound by these Appendices and Attachments: A. Appendix A - Work Statement B. Appendix BPayment Provisions (Rev. 5/12) and its Attachment 1 - A downloadable format of Attachment 1 is available at the following Internet address: xxxx:// C. Appendix C – Budget D. Appendix D – Program Specific Provisions
APPENDICES AND ATTACHMENTS. The following documents are included as part of this Contract as individually referenced below.
APPENDICES AND ATTACHMENTS. The following appendices and attachments, attached hereto, are hereby expressly made a part of this Contract as fully as if set forth at length herein. APPENDICES Appendix AStandard Clauses for NYS Contracts (January 2014) Appendix BGeneral Specifications (April 2016) Appendix C – Contract Modification Procedures Appendix D - Contractor Information Appendix D.1 - Administrative Update Form Appendix E - NYS Contract Price List Appendix E.1 - Contract Pricing Modifications Appendix F - Contractor's Insurance Requirements Appendix G - How to Use the Electronic Poll Book Systems Contract Appendix G.1 - Request For Quotes Template Appendix G.2 - RFQ Financial Response Template Appendix H - Report of Contract Usage ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1Board of Elections Application for Approval Attachment 2 - Contractor's Approval Package from SBOE Attachment 3 - Contractor's Application Submission to SBOE During the term of the Contract, OGS Procurement Services retains the right, at its sole discretion, to request any additional information pertaining to the Contractor's ability, qualifications, financial capacity, financial stability, and procedures used to accomplish all work under this Contract as it deems necessary to ensure safe and satisfactory work. All statements made must be able to be independently verified by OGS.
APPENDICES AND ATTACHMENTS. The following Appendices and Attachments are incorporated into and made part of this Agreement and the parties agree to be bound by these Appendices and Attachments: A. Appendix A - Work Statement B. Appendix BPayment Provisions (Rev. 5/12) and its Attachment 1 - A downloadable format of Attachment 1 is available at the following Internet address: xxxx:// C. Appendix C – Budget - A downloadable Budg et format is available at the following Internet address: xxxx://
APPENDICES AND ATTACHMENTS. ‌ The appendices and attachments as set forth in the Table of Contents are hereby expressly made a part of this Contract as fully as if set forth at length herein.
APPENDICES AND ATTACHMENTS. The following appendices and attachments are attached hereto and expressly made a part of this Contract: Appendix AStandard Clauses for New York State Contracts (January 2014) Appendix BGeneral Specifications (April 2016) Appendix CContract Modification Procedure Appendix D – Mini-Bid Project Definition Template Attachment 1 – Pricing, as the same may be amended or modified from time to time through the Contract Modification Process Attachment 2Insurance Requirements Attachment 3 Report of Contract Usage Attachment 4– Manufacturer’s Authorization Form Attachment 5 – Contractor and Reseller/Distributor Information
APPENDICES AND ATTACHMENTS. This Contract consists of these terms and conditions plus the following Appendices and Attachments, which are attached, made part of and incorporated into this Contract. The Contractor shall furnish and perform the Work in accordance with this Contract, including all Appendices and Attachments. Appendices and Attachments shall apply in their respective issue number or revision number as agreed by the Parties (and are explicitly incorporated into the Contract): Appendix 1 Payment Milestone Schedule Appendix 2 Form of Certificate of Milestone Achievement Appendix 3 Insurance Schedule Appendix 4 Government Approvals Appendix 5 Bill of Sale Appendix 6 Form of Satellite Pre-shipment Completion Certificate Appendix 7 Form of Acceptance Certificate for Initial Customer Satellites Appendix 8 Form of Satellite Launch Readiness Certificate Appendix 9 Form of Pre-Acceptance Certificate Appendix 10 Form of System Acceptance Certificate Appendix 11 Form of Change Order Attachment 1 Statement of Work [2023-02-17 Version 2] Attachments 2-7 Intentionally omitted Attachment 8 [***]
APPENDICES AND ATTACHMENTS. The following Appendices and Attachments, attached hereto, are hereby expressly made a part of this Contract as fully as if set forth at length herein. Appendix AStandard Clauses for New York State Contracts (January 2014)