The Contracting Parties declare that they are properly acquainted with this Contract, agree with its contents and in witness of the same they attach below their respective signatures.
The Contracting Parties undertake to promote the exchange of visits by persons, groups and delegations from business, trade and industry, to facilitate contacts in the industrial, commercial and technical fields connected with trade and cooperation in textile industry and textile products and garments, and to assist in the organization of fairs and exhibitions of mutual interest.
The Contracting Parties. Art. 1 This contract is concluded between:
1. The Romanian Academy, based in Bucharest, 125, Calea Victoriei , as an institution organizing doctoral university studies, through the School of Advanced Studies of the Romanian Academy, hereinafter referred to as SASRA and represented by Acad. Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxxxx, Vice President of the Romanian Academy;
2. Prof. univ./ Dr. ......................................... ................................... member of SASRA, Department , as a doctoral supervisor;
0. Xx. Mrs.… ............. ………………… ..................... ............................, born on in ……………… ……… .........., daughter (son) of ............................... ....... and a (al) ................................... ……… …, residing in .......................... ……… ..........., no. …., St. ….. Building.…, Entrance. ……, Ap. ……, County , Possessor of the I.B/.I.C series ..............…, no. …………, PNC. ………………… issued by ....... ………… ......... on …… ............, tel .. ...................e-mail as a doctoral student
The Contracting Parties. This agreement is made and entered into as of the later of the ratification dates shown on the last page of this agreement, by and between the District Board of Trustees of Pensacola State College (hereinafter referred to as the Board) and the Pensacola State College Faculty Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association), the Pensacola State College Chapter of the United Faculty of Florida (UFF), affiliate of the Florida Education Association (FEA), the National Education Association (NEA), the American Federation of Teachers, and the AFL-CIO. It is understood by both parties that the use of the term Board in this Agreement refers to the Board of Trustees or its designated representatives within the Administration of Pensacola State College (hereinafter referred to as the College).
The Contracting Parties shall acknowledge incompatibility of unfair business practice with the objectives of this Agreement and shall be obliged not to allow/permit and eliminate the following methods of the practice: - agreements between enterprises, decisions made by the enterprises’ associations, and general methods of business practice aiming at preventing from or restricting competition, or violating conditions for competition on the territories of the Contracting Parties; - actions with the help of which one or several enterprises use their dominant position, restricting competition on the whole or considerable part of the territory of the Contracting Parties.
The Contracting Parties. Desiring to develop and maintain the protection of the rights of performers and producers of phonograms in a manner as effective and uniform as possible, Recognizing the need to introduce new international rules in order to provide adequate solutions to the questions raised by economic, social, cultural and technological developments, Recognizing the profound impact of the development and convergence of information and communication technologies on the production and use of performances and phonograms, Recognizing the need to maintain a balance between the rights of performers and producers of phonograms and the larger public interest, particularly education, research and access to information, Have agreed as follows:
The Contracting Parties consider that protection against pollution of the kind referred to in Article 1 of this Agreement is a matter which calls for active cooperation between them.
The Contracting Parties. Art. 1 The parties to the novation contract (hereinafter referred to as “the Novation Contract”) are, on the one hand, Bursa Română de Mărfuri - the Romanian Commodities Exchange, as the central counterparty (hereinafter referred to as “the Central Counterparty” or “the RCE”) and the participants to the centralized gas market. (hereinafter, individually referred to as “the Beneficiary Seller” or “the Seller”, respectively “the Beneficiary Buyer” or “the Buyer” and collectively “the Beneficiaries”), who do not have the status of Clearing Member or the MC Acceptance Agreement with the RCE as Central Counterparty and who concluded a transaction, (hereinafter referred to as “the Transaction”) on the medium and long-term products market, and was refused by their counterparty in the transaction. The above mentioned parties are hereinafter referred to individually as the ”the Party” and collectively ”the Parties”.
The Contracting Parties. Czech Technical University in Prague, Xxxxxxx Institute of Advanced Studies, address: Xxxxxxx 0000/0x, 000 00 Xxxxx 0, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, legal entity ID: 68407700, represented by prof. PhDr. Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, XXx., Director (hereinafter “MIAS”)
The Contracting Parties declare that they agree with the content of this Agreement and that this Agreement has been written on the basis of their free will, the content of the contract understood.