Biological Samples. If so specified in the Protocol, Institution and Principal Investigator may collect and provide to Sponsor or its designee Biological Samples (“Biological Samples”).
Biological Samples. If so specified in the Protocol, Institution and Principal Investigator may collect and provide to Sponsor or its designee biological samples (e.g., blood, urine, tissue, saliva, etc.) obtained from Trial Subjects for testing that is not directly related to patient care or safety monitoring, including pharmacokinetic, pharmacogenomic, or biomarker testing (“Biological Samples”).
Biological Samples. If so specified in the Protocol and the informed consent document, Principal Investigator may collect and provide to CRO, Pfizer or their designee biological samples obtained from Study Subjects (e.g., blood, urine, tissue, saliva, etc) for testing that is not directly related to Study Subject care or safety monitoring, such as pharmacokinetic, pharmacogenomic, or biomarker testing (“Biological Samples”). Biological Samples may include Personal Data of Study Subjects. 11.2
Biological Samples. “Biological Samples” means blood, fluid and/or tissue samples collected from Trial Subjects as may be set forth in the Protocol, and tangible materials directly or indirectly derived from such samples. Institution and Investigator will collect, retain and/or use Biological Samples solely as set forth in the Protocol. Institution and/or Investigator will provide Sponsor with quantities of Biological Samples as required by the Protocol. Sponsor may use such Biological Samples as specified in the Protocol, and as permitted in the Consent Documents and by Applicable Law. 8.3
Biological Samples. If so specified in the Protocol, Institution may collect and provide to INC Research, the Sponsor or their designees biological samples (e.g., blood, urine, tissue, saliva, etc.) obtained from Trial Subjects for testing that is not directly related to patient care or safety monitoring, including pharmacokinetic, pharmacogenomic, or biomarker testing (“Biological Samples”). Biologické vzorky. Pokud je to uvedeno v protokolu, instituce může shromažďovat a společnosti INC Research, zadavateli nebo jimi pověřeným osobám poskytovat biologické vzorky (např. krev, moč, tkáň, sliny atd.) získané od subjektů hodnocení k testování, které přímo nesouvisí s péčí o pacienta nebo s bezpečnostním sledováním – sem patří farmakokinetické, farmakogenomické a biomarkerové testy (dále „biologické vzorky“).
Biological Samples. 2.9.1 Institution/Principal Investigator shall use all samples derived from Study subjects enrolled in the Study, including blood, bone marrow, sera, platelets and other biological materials in accordance with the Protocol and the Study subject informed consent.
Biological Samples. If so specified in the Protocol, Institution and Principal Investigator may collect and provide to Sponsor or its designee blood, fluid and/or tissue samples collected from Trial Subjects (“Biological Samples”). All Biological Samples shall be the sole property of Sponsor.
Biological Samples. It is expected that the Institution will, from time to time, transfer Biological Samples to the Sponsor. The Parties agree that any such transfer of Biological Samples shall be subject to the following terms and conditions.
Biological Samples. If so specified in the Protocol and the informed consent document, Principal Investigator may collect and provide to CRO, Sponsor or their designee, biological samples obtained from trial subjects (e.g., blood, urine, tissue, saliva, etc) for testing that is not directly related to trial subject care or safety monitoring, such as pharmacokinetic, pharmacogenomic, or biomarker testing (“Biological Samples”). Biological Samples may include Personal Data (as defined elsewhere herein) of trial subjects of which the processing is governed by the applicable legislation in the territory of the Slovak Republic. For the avoidance of doubt, the Contracting Parties explicitly confirm, that the restriction of processing Personal Data of trial subjects exclusively in pseudonymized form, as indicated in Appendix 2, Art. 10.5, shall apply in full extent also to Biological Samples of trial subjects. a.
Biological Samples. “Biological Samples” means blood, fluid and/or tissue samples collected from Study subjects pursuant to the Protocol, and tangible materials directly or indirectly derived from such samples. MSK shall own all Biological Samples and may retain and use for any lawful purpose, to the extent consistent with the applicable Study subject informed consent form.