Preferential Tariff Treatment. Preferential tariff treatment under this Agreement shall be applied to goods that satisfy the requirements of this Chapter and which are consigned directly between the Parties.
Preferential Tariff Treatment. “Preferential tariff treatment” means the duty rate applicable under the AFTA to an originating good, and an exemption from the merchandise processing fee;
Preferential Tariff Treatment. Preferential tariff treatment provided for in this Agreement shall be applied to goods that qualify as originating goods in accordance with Article 2.
Preferential Tariff Treatment. “Preferential tariff treatment” means the duty rate applicable under the CTPA to an originating good, and an exemption from the merchandise processing fee;
Preferential Tariff Treatment. Granting Preferential Tariff Treatment
Preferential Tariff Treatment. ARTICLE 4.23
Preferential Tariff Treatment. Pref- eren tial tariff treatment m e a n s t h e d u t y r a t e a pplic a ble t o a n o r igi n a t i n g good o r t o a good t o w h ic h a ppe n xxx 6. B. t o A nn ex 300–B of t h e NA F T A a pplies.
Preferential Tariff Treatment. The quantity under a limited global im- port quota shall be considered to be an in- quota quantity for purposes of— (i) section 2703(d) of title 19;
Preferential Tariff Treatment. The quantity under a special import quota shall be considered to be an in-quota quantity for purposes of— (A) section 2703(d) of title 19;