Barbecues. A coin operated gas barbecue is to be located at each picnic area.
Barbecues. Do not use grill near any structures. Allow charcoal briquettes to cool in the grill and dispose when cool. Do not dispose of briquettes on surrounding grounds or landscaping.
Barbecues. 1. If the Residential Premises is a townhouse, then barbecuing is permitted on the ground floor patio only. Barbecuing is not permitted on any balconies of townhouses.
2. If Residential Premises is located in the Apartments (Acadia House, Spirit Park, Point Grey or Sopron House) then barbecuing is only permitted on a) ground floor patios only, in units located on the ground level of the buildings (as indicated by a unit number starting with “1”), and
Barbecues. Due to fire and other safety hazard concerns, no charcoal briquette barbecues grills, gas or propane grills, cooking/heating instruments, smokers, hibachi grills, portable gas stoves, etc. are to be stored or operated in the Leased Premises, including on any patios, balconies or breezeway areas. Any use of open flame is prohibited, including, but not limited to, barbecues and torches.
Barbecues. Due to fire regulations, the storage of propane barbecues and/or use of barbecues in apartments or on balconies is prohibited. When barbecues are used on the land on or adjacent to the Complex, the user should ensure that the smoke or odour emitted does not annoy others and that the cinders and waste are properly and safely disposed of.
Barbecues. No barbecues of any kind shall be stored or used on the premises without prior written permission of the landlord.
Barbecues. No barbecues, grills, firepits, heaters, or other heating or cooking devices are allowed on the docks at any time. Barbecues or grills used on the boat shall be approved for marine use and meet the American Boat and Yacht Council Standards, including stainless steel construction and only 16 oz. LPG gas cylinders.
Barbecues. No Barbecuing or cooking with an open flame is permitted in the unit, on balconies, patios, or within six (6) feet of the building.
Barbecues. Barbecuing is only permitted if the Residential Premises is a townhouse, the barbecue is located on the ground floor patio and away from the building, and the barbeque is attended at all times while being operated.
Barbecues. Barbecues are not permitted on porches, deck, or associated area, and must only be used with a minimum of 25 feet from outside of rental unit. You are not permitted to sit or hang over railing of porches. Tenant Initials Landlord Initials