Subrecipients when submitting financial reporting packages to DEO for audits done in accordance with 2 CFR 200, Subpart F - Audit Requirements, or Chapters 10.550 (local governmental entities) and 10.650 (nonprofit and for-profit organizations), Rules of the Auditor General, should indicate the date that the reporting package was delivered to Subrecipient in correspondence accompanying the reporting package.
Recipients The personal data transferred may be disclosed only to the following recipients or categories of recipients:
Participating Providers To find out if a Provider is a Participating Provider: • Check Our Provider directory, available at Your request; • Call the number on Your ID card; or • Visit our website at The Provider directory will give You the following information about Our Participating Providers: • Name, address, and telephone number; • Specialty; • Board certification (if applicable); • Languages spoken; and • Whether the Participating Provider is accepting new patients.
DESIGNATED PERSONNEL The Contractor will provide the Designated Personnel listed below for the duration of the Contract at no charge to the State. Information regarding the Designated Personnel is set forth in Appendix D – Contractor and Reseller Information. Contractor must notify OGS within five (5) business days if any of the Designated Personnel change, and provide an interim contact person until the position is filled. Contractor may submit a Designated Personnel change by submission electronically via e-mail of a revised Appendix D – Contractor and Reseller Information to the OGS Contract Administrator. The Designated Personnel must have the authority to act on behalf of the Contractor: Account Manager The Account Manager is responsible for the overall relationship with the State during the course of the Contract and shall act as the central point of contact. Contract Administrator The Contract Administrator is responsible for the updating and management of the Contract on a timely basis. Sales Manager The Sales Manager is responsible for the overall relationship with the Authorized Users for matters relating to RFQs.
Reporting of Total Compensation of Subrecipient Executives 1. Applicability and what to report. Unless you are exempt as provided in paragraph d. of this award term, for each first-tier subrecipient under this award, you shall report the names and total compensation of each of the subrecipient's five most highly compensated executives for the subrecipient's preceding completed fiscal year, if-- i. in the subrecipient's preceding fiscal year, the subrecipient received-- (A) 80 percent or more of its annual gross revenues from Federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts) and Federal financial assistance subject to the Transparency Act, as defined at 2 CFR 170.320 (and subawards); and (B) $25,000,000 or more in annual gross revenues from Federal procurement contracts (and subcontracts), and Federal financial assistance subject to the Transparency Act (and subawards); and ii. The public does not have access to information about the compensation of the executives through periodic reports filed under section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78m(a), 78o(d)) or section 6104 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. (To determine if the public has access to the compensation information, see the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission total compensation filings at xxxx:// 2. Where and when to report. You must report subrecipient executive total compensation described in paragraph c.1. of this award term: i. To the recipient. ii. By the end of the month following the month during which you make the subaward. For example, if a subaward is obligated on any date during the month of October of a given year (i.e., between October 1 and 31), you must report any required compensation information of the subrecipient by November 30 of that year.
Conflict of Interest – Subrecipient’s Personnel The Subrecipient shall exercise reasonable care and diligence to prevent any actions or conditions that could result in a conflict with the best interests of the County. This obligation shall apply to the Subrecipient; the Subrecipient’s employees, agents, and subcontractors associated with accomplishing work and services hereunder. The Subrecipient’s efforts shall include, but not be limited to establishing precautions to prevent its employees, agents, and subcontractors from providing or offering gifts, entertainment, payments, loans or other considerations which could be deemed to influence or appear to influence County staff or elected officers from acting in the best interests of the County.
B4 Key Personnel The Contractor acknowledges that the Key Personnel are essential to the proper provision of the Services to the Authority.
Data shared with Subcontractors If DSHS Data provided under this Contract is to be shared with a subcontractor, the Contract with the subcontractor must include all of the data security provisions within this Contract and within any amendments, attachments, or exhibits within this Contract. If the Contractor cannot protect the Data as articulated within this Contract, then the contract with the sub- Contractor must be submitted to the DSHS Contact specified for this contract for review and approval.
Contractor’s Project Manager and Key Personnel Contractor shall appoint a Project Manager to direct the Contractor’s efforts in fulfilling Contractor’s obligations under this Contract. This Project Manager shall be subject to approval by the County and shall not be changed without the written consent of the County’s Project Manager, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The Contractor’s Project Manager shall be assigned to this project for the duration of the Contract and shall diligently pursue all work and services to meet the project time lines. The County’s Project Manager shall have the right to require the removal and replacement of the Contractor’s Project Manager from providing services to the County under this Contract. The County’s Project manager shall notify the Contractor in writing of such action. The Contractor shall accomplish the removal within five (5) business days after written notice by the County’s Project Manager. The County’s Project Manager shall review and approve the appointment of the replacement for the Contractor’s Project Manager. The County is not required to provide any additional information, reason or rationale in the event it The County is not required to provide any additional information, reason or rationale in the event it requires the removal of Contractor’s Project Manager from providing further services under the Contract.
Contractor Key Personnel The Contractor shall assign a Corporate OASIS SB Program Manager (COPM) and Corporate OASIS SB Contract Manager (COCM) as Contractor Key Personnel to represent the Contractor as primary points-of-contact to resolve issues, perform administrative duties, and other functions that may arise relating to OASIS SB and task orders solicited and awarded under OASIS SB. Additional Key Personnel requirements may be designated by the OCO at the task order level. There is no minimum qualification requirements established for Contractor Key Personnel. Additionally, Contractor Key Personnel do not have to be full-time positions; however, the Contractor Key Personnel are expected to be fully proficient in the performance of their duties. The Contractor shall ensure that the OASIS SB CO has current point-of-contact information for both the COPM and COCM. In the event of a change to Contractor Key Personnel, the Contractor shall notify the OASIS SB CO and provide all Point of Contact information for the new Key Personnel within 5 calendar days of the change. All costs associated with Contractor Key Personnel duties shall be handled in accordance with the Contractor’s standard accounting practices; however, no costs for Contractor Key Personnel may be billed to the OASIS Program Office. Failure of Contractor Key Personnel to effectively and efficiently perform their duties will be construed as conduct detrimental to contract performance and may result in activation of Dormant Status and/or Off-Ramping (See Sections H.16. and H.17.).