Full Agreement The Contract Documents supersede all prior negotiations, discussion, statements, and agreements between Owner and Contractor and constitute the full, complete, and entire agreement between Owner and Contractor. There can be no changes to this Contract by oral means, nor by course of conduct of the parties, nor by custom of the trade. No changes to this Contract will be binding on either party hereto unless such change is properly authorized, in writing, in accordance with Section 3, Part 2 of the General Conditions.
Client Agreement We are not required to enter into a written agreement complying with the Code relating to the services that are to be provided to you.
Cooperation Agreement If a Cooperating Institution is appointed, the Fund shall enter into a Cooperation Agreement with the Cooperating Institution setting forth the terms and conditions of its appointment.
Vendor Agreement (Part 1)
AGREEMENT The parties agree as follows:
Service Agreement Refers to the Contract, Purchase Order or Terms of Service or Terms of Use. Student Data: Student Data includes any data, whether gathered by Provider or provided by LEA or its users, students, or students’ parents/guardians, that is descriptive of the student including, but not limited to,
Termination Agreement 8.01 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, WESTERN, at its sole option, may terminate either a Purchase Order or this Agreement at any time by giving fourteen (14) days written notice to CONSULTANT, whether or not a Purchase Order has been issued to CONSULTANT. 8.02 In the event of termination of either a Purchase Order or this Agreement, the payment of monies due CONSULTANT for work performed prior to the effective date of such termination shall be paid within thirty (30) days after receipt of an invoice as provided in this Agreement. Upon payment for such work, CONSULTANT agrees to promptly provide to WESTERN all documents, reports, purchased supplies and the like which are in the possession or control of CONSULTANT and pertain to WESTERN.
Letter Agreement The Company shall have entered into the Letter Agreement on terms satisfactory to the Company.
CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT This Invitation for Bids shall be included and incorporated in the final contract or purchase order. The order of contract precedence will be the contract (purchase order), bid document, and response. Any and all legal actions associated with this Invitation for Bids and/or the resultant contract (purchase order) shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Venue for any litigation involving this contract shall be the Ninth Circuit Court in and for Orange County, Florida.
Customer Agreement I certify that the information provided in this application is true and complete and declare that the Firm may rely upon such information until it receives written notice of any changes. I acknowledge that the intended use of my account is for investing or savings purposes unless notified otherwise.