Arbitration Cases Sample Clauses

Arbitration Cases. Apart from the ongoing negotiations with Kumtor Op- erating Company about a new mining agreement, the government is locked in a legal battle with Visor Hold- ings, an Almaty-based company that has a 60 per cent stake in JerooyAltyn, the licence holder of the Jerooy mine. Previously the then Ministry of Natural Resources cancelled JerooyAltyn’s licence because they said the company had failed to start production on time (Ma- zykina 2010). Visor Holdings has sued the government for USD 400 million in this case and has made an arbitra- tion claim with the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes in Washington, DC. At the same time, the government has gone head with awarding the Jerooy licence through an open auction. The first auction began with a starting price of USD 300 million. It closed with no offers on 13 May 2013. The gov- ernment has since stated that a new auction will be held with a starting price of USD 100 million (K-News 2013). In another legal case, Stans Energy, a Canadian com- pany, filed an arbitration claim in early November 2013 for nearly USD 118 million against the government in relation to the Kutessay II heavy rare earth elements project. On its website, the company announced that the government had impeded Stans Energy’s ability to conduct activities at the site and forced it to terminate operations of Kutisay Mining LLC, the company’s wholly owned subsidiary (Stans Energy Corp 2013). This raises yet more concerns for investors looking to become in- volved in mining activities in the country. Industry insiders note that such legal battles may take years to settle. Based on the authors’ interviews for this report and personal conversations, it appears that politi- cians are not concerned about arbitration cases and are not worried if this should happen in the case of Kum- tor. From their point of view, there is little that Centerra or international arbitration courts could do to stop the country from continuing to develop the mine. This cre- ates further unease for investors looking to work in Kyr- gyzstan. Recent court proceedings, however, have gone against Kyrgyzstan. On 30 June 2014, the Arbitration Court at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry (henceforth, »Tribunal«) awarded Stans Energy over USD 118 million in their case against the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic. Kyrgyzstan had appealed to a local Moscow Arbitration Court to not recognize the ju- risdiction of the Tribunal, but the court ruled in fav...
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Related to Arbitration Cases

  • Arbitration Disputes arising under or in connection with this Agreement that are not resolved pursuant to Section 5.1, including requests for specific performance, will be resolved through binding arbitration conducted pursuant to the rules of the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce. The arbitration will be conducted in the English language and will occur in Los Angeles County, California. Any arbitration will be in front of a single arbitrator, unless (i) ICANN is seeking punitive or exemplary damages, or operational sanctions, (ii) the parties agree in writing to a greater number of arbitrators, or (iii) the dispute arises under Section 7.6 or 7.7. In the case of clauses (i), (ii) or (iii) in the preceding sentence, the arbitration will be in front of three arbitrators with each party selecting one arbitrator and the two selected arbitrators selecting the third arbitrator. In order to expedite the arbitration and limit its cost, the arbitrator(s) shall establish page limits for the parties’ filings in conjunction with the arbitration, and should the arbitrator(s) determine that a hearing is necessary, the hearing shall be limited to one (1) calendar day, provided that in any arbitration in which ICANN is seeking punitive or exemplary damages, or operational sanctions, the hearing may be extended for one (1) additional calendar day if agreed upon by the parties or ordered by the arbitrator(s) based on the arbitrator(s) independent determination or the reasonable request of one of the parties thereto. The prevailing party in the arbitration will have the right to recover its costs and reasonable attorneys’ fees, which the arbitrator(s) shall include in the awards. In the event the arbitrators determine that Registry Operator has been repeatedly and willfully in fundamental and material breach of its obligations set forth in Article 2, Article 6 or Section 5.4 of this Agreement, ICANN may request the arbitrators award punitive or exemplary damages, or operational sanctions (including without limitation an order temporarily restricting Registry Operator’s right to sell new registrations). Each party shall treat information received from the other party pursuant to the arbitration that is appropriately marked as confidential (as required by Section 7.15) as Confidential Information of such other party in accordance with Section 7.15. In any litigation involving ICANN concerning this Agreement, jurisdiction and exclusive venue for such litigation will be in a court located in Los Angeles County, California; however, the parties will also have the right to enforce a judgment of such a court in any court of competent jurisdiction.

  • Mediation/Arbitration Employee agrees that prior to filing any motion or claim against the Company or any of its employees, Employee will offer to engage in informal mediation. Each party shall bear its own costs of mediation and one-half of the cost of the mediator. Additionally, any claim by either party arising out of or related to this Agreement, or its breach, or related in any way to Employee's employment or its termination (except claims of employment discrimination under local, state or federal laws, and requests for equitable relief under Section 9 above), shall be settled by arbitration using a single arbitrator and administered by the American Arbitration Association under its Employment Dispute Resolution Rules. Any arbitration shall take place in Seattle, Washington, and the parties waive the right to a trial de novo or appeal, excepting only for the purpose of enforcing the arbitrator's decision, for which purpose the parties agree that the Superior Court for King County, Washington shall have jurisdiction. The nature, proceedings and results of the mediation or arbitration shall be kept confidential and kept from public disclosure to the extent possible.

  • Arbitration Proceedings Arbitration between the parties will be subject to the following:

  • Arbitration Procedure 1301 In the event of the failure of the parties to settle a grievance by means of the grievance procedure stated in Article 12, within ten (10) days of the date upon which the written reply referred to in Article 12 is received from the Human Resources Director or equivalent, the matter may then be referred to arbitration as hereinafter set forth. 1302 If mutual agreement is not reached by both parties to choose a single Arbitrator within ten (10) days from the time that the matter is referred to arbitration as defined in 1301 above, then the procedure stated below will be followed. 1303 Either party may submit the matter in dispute to a Board of Arbitration by giving notice to the other party within a further seven (7) days and by appointing in that notice one (1) nominee of the intended Board of Arbitration. The other party to the dispute shall, within seven (7) days after the receipt of such notice, also appoint a nominee and the two (2) nominees thus appointed shall, within ten (10) days thereafter, select a third member who shall be Chairperson. 1304 Should either party fail to appoint an Arbitrator as herein provided, or if any Arbitrator thus appointed should fail or be unable to serve and another Arbitrator not be appointed in her/his place by the party who made the original appointment, then the other party to the dispute may request the Minister of Labour for Manitoba to select a substitute. 1305 Should the two (2) appointed nominees fail within ten (10) days to agree upon a Chairperson, the two (2) nominees shall forward a request to the Minister of Labour for Manitoba to select a Chairperson. 1306 It is mutually agreed by both parties to this Collective Agreement that the decision of the Arbitrator, or the decision of the Chairperson in the absence of the majority decision of the Arbitration Board shall be final and binding upon the Employer, the Union and the nurse(s) concerned; however, the Arbitrator or the Arbitration Board shall not be authorized to make any decisions inconsistent with the provisions in this Collective Agreement. 1307 The Board of Arbitration shall determine its own procedure but shall give full opportunity to all parties to present evidence and make representations. 1308 In the event of a grievance alleging unjust layoff, suspension or discharge being referred to arbitration, the Arbitrator or Board of Arbitration shall be authorized to rule whether or not the nurse(s) concerned shall be reinstated and, in the event of reinstatement, shall also be authorized to make an award in terms of compensation for regular salary lost or a reasonable alternate award, however, any monetary award shall not exceed the difference between salary lost and any wages that may have been earned from employment with another employer during the period of the layoff, suspension or discharge. 1309 Any costs incurred by either of the parties hereto, preceding or during arbitration proceedings, shall be borne by the respective parties incurring such costs, but the costs of the Arbitrator or of the Chairperson of the Arbitration Board shall be borne by the parties hereto in equal shares. 1310 For the purposes of determining lengths of time in the foregoing procedure, Saturdays, Sundays and Recognized Holidays are excluded. 1311 Nothing in this Collective Agreement shall preclude a nurse or the Union committee and the Employer from mutually agreeing to settle a dispute by means other than those described in the grievance and arbitration procedures or to extend any of the stipulated time limits. 1312 Nurses whose attendance is required at arbitration hearings related to the Agreement shall be given permission to be absent from work and shall not suffer any loss of salary as a result. 1313 The Arbitrator shall be requested to provide both parties with a hard (paper) copy as well as a disk/electronic version of an arbitration award.

  • Arbitration Panel The arbitration panel shall consist of three arbitrators. The arbitrators must be impartial and must be or must have been officers of life insurance and or securities companies other than the parties or their affiliates.

  • Alternative Arbitration Proceedings Alternatively, the Parties may refer the matter to the Nairobi Centre for International Arbitration (NCIA) which offers a neutral venue for the conduct of national and international arbitration with commitment to providing institutional support to the arbitral process.

  • Arbitration Process Any arbitration will be conducted pursuant to the applicable rules (the “Arbitration Rules”) of the American Arbitration Association, as modified herein, to the extent such modifications are not prohibited by the Arbitration Rules. The arbitration will be conducted in Indianapolis, Indiana. The parties will select a single arbitrator, but in the event that the parties are unable to agree, the arbitrator will be appointed pursuant to the Arbitration Rules. The arbitrator will be a practicing attorney with significant expertise in litigating and/or presiding over cases involving the substantive legal areas involved in the dispute. The parties to the arbitration will not request, and the arbitrator will not order, that any discovery be taken or provided, including depositions, interrogatories or document requests, except to the extent the amount in controversy exceeds $50,000. The arbitration will be concluded within three months of the date the arbitrator is appointed. The arbitrator’s findings, reasoning, decision, and award will be stated in writing and based upon applicable law. Judgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. In the event that the arbitration results in an award which imposes an injunction or contains a monetary award in excess of $100,000, the award will be reviewable on appeal initiated by filing notice of appeal with the AAA office within 30 days of the award, governed by the AAA Optional Appellate Arbitration Rules and conducted by a panel of three new arbitrators, ruling by majority, under the procedure for appointment from the national roster of arbitrators. Unless the applicable Arbitration Rules require otherwise, arbitration fees and costs will be shared equally by the claimant(s) and respondent(s), respectively, in any arbitration proceeding. Should the AAA be unavailable, unable or unwilling to accept and administer the arbitration of any claim under these arbitration provisions as written, the parties will agree on a substitute arbitration organization, such as JAMS, that will enforce the arbitration provisions as written. Because this Agreement memorializes a transaction in interstate commerce, the Federal Arbitration Act governs the interpretation and enforcement of these arbitration provisions. More information about arbitration, including the Arbitration Rules, is available at or by calling 0-000-000-0000.

  • Step 3 - Arbitration If the grievance is not settled on the basis of the foregoing procedures, and if the grievant and the Union have complied with the specific time limitations specified in Steps 1 and 2 herein, the Union may submit the issue in writing to arbitration within fourteen (14) calendar days following the receipt of the written reply from the Director of Employee Relations and Employment or designee. After notification that the dispute is submitted for arbitration, the Employer and the Union shall attempt to agree on an arbitrator. If the Employer and the Union fail to agree on an arbitrator, the Union shall promptly request a list of seven (7) arbitrators from the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. The parties shall thereupon alternate in striking a name from the panel until one (1) name remains. The person whose name remains shall be the arbitrator.

  • Step 4 - Arbitration If the grievance is not settled on the basis of the foregoing procedures, the Association may submit the issue in writing to final and binding arbitration within ten (10) calendar days following receipt of the Chief Operating Officer or Chief Administrative Officer’s or designee’s response. Within ten (10) calendar days of the notification that the dispute is submitted for arbitration, the Association shall request the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to supply a list of eleven (11) arbitrators and the parties shall alternatively strike names from such list until the name of one (1) arbitrator remains who shall be the arbitrator. The party to strike the first name shall be determined by coin toss. In consultation with the arbitrator the Parties shall choose a date for the hearing. The arbitrator’s decision shall be final and binding, subject to limits of authority stated herein. The arbitrator shall have no authority or power to add to, delete from, disregard, or alter any of the provisions of this Agreement, but shall be authorized only to interpret the existing provisions of this Agreement as they may apply to the specific facts of the issue in dispute. The arbitrator shall base his or her decision solely on the contractual obligations expressed in this Agreement. If the arbitrator should find that the Employer was not prohibited by this Agreement from taking, or not taking, the action grieved, he or she shall have no authority to change or restrict the Employer’s action. The arbitrator shall not reverse the Employer’s exercise of discretion in any particular instance and substitute his or her own judgment or determination for that of the Employer. If a nurse feels the Employer’s determination is based upon bad faith, is arbitrary and capricious, is based on irrelevant information or favoritism, the nurse shall have recourse to the grievance procedure. Any dispute as to procedure shall be heard and decided by the arbitrator in a separate proceeding prior to any hearing on the merits. Any dismissal of a grievance by the arbitrator, whether on the merits or on procedural grounds, shall bar any further arbitration. Each party shall bear one-half (½) of the fee of the arbitrator and any other expense jointly incurred by mutual agreement incident to the arbitration hearing. All other expenses, including any costs or attorneys’ fees, shall be borne by the party incurring them, and neither party shall be responsible for the expenses of witnesses called by the other party.

  • Dispute Resolution; Arbitration This Agreement evidences a transaction involving interstate commerce. Any disputes arising from this Agreement shall be decided by binding arbitration which shall be conducted, at the request of any party, in New York, New York, before one arbitrator designated by the American Arbitration Association (the "AAA"), in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the AAA, and to the maximum extent applicable, the United States Arbitration Act (Title 9 of the United States Code). Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, any party may proceed to a court of competent jurisdiction to obtain equitable relief at any time. An arbitrator shall have no authority to award punitive damages or other damages not measured by the prevailing party's actual damages. To the maximum extent practicable, an arbitration proceeding under this Agreement shall be concluded within 180 days of the filing of the dispute with the AAA. This arbitration clause shall survive any termination, amendment, or expiration of the Agreement and if any provision of this arbitration clause is found to be unenforceable, the remaining parts of the arbitration clause shall not be affected and shall remain fully enforceable.

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