ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS. (a) All attachments to this Agreement are incorporated as if set out fully.
(b) In the event of any inconsistencies or conflict between the language of this Agreement and the attachments, the language of the attachments shall control, but only to the extent of the conflict or inconsistency.
(c) This Agreement has the following attachments: Exhibit 1 – Audit Requirements Exhibit 2– Funding Sources Exhibit 3– Single Audits Attachment A – Scope of Work Attachment A (1) – Allowable Costs and Eligible Activities – Budget Directions Attachment A (2) – Proposed Budget Detail Worksheet Attachment A (3) – Quarterly Reports Attachment B – Justification of Advance Payment Attachment C – Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion Attachment D – Warranties and Representations Attachment E – Statement of Assurances Attachment F – Mandatory Contract Provisions Attachment G – Certification Regarding Lobbying Attachment H – Reporting Forms
ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS. Attached to and made part of this Agreement are the following Attachments and/or Exhibits, each of which is incorporated into, and is an integral part of, this Agreement:
ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS. The Parties agree to comply with the terms and conditions of the following attachments and exhibits which are hereby incorporated by reference: ☒ Attachment 2: Special Terms and Conditions ☒ Attachment 3: Scope of Work ☒ Attachment 4: Public Records Requirements ☒ Attachment 5: Price Sheet ☐ Attachment 6: Technology Standards ☐ Attachment 7: Contractor’s Proposal (RFPs Only) ☐ Attachment 8: Contractor’s BAFO (ITNs Only) ☐ Additional Attachments (if necessary): ☒ Exhibit A: General Contract Conditions – PUR 1000 ☐ Exhibit B: Subcontractor Utilization Report Form ☐ Exhibit C: Contractor Affidavit/Release of Claims Form ☐ Exhibit D: Quality Assurance Requirements for Contracts ☐ Exhibit E: Advance Payment Terms and Interest Earned Memo ☐ Additional Exhibits (if necessary):
ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS. All attachments and exhibits to this License Agreement are hereby made a part hereof as if fully set out herein.
ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS. Attachment 1 – Form NRCS-ADS-093, “Notice of Grant and Agreement Award” Attachment A – List of Agricultural Land Easement Parcels funded by NRCS
ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS. Attached to and made part of this Contract are the following Attachments and/or Exhibits, each of which is incorporated into, and is an integral part of, this Contract:
ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS. All Attachments and Exhibits annexed to this Agreement are expressly made a part of this Agreement as fully as though completely set forth in it. All references to this Agreement shall be deemed to refer to and include this Agreement and all such Attachments and Exhibits.
ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS. Exhibit 1 – Signature Page with List of Eligible Entities, and Potential Co-Holders and Third-Party Right Holders Exhibit 2 – Appraisal – NRCS Specifications and Scope of Work for Appraisals of Real Property for ACEP-ALE Exhibit 3 – Sample “ACEP-ALE Parcel Cost-Share Contract” for individual Parcel acquisition under a Standard ALE Transaction including:
a. Form NRCS-CPA-1265, “ACEP-ALE Parcel Cost-Share Contract”
b. Form NRCS-CPA-1265-Appendix, “Appendix to the ACEP-ALE Parcel Cost-Share Contract for Standard ALE transactions”
c. Form NRCS-CPA-1266, “Schedule of Acquisition for Easements” d. Form NRCS-CPA-1267, “Modification of the Schedule of Acquisition for Easements” e. Form NRCS-CPA-230E, “Statement to Confirm Matching Funds for General ALE”
ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS. (a) All attachments to this Agreement are incorporated as if set out fully.
(b) In the event of any inconsistencies or conflict between the language of this Agreement and the attachments, the language of the attachments shall control, but only to the extent of the conflict or inconsistency.
(c) This Agreement has the following attachments: Exhibit 1 – Single Audits Exhibit 2 – 27P-19 Administrative Code – EM Director Certification Attachment A – Scope of Work
(1) Allowable Costs and Eligible Activities – Budget Directions Attachment A (2) – Proposed Program Budget Detail Worksheet Attachment A (3) – Quarterly Reports Attachment B – Justification of Advance Payment Attachment C – Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion Attachment D – Warranties and Representations Attachment E – Statement of Assurances
ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS a. All attachments to this Agreement are incorporated as if set out fully.
b. In the event of any inconsistencies or conflict between the language of this Agreement and the attachments, the language of the attachments shall control, but only to the extent of the conflict or inconsistency.
c. This Agreement has the following attachments:
i. Exhibit 1 - Funding Sources
ii. Exhibit 2 – Certification Regarding Telecommunications and Video Restrictions
iii. Exhibit 3 – Certification Regarding Lobbying
iv. Attachment A – Program Budget v. Attachment B – Scope of Work vi. Attachment C – Deliverables and Performance