Recipients Sample Clauses

Recipients. The personal data transferred may be disclosed only to the following recipients or categories of recipients:
RecipientsPersonal data is made available via Bolt Food Platform to the Couriers.
Recipients. Clients of Service Provider establishments in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy and Spain may obtain further information about Service Provider Affiliates, the Service Provider’s Third Party Service Providers and Payment Infrastructure Providers and Securities Infrastructure Providers to whom their Personal Data has been disclosed on request from the Client’s account manager.
Recipients. 1) Full-time faculty recipients may not accept more than an equivalent of a contract year and must use it within a maximum period of 12 consecutive months. 2) Faculty receiving donations shall receive day per day credit as paid status for sick leave donated by other faculty and shall only be used to cover base contract load. 3) Prior to requesting subsequent catastrophic leave donations, faculty recipients must work a full contract year of service. Provisions for Part-Time Faculty a) Donations
Recipients. Recipients must be permanent employees in bargaining units that have agreed to participate in this program.
Recipients. 1. Only regular employees may participate in the Catastrophic Leave program. 2. Certification from a physician that the illness/injury will preclude the employee from returning to work for at least thirty (30) calendar days must be submitted to the Human Resources Department with the application. 3. All accumulated time, sick leave, vacation time, compensatory time, and other available paid time off balances must have been exhausted. 4. A request for leave of absence without pay for medical reasons has been submitted and approved. 5. Request for participation in the program shall be made on an application for Catastrophic Leave Program form, available from the Human Resources Department.
RecipientsThe Receiving Party shall procure that each of its Recipients is made aware of and is directed to act in a manner consistent with the provisions of this Agreement. Accordingly, the Receiving Party shall be responsible and liable for any breach by any of its Recipients of the provisions of this Agreement that apply to such Recipient, unless and until such Recipient executes a written undertaking towards the Disclosing Party on the basis of which it individually and separately adheres to, and becomes responsible for compliance with, the obligations of this Agreement that apply to such Recipient. The Receiving Party shall notify the Disclosing Party of any disclosure of Information in breach of this Agreement as soon as it becomes aware thereof.
RecipientsThe International Preliminary Examining Authority shall, on the same day, transmit one copy of the inter- national preliminary examination report and its annexes, if any, to the International Bureau, and one copy to the applicant.
Recipients. The Personal Data may only be disclosed to the following recipients or categories of recipients within the Service Provider’s organisation: [set out permitted recipients]
Recipients a. The Recipient(s) shall ensure that their sub-recipient(s) understand and acknowledge conditions and potential requirements that may be placed upon Undertakings as a result of Section 106 consultation and the provisions of this Agreement. b. The Recipient(s) shall participate in an initial scoping meeting in response to a Declaration. c. The Recipient(s) shall ensure that their sub-recipient(s) understand that failure to comply with any project-specific conditions that have been placed on their grants could jeopardize FEMA funding. d. The Recipient(s) shall notify FEMA as soon as possible of any proposed change to the approved scope of work. The Recipient(s) shall direct their sub-recipient(s) not to implement the changes to the proposed scope of work until any additional review required by this Agreement is complete. e. The Recipient(s) shall ensure that its sub-recipient(s) are made aware that in the event of an unexpected discovery involving an Undertaking that has affected a previously unidentified historic property or human remains, or affected a known historic property in an unanticipated manner, the sub-recipient(s) will comply with Stipulation III.B, Unexpected Discoveries, Previously Unidentified Properties, or Unexpected Effects. f. The Recipient(s) shall ensure that in its sub-recipient(s) agreements, any scope of work involving ground disturbance, and resultant contracts to execute said work, provide for the protection of and notification protocols for unexpected discoveries or unexpected effects to historic properties and human remains.