SHORT TERM EXTENSION. In the event a replacement Contract has not been issued, this Contract may be extended unilaterally by the State for an additional period of up to one (1) month upon notice to the Contractor with the same terms and conditions as the original Contract including, but not limited to, quantities (prorated for such one month extension), prices, and delivery requirements. With the concurrence of the Contractor, the extension may be for a period of up to three (3) months in lieu of one (1) month. However, this extension terminates should a replacement Contract be issued in the interim.
SHORT TERM EXTENSION. This section shall apply in addition to any rights set forth in Appendix B, Contract Term – Extension. In the event a replacement Contract has not been issued, any Contract let and awarded hereunder by the State may be extended unilaterally by the State for an additional period of up to 30 calendar days upon notice to the Contractor with the same terms and conditions as the original Contract and any approved modifications. With the concurrence of the Contractor, the extension may be for a period of up to 90 calendar days in lieu of 30 calendar days. However, this extension automatically terminates should a replacement Contract be issued in the interim.
SHORT TERM EXTENSION. This section shall apply in addition to any rights set forth in Appendix B § 23
SHORT TERM EXTENSION. In the event the replacement contract has not been issued, any contract let and awarded hereunder by the State, may be extended unilaterally by the State for an additional period of up to one month upon notice to the Contractor with the same terms and conditions as the original contract including, but not limited to, quantities (prorated for such one month extension), prices, and delivery requirements. With the concurrence of the Contractor, the extension may be for a period of up to three months in lieu of one month. However, this extension terminates should the replacement contract be issued in the interim. If Model Year Build-Out Date for an Item has been reached, Contractor may offer next Model Year in accordance with Section II.17.1 Mutual Extension of Time Period for the extensions authorized by this section.
SHORT TERM EXTENSION. OGS reserves the right to seek an additional short-term extension for this Aggregate Hardware Buy 18-01 Agreement in accordance with Contractor's Manufacturer Umbrella Contract Section 2.18, Short Term Extension: In the event a replacement Agreement has not been issued, any Agreement let and awarded hereunder by the State, may be extended unilaterally by the State for an additional period of up to three (3) months upon notice to the Contractor with the same terms and conditions as the original Agreement including, but not limited to, prices and delivery requirements. With the concurrence of the Contractor, the extension may be for a period of up to six (6) months in lieu of three (3) months. However, this extension terminates should the replacement Agreement be issued in the interim.
SHORT TERM EXTENSION. This section shall apply in addition to any rights set forth in Section 23 of Appendix B (Contract Term – Extension). In the event a replacement Contract has not been issued: (a) The term of this Contract, Enterprise Agreement Program Agreement, and Campus and School Agreement Program Agreement hereunder may be extended unilaterally upon OGS’ request (which shall not unreasonably be denied) for an additional period of up to 30 calendar days upon notice to the Contractor with the same terms and conditions as the original Contract and any approved modifications. The Parties will execute a written Amendment, to be provided by Microsoft and subject to OGS approval, to memorialize such extension. For clarity, the term of each Enrollment is not extended automatically by such an extension, but during the applicable extension period: (i) new Enrollments (each with their own typically 3-year term) may be executed; and (ii) Enrollments which expire prior to the end of the extension period may be renewed for full renewal terms. (b) With the concurrence of the Contractor, the above-referenced extension(s) may be for a period of up to 90 calendar days in lieu of 30 calendar days. However, this extension automatically terminates should a replacement Contract be issued in the interim. The Parties will execute a written Amendment, to be provided by Contractor and subject to OGS approval, to memorialize such extension. (c) The Parties acknowledge that the term of the Select Plus Program Agreement (including the education version thereof), including but not limited to Software Assurance coverage periods, may only be extended in Microsoft’s systems by increments that are multiples of 12 months. Microsoft will agree upon OGS’ request and provide an amendment (subject to OGS approval) for the purpose of memorializing a 12-month extension. For clarity, OGS may instruct the State of New York’s Reseller to restrict acceptance of new Purchase Orders from Authorized Users to a shorter period (e.g. 30 days). Software Assurance (including all Software Assurance Benefits, such as new version rights) purchased during such shorter period shall be for a 12 month period and Contractor shall invoice Reseller for 12 months of Software Assurance.
SHORT TERM EXTENSION. This section shall apply in addition to any rights set forth in Appendix B, Contract Term – Extension. In the event a replacement Contract has not been issued, any Contract let and awarded hereunder by the State may be extended unilaterally by the State for an additional period of up to three (3) months upon notice to the Contractor with the same terms and conditions as the original Contract and any approved modifications. Filed requirements and Delivery Schedules may be updated by OGS for any mutually agreed upon extension. With the concurrence of the Contractor, the extension may be for a period of up to six (6) months in lieu of three (3) months. However, this extension automatically terminates should a replacement Contract be issued in the interim.
SHORT TERM EXTENSION. At the time of extension, the Supplier may submit updates to their original quotations via email for review and acceptance by Chemonics.
SHORT TERM EXTENSION. Lender hereby agrees to extend the maturity date on the Restated Term Note and the Restated Revolving Note to October 31, 2004. Such extension is a one time extension, and Lender shall have no obligation whatsoever to further extend, modify or amend such Restated Term Note or Restated Revolving Note.
SHORT TERM EXTENSION. In the event a replacement Price Schedule has not been issued before the end of the Ordering Period, this Price Schedule may be extended via modification for an additional period of up to six (6) with the concurrence of the Supplier. However, the Price Schedule Ordering Period terminates upon the Effective Date of any replacement Price Schedule for the same products as may be awarded and incorporated in the BOA via modification.