Archaeological Features Sample Clauses

Archaeological Features. ‌ 16 The attention of Developer is directed to Title 41, Article 4, Archaeological Discoveries, Sections 17 41-841, et seq., of the Arizona Revised Statutes, which make it a felony, punishable by a fine 18 and imprisonment, to investigate, explore, or excavate on State land, in or on prehistoric ruins, 19 ancient burial grounds, fossilized footprints, hieroglyphics, and all other archaeological features 20 of Arizona without permits from the Arizona State Museum. 21 Section 6(a) of the Federal Archaeological Resources Protection Act of 1979 specifies that no 22 person may excavate, remove, damage, or otherwise alter or deface any archaeological 23 resource located on public (Federal) lands or Indian lands unless such activity is pursuant to a 24 permit issued under Section 4 of the Act. Violations of this act are considered a felony and are 25 punishable by fine and imprisonment. 26 While, prior to construction, ADOT will endeavor to identify all cultural resources in the 27 Schematic ROW, previously unidentified archaeological materials could be found during the 28 construction of the Project. When archaeological, historical or paleontological features are 29 encountered or discovered during any activity related to the construction of the Project, 30 Developer shall cease all further disturbances and activities within 300 feet of the feature, 31 secure the preservation of those features, and notify ADOT. 32 ADOT will direct how to protect the features. Developer shall not resume Construction Work at 33 that Project Segment until Developer is so directed by ADOT.
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Archaeological Features. Buyer, in purchasing or otherwise taking title to the Lot, does so with the express understanding and acknowledgment that the Subdivision may contain various archaeological features. Buyer, in purchasing or otherwise taking title to the Lot thereby: (a) accepts any nuisance, inconvenience, irritation, annoyance, emotional or psychological discomfort, or diminution in value of the Lot or the Subdivision that may be experienced as a result of existence of the archaeological features; (b) expressly waives any and all rights, claims, or actions that Buyer might otherwise have against the Waived Entities, the Association, and/or the Board of Directors of the Association (the "Board"), arising out of or in connection with the archaeological features; (c) agrees to hold harmless the Waived Entities, the Association, and the Board, from and against any and all claims, demands, actions, lawsuits, proceedings, fines, penalties, damages, liabilities, judgments, awards, expenses and costs (including attorneys' fees and costs) that may arise out of or may directly or indirectly be attributable to archaeological features located within the Lot; and (d) agrees to cooperate with the Waived Entities, the Association, and the Board, in the defense of any and all claims, demands, actions, lawsuits, proceedings, fines, penalties, damages, liabilities, judgments, awards, expenses and costs (including attorneys' fees and costs) that may arise out of or may directly or indirectly be attributable to archaeological features located within the Lot.
Archaeological Features 

Related to Archaeological Features

  • ARCHAEOLOGY Lessee shall not destroy, disturb, mar, collect, remove or alter any prehistoric or historic resources of any kind on Weld County lands as provided by law. These resources include, but are not limited to, all artifacts of stone, wood or metal, pictographs, structures, and bones. A discovery of anything of prehistoric or historic nature shall be reported to Lessor or the State of Colorado Archaeologist immediately.

  • Geological and archaeological finds It is expressly agreed that mining, geological or archaeological rights do not form part of this Agreement with the Contractor for the Works, and the Contractor hereby acknowledges that it shall not have any mining rights or interest in the underlying minerals, fossils, antiquities, structures or other remnants or things either of particular geological or archaeological interest and that such rights, interest and property on or under the Site shall vest in and belong to the Authority or the concerned Government Instrumentality. The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent its workmen or any other person from removing or damaging such interest or property and shall inform the Authority forthwith of the discovery thereof and comply with such instructions as the concerned Government Instrumentality may reasonably give for the removal of such property. For the avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that any reasonable expenses incurred by the Contractor hereunder shall be reimbursed by the Authority. It is also agreed that the Authority shall procure that the instructions hereunder are issued by the concerned Government Instrumentality within a reasonable period.

  • Geological and Archeological Specimens If, during the execution of the Work, the Contractor, any Subcontractor, or any servant, employee, or agent of either should uncover any valuable material or materials, such as, but not limited to, treasure trove, geological specimens, archival material, archeological specimens, or ore, the Contractor acknowledges that title to the foregoing is vested in the Owner. The Contractor shall notify the Owner upon the discovery of any of the foregoing, shall take reasonable steps to safeguard it, and seek further instruction from the Design Professional. Any additional cost incurred by the Contractor shall be addressed under the provision for changed conditions. The Contractor agrees that the Geological and Water Resources Division and the Historic Preservation Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources may inspect the Work at reasonable times.

  • Elements Defines the individual components under each indicator

  • Contract Database Metadata Elements Title: Whitesville Central School District and Whitesville Central School Educational Support Staff Association (2003) Employer Name: Whitesville Central School District Union: Whitesville Central School Educational Support Staff Association Local: Effective Date: 07/01/2003 Expiration Date: 06/30/2006 PERB ID Number: 10699 Unit Size: Number of Pages: 23 For additional research information and assistance, please visit the Research page of the Catherwood website - xxxx:// For additional information on the ILR School - xxxx:// AGREEMENT BETWEEN WHITESVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL SUPPORT STAFF ASSOCIATION AND THE WHITESVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT JULY 1, 2003 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2006 TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE TITLE PAGE Preamble 1 I Recognition 1 II Collective Bargaining U n i t 1 III Dues/Agency Fee Ckoffand Payroll Deduction 1 IV Rights of Employees 2 V Rights of Employer ------------- 2 VI Personnel F i l e 2 VII Employee Definitions 3 VIII Permanent Status/Seniority 4 IX Wages 5 X Overtime 7 XI Vacation 7 XII Holidays 8 XIII Sick Leave and Leavesof A b s e n c e 8 XIV Conference, Workshops,Required Courses 10 XV Meal Allowance and M i l e a g e 11 XVI Retirement 11 XVII Insurance 12 XVIII Cafeteria P l a n 14 .XIX Uniform Allowance------------------ 14 XX Hours of W o r k 14 XXI Transfers/Promotions 15 XXII Job Descriptions 15 XXIII Grievance Procedure 15 XIV Copies of the Contract 18 XV Zipper C x x x x x 18 XXVI Legislative Clause 18 XXVII Duration 19 SIGNATURES 19 APPENDIX A Grievance F o r m 20 APPENDIX B Dues Authorization F o r m 21

  • Biological Samples If so specified in the Protocol, Institution and Principal Investigator may collect and provide to Sponsor or its designee Biological Samples (“Biological Samples”). 12.2.

  • SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 4.12.1 Shop Drawings are drawings, diagrams, schedules and other, data specially prepared for the Work by the Contractor or any Subcontractor, manufacturer, supplier or distributor to illustrate some portion of the Work.

  • Sites Sites shall mean the locations set forth in the Contract Documentation.

  • Weapons (1) If the Contractor requests that its personnel performing in the USCENTCOM AOR be authorized to carry weapons for individual self-defense, the request shall be made through the Contracting Officer to the Combatant Commander, in accordance with DoD Instruction 3020.41. The Combatant Commander will determine whether to authorize in-theater contractor personnel to carry weapons and what weapons and ammunition will be allowed.

  • Subloop Elements 2.8.1 Where facilities permit, BellSouth shall offer access to its Unbundled Subloop (USL) elements as specified herein.

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