Application of a Bilateral Safeguard Measure. 1. If, as a result of the reduction or elimination of a customs duty provided for in this Agreement, a product benefiting from preferential tariff treatment under this Agreement is being imported into the territory of a Party in such increased quantities, in absolute terms or relative to the domestic production and under such conditions as to cause serious injury or threat thereof to a domestic industry producing a like or directly competitive product, the importing Party may apply a safeguard measure described in paragraph 2, during the transition period.
2. If the conditions in paragraph 1 are met, a Party may, only to the extent as may be necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury, or threat thereof, and to facilitate adjustment:
(a) suspend the further reduction of any rate of customs duty on the product provided for under this Agreement; or
(b) increase the rate of customs duty on the product to a level not exceeding the lesser of:
(i) the MFN applied rate of duty in effect on the product on the day immediately preceding the date of entry into force of this Agreement; or
(ii) the MFN applied rate of customs duty in effect on the product on the date on which the safeguard measure is applied.
Application of a Bilateral Safeguard Measure. 1. If, as a result of the reduction or elimination of a customs duty under this Agreement, originating goods of a Party are being imported into the territory of the other Party in such increased quantities, in absolute terms or relative to domestic production, and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause serious injury to a domestic industry producing like or directly competitive goods, the importing Party may adopt measures provided for in paragraph 2 in accordance with the conditions and procedures laid down in this Section.
2. The importing Party may take a bilateral safeguard measure which:
(a) suspends further reduction of the rate of customs duty on the good concerned provided for under this Agreement; or
(b) increases the rate of customs duty on the good to a level which does not exceed the lesser of:
(i) the MFN applied rate of customs duty on the good in effect at the time the measure is taken; or
(ii) the base rate of customs duty specified in the Schedules included in Annex 2-A (Elimination of Customs Duties) pursuant to Article 2.5.2 (Elimination of Customs Duties).
Application of a Bilateral Safeguard Measure. 1. Notwithstanding Section 2 (Multilateral Safeguard Measures), if as a result of concessions under this Agreement, a product originating in a Party is being imported into the territory of another Party in such increased quantities, in absolute terms or relative to domestic production, and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause serious injury to domestic producers of like or directly competitive products, the importing Party may adopt appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down in this Section. 2 A Party may only apply bilateral safeguard measures during the transitional period [10].
Application of a Bilateral Safeguard Measure. 1. If, as a result of the reduction or elimination of a customs duty under this Agreement, any good originating in the territory of a Party is being imported into the territory of the other Party in such increased quantities, in absolute terms or relative to domestic production, and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause serious injury to a domestic industry producing like or directly competitive goods, the importing Party may adopt measures provided for in paragraph 2 in accordance with the conditions and procedures laid down in this Section during the transition period only, except as otherwise provided for in subparagraph 6(c) of Article 3.11
Application of a Bilateral Safeguard Measure. 1. During the transition period only, if as a result of the reduction or elimination of a customs duty provided for in this Agreement, any product originating in a Party is being imported into the territory of the other Party in such increased quantities in absolute terms or relative to domestic production, and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause serious injury to domestic industry producing a like or directly competitive product, the importing Party may apply a bilateral safeguard measure described in paragraph 2 of this Article.
2. If the conditions in paragraph 1 are met, a Party may, only to the extent necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury and to facilitate adjustment:
(a) suspend the further reduction of any rate of customs duty on the product provided for under this Agreement; or
(b) increase the rate of customs duty on the product to a level not exceeding the lesser of:
(i) the MFN applied rate of customs duty in effect on the product on the day immediately preceding the date of entry into force of this Agreement; or
(ii) the MFN applied rate of customs duty in effect on the product on the date on which the bilateral safeguard measure is applied.
Application of a Bilateral Safeguard Measure. Notwithstanding Section 2 (Multilateral Safeguard Measures), if as a result of concessions under this Agreement, a product originating in a Party is being imported into the territory of another Party in such increased quantities, in absolute terms or relative to domestic production, and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause serious injury to domestic producers of like or directly competitive products, the importing Party may adopt appropriate measures under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down in this Section.
Application of a Bilateral Safeguard Measure. 1. If, as a result of the reduction or elimination of a customs duty under this Agreement, a product originating in a Party is being imported into the territory of the other Party in such increased quantities, in absolute terms or relative to domestic production, and under such conditions as to cause serious injury or threat thereof to a domestic industry producing a like or directly competitive product, the importing Party may apply a bilateral safeguard measure described in paragraph 2 during the transition period.
2. If the conditions in paragraph 1 are met, a Party may, only to the extent as may be necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury, or threat thereof, and to facilitate adjustment:
(a) suspend the further reduction of any rate of customs duty on the product provided for under this Agreement; or
(b) increase the rate of customs duty on the product to a level not exceeding the lesser of:
(i) the MFN applied rate of customs duty in effect at the time the measure is taken; or
(ii) the MFN applied rate of customs duty in effect on the day immediately preceding the date of entry into force of this Agreement.
3. No Party may apply, with respect to the same product, at the same time:
(a) a bilateral safeguard measure; and
(b) a measure under Article XIX of the GATT 1994 and the WTO Agreement on Safeguards.
Application of a Bilateral Safeguard Measure. 1. If as a result of the reduction or elimination of a customs duty under this Agreement, an originating good of the other Party is being imported into the territory of a Party in such increased quantities, in absolute terms or relative to domestic production, and under such conditions as to be a cause of serious injury, or threat thereof, to a domestic industry producing a like or directly competitive good, the Party may during the transition period, apply one of the following bilateral safeguard measures:
(a) suspend the further reduction of any rate of customs duty on the good provided for under this Agreement; or
(b) increase the rate of customs duty on the good to a level not to exceed the lesser of:
(i) the most-favoured-nation applied rate of customs duty on the good in effect at the time the bilateral safeguard measure is applied; and
(ii) the most-favoured-nation applied rate of customs duty on the good in effect on the day immediately preceding the date of entry into force of this Agreement.
2. Neither Party shall apply or maintain a bilateral safeguard measure or provisional bilateral safeguard measure under this Chapter to any good imported under a tariff rate quota established by the Party under this Agreement.
Application of a Bilateral Safeguard Measure. 1. If during the transition period, as a result of the reduction or elimination of a customs duty in accordance with this Agreement, an originating product is being imported into a Party's territory in such increased quantities, in absolute terms or relative to domestic production, and under such conditions as to cause or threaten to cause serious injury to the domestic industry that produces a like or directly competitive product, the importing Party may apply a bilateral safeguard measure described in paragraph 2.
2. If the conditions in paragraph 1 are met, a Party may, only to the extent necessary to prevent or remedy serious injury and facilitate adjustment:
(a) suspend the further reduction of any rate of duty provided for under this Agreement on the product; or
(b) increase the rate of duty on the good to a level not to exceed the lesser of:
(i) the most-favoured-nation (hereinafter referred to as "MFN") applied rate of duty on the product in effect at the time the measure is applied; and
(ii) the MEN applied rate of duty on the product in effect on the day immediately preceding the date of entry into force of this Agreement.
(1) The Parties understand that neither tariff rate quotas nor quantitative restrictions would be permissible forms of bilateral safeguard measures.
Application of a Bilateral Safeguard Measure. 1. Subject to Article 8.7.3, if a good originating in one Party, as a result of the reduction or elimination of a customs duty provided for in this Agreement, is being imported into the other Party in such increased quantities, in absolute or relative terms, and under such conditions that the imports of the good originating from that Party alone constitute a substantial cause of serious injury or threat of serious injury to a domestic industry, the importing Party may, to the minimum extent necessary to remedy the injury:
(a) suspend the further reduction of any rate of a customs duty provided for under this Agreement on the goods; or
(b) increase the rate of duty on the good to a level not to exceed the lesser of :
(i) the most favored nation (MFN) applied rate of duty in effect at the time the measure is applied; or
(ii) the base rate as provided for in Article 2.14 (Elimination of Customs Duties) in Chapter 2 (Market Access for Goods).
2. The Party that applies a safeguard measure may establish an import quota for the product concerned under the agreed preference/concession established in this Agreement. If a quota is applied, such a measure shall not reduce the quantity of imports to a level below the average of imports before the existence of serious injury.