ARCHAEOLOGY Sample Clauses

ARCHAEOLOGY. Lessee shall not destroy, disturb, mar, collect, remove or alter any prehistoric or historic resources of any kind on Weld County lands as provided by law. These resources include, but are not limited to, all artifacts of stone, wood or metal, pictographs, structures, and bones. A discovery of anything of prehistoric or historic nature shall be reported to Lessor or the State of Colorado Archaeologist immediately.
ARCHAEOLOGY. In cases where the undertaking will cause unavoidable adverse effects to National Register eligible archaeological properties, the Recipient shall consult with the SHPO to determine whether data recovery or some other treatment measure is in the public interest. If data recovery is the agreed upon treatment measure, the Recipient shall consult further with the SHPO to develop and implement a data recovery plan for those portions of the historic property that will be adversely affected. The data recovery plan shall: • be based on firm background data, sound planning, and accepted archaeological methods; • be consistent with applicable State laws and regulations; • be accomplished in a thorough, efficient manner, using the most cost- effective techniques practicable; • provide for appropriate curation of archeological materials and records, and • provide for reporting and interpretation of what has been learned in a format understandable and accessible to the public;
ARCHAEOLOGY. AEM acknowledges that the archaeological record of the Nunavut Settlement Area is of spiritual, cultural, religious and educational importance to Inuit. AEM shall comply with all of the requirements of Article 33 of the NLCA and with all legislation, regulations and policies relating thereto, including the Historical Resources Act (Nunavut) and the Historic Sites and Monuments Act (Canada) and shall comply with all lawful directions and requirements of any Designated Agency referred to in Article 33 of the NLCA. AEM shall provide awareness training and a manual to all workers and contractors to assist in the recognition of heritage resources.
ARCHAEOLOGY. A. Prior to any ground-disturbing activities as part of new construction or demolition, site improvements, or other undertakings, the City shall notify the Indiana SHPO and request an opinion of the potential existence of significant archaeological resources. This stipulation shall not be applied to the rehabilitation of residential properties, when no additions are proposed. 1. The City will provide information describing the proposed project activities and information about the project area’s history and current condition to the Indiana SHPO, including maps and photographs. Indiana SHPO staff will then make a recommendation about whether an archaeological survey should be conducted. 2. If the Indiana SHPO recommends that no survey is justified, then the City will document the outcome of this consultation within the individual project file. Projects that would otherwise be exempt from review may then conclude review and all documentation will be retained in the individual project file. 3. For projects where the Indiana SHPO recommends that an archaeological survey is justified, an archaeological survey of the affected area shall be carried out in consultation with the Indiana SHPO. Archaeological testing, as appropriate, shall be undertaken in consultation with the Indiana SHPO to determine if properties identified in the survey meet National Register criteria. If archaeological resources are found to meet the criteria, whenever feasible, they shall be avoided or preserved in place. When this is not feasible, the Indiana SHPO shall be consulted, and a treatment plan consistent with the ACHP’s handbook, Treatment of Archaeological Properties, and approved by the Indiana SHPO shall be developed and implemented. The City will consult with the Indiana SHPO, the ACHP (if participating) and any consulting parties to resolve adverse effects. Agreement among required signatories regarding the terms of mitigation proposed for the project will be memorialized in an MOA executed under 36 CFR Section 800.6. All identification and testing efforts shall be in accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for Identification and Evaluation and appropriate internal guidance and regulation from the Indiana SHPO as well as the appropriate state statutes and rules. B. This stipulation shall not be interpreted to include projects where sidewalks or other minor paving or resurfacing shall occur in areas where previous sidewalks or paving already exists. It shall not be interpre...
ARCHAEOLOGY. 1. Powers and responsibilities in the sphere of archaeology in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip will be transferred from the military government and its Civil Administration to the Palestinian side. This sphere includes, inter alia, the protection and preservation of archaeological sites, management, supervision, licensing and all other archaeological activities. 2. In Area C, powers and responsibilities related to the sphere of Archaeology will be transferred gradually to Palestinian jurisdiction that will cover West Bank and Gaza Strip territory except for the issues that will be negotiated in the permanent status negotiations, during the further redeployment phases, to be completed within 18 months from the date of the inauguration of the Council 3. The Palestinian side shall protect and safeguard all archaeological sites, take all measures necessary to protect such sites and to prevent damage to them and take all precautions when carrying out activities, including maintenance and construction activities, which may affect such sites. 4. A Joint Committee of experts from both sides shall be established by the CAC to deal with archaeological issues of common interest. 5. The Palestinian side shall respect academic freedom and rights in this sphere. 6. Subject to academic considerations, and in accordance with the law, when the Palestinian side grants excavation licenses to archaeologists, researchers and academics, it shall do so without discrimination. 7. The Palestinian side shall ensure free access to archaeological sites, open to the public without discrimination. 8. Both sides shall inform each other, through the Joint Committee, of the discovery of new archaeological sites in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. 9. Each side undertakes upon itself to respect sites in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip which are regarded as holy, or which hold archaeological value. Each side shall have the right to raise issues relating to those sites before the Joint Committee which will consider the issue raised and reach an agreement upon such issue. The sites listed in Schedule l are of archaeological and historical importance to the Israeli side. The Israeli side may notify the Palestinian side of other sites which shall be added to this list. The Palestinian side will take into consideration that actions which may affect these sites shall be referred to the Joint Committee for full cooperation. 10. In areas transferred to the territorial jurisdiction of the Palestin...
ARCHAEOLOGY. The conduct of archaeological activities, including without limitation archaeological surveys, excavation for the purpose of archaeology and artifact retrieval may occur only in accordance with an archaeological field investigation plan (the "Archaeology Plan") prepared by or on behalf of the Grantor and approved in advance of such activity in writing by the State Archaeologist of the Massachusetts Historical Commission (or, if Massachusetts General Laws ceases to require approval by the Massachusetts Historical Commission for the perpetual enforceability of historic preservation restrictions, then by the official recognized by Grantee from time to time as having responsibilities for preservation of archaeological resources in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts). Plans for restoration of the site of archaeological activity shall be submitted to Grantee in advance of restoration, and such restoration shall be conducted only in accordance with a plan approved by Grantee.
ARCHAEOLOGY. Treatment plans. Should the City, as a result of survey efforts and in consultation with the SHPO/THPO, determine that an NRHP-Eligible archaeological resource will be affected; a plan for its avoidance, protection, or recovery of archaeological data shall be submitted to the SHPO/THPO for consultation. The City shall consider all comments received in preparing the final treatment plan and shall then implement the plan.
ARCHAEOLOGY. The archaeological professionals preparing any studies shall give full consideration to the most recent versions of: a. The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards and Guidelines for Archaeological Documentation (48 FR 44734-37); and b. The DHR’s Guidelines for Conducting Historic Resources Survey in Virginia (September 2017); and c. The ACHP publications: Consulting About Archaeology under Section 106 (1990), Recommended Approach for Consultation on Recovery of Significant Information from Archaeological Sites (1999), and Section 106 Archaeology Guidance (June 2007).
ARCHAEOLOGY. 27.1 In planning the work, the Sponsor Body will take account of the historic significance of the Westminster site. It will, and will ensure that the Delivery Authority and its contractors will, plan for reasonable time and reasonable access (subject to the access arrangements attached to this Agreement as Appendix 4) for archaeological investigations prior to commencing any work which may disturb the archaeological record. In the event that these investigations or the work itself lead to significant archaeological discoveries, the Sponsor Body will delay the planned work for a period commensurate with the importance of those discoveries, taking account of the cost of the delay.
ARCHAEOLOGY a. The Palestinian Authority shall protect and guard all archaeological sites in the Gaza Strip and the Jericho Area, respect academic freedom in particular the freedom publishing research work based on excavations and shall take all necessary steps against theft of archaeological artifacts and illegal trade in them. b. The CAC shall establish a joint committee of experts from both sides to deal with all archaeological issues of common interest. Actions which may affect the sites detailed in Appendix A shall also be referred to this committee for discussion and recommendation. The Palestinian Authority shall respect such recommendations. Disagreements on this matter within the joint committee of experts shall be referred to the CAC to be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. c. Subject to academic considerations, and in accordance with the law, when the Palestinian Authority grants excavation licenses to archaeologists, researchers and academics interested in excavating in the Gaza Strip and Jericho Area, it shall do so without discrimination. d. The Palestinian Authority shall ensure free access to archaeological sites. e. With due consideration to the Palestinian demand that Israel shall return all archaeological artifacts found in the Gaza Strip and Jericho area since 1967, this issue shall be dealt with in the negotiations on the final status. For this purpose, Israel shall provide a list of archaeological sites for which excavation licenses were granted since 1967, including, where available, a general description of the artifacts found therein, and their location.