BOOTH SPACE LOCATION. It is expressly understood by both parties that space and space location is allocated at the sole discretion of LCF. LCF reserves the right to locate any booth, concession, exhibit or display where it is in the best interest of LCF. LCF reserves the right to cancel or refuse any booth, concession, exhibit or display that is not in the best interest of LCF at any time. PERMITEE may request a location preference; however, PERMITEE clearly understands request is not guaranteed by LCF. Further, the PERMITEE agrees to accept such space allotted to be the best space possible considering the date of agreement and type of Concession/Exhibit. LCF will grant only such privileges as are required to supply the necessary wants of the people, or add to their comfort, convenience, and pleasure. Under no circumstance will privileges of the questionable nature or of a demoralizing tendency be considered or in any manner be tolerated upon the fairgrounds.