Data Center Location. Upon the effective date of the Agreement, the Data Centers used to host Personal Data in the Cloud Service are located in the EEA or Switzerland. SAP will not migrate the Customer instance to a Data Center outside the EEA or Switzerland without Customer’s prior written consent (email permitted). If SAP plans to migrate the Customer instance to a Data Center within the EEA or to Switzerland, SAP will notify Customer in writing (email permitted) no later than thirty days before the planned migration.
Data Center Location. Upon the effective date of the Agreement, the Data Centers used to host Personal Data in the Cloud Service are located in the EEA or Switzerland. SAP will not migrate the Customer instance to a Data Center outside the EEA or Switzerland without Customer’s prior written consent (email permitted). If SAP plans to migrate the Customer instance to a Data Center within the EEA or to Switzerland, SAP will notify Customer in writing (email permitted) no later than thirty days before the planned migration. // データセンターの所在地 「本契約」の発効日において、「クラウドサービス」内で「個人データ」をホストするために使われる「データセンター」は、EEA又はスイスに所在している。SAP は、顧客の事前の書面による同意(電子メールも認められる)なくして、顧客インスタンスを、EEA 外又はスイス国外にある「データセンター」に移行しないものとする。SAP が顧客インスタンスを EEA 内又はスイス国内の「データセンター」に移行することを予定している場合、SAP は、予定する移行の 30 日前までに、書面で(電子メールも認められる)顧客に通知するものとする。
Data Center Location. Upon the effective date of the Agreement, the Data Centers used to host Personal Data in the Cloud Service are located in the EEA or Switzerland. SAP will not migrate the Customer instance to a Data Center outside the EEA or Switzerland without Customer’s prior written consent (email permitted). If SAP plans to migrate the Customer instance to a Data Center within the EEA or to Switzerland, SAP will notify Customer in writing (email permitted) no later than thirty days before the planned migration./ Lokasi Pusat Data. Setelah tanggal mulai berlaku Perjanjian, Pusat Data yang digunakan untuk menyelenggarakan (host) Data Pribadi dalam Layanan Cloud berada di EEA atau Swiss. SAP tidak akan memigrasikan instance Pelanggan ke Pusat Data di luar EEA atau Swiss tanpa persetujuan tertulis sebelumnya dari Pelanggan (email diizinkan). Jika SAP berencana untuk memigrasikan instance Pelanggan ke Pusat Data dalam EEA atau ke Swiss, SAP akan memberi tahu Pelanggan secara tertulis (email diizinkan) tidak lebih dari tiga puluh hari sebelum migrasi yang direncanakan.
Data Center Location. Upon the effective date of the Agreement, the Data Centers used to host Personal Data in the Cloud Service are located in the EEA or Switzerland. SAP will not migrate the Customer instance to a Data Center outside the EEA or Switzerland without Customer’s prior written consent (email permitted). If SAP plans to migrate the Customer instance to a Data Center within the EEA or to Switzerland, SAP will notify Customer in writing (email permitted) no later than thirty days before the planned migration. 数据中心位置。自协议生效之日起,用于托管云服务中个人数据的数据中心位于 EEA 或瑞士境内。未经客户事先书面同意(允许使用电子邮件方式),SAP 不得将客户实例迁移到 EEA 或瑞士境外的数据中心。如 SAP 计划将客户实例迁移到 EEA 或瑞士境内的数据中心,SAP 应就此在不晚于计划迁移日期之前的三十(30)天内,书面通知客户(允许使用电子邮件的方式)。
Data Center Location. Upon the Order Form Effective Date and in deviation of any conflicting provision in the Order Form, the Data Centers used to host Personal Data in the ordered Cloud Service are located in the territory of the EEA or Switzerland. SAP undertakes not to migrate the Customer instance to a Data Center outside the territory of the EEA or Switzerland without Customer’s prior written consent (email permitted). If SAP plans to migrate the Customer instance to a data center within the EEA or to Switzerland SAP shall notify Customer in writing (email permitted) thereof no later than thirty days before the planned migration.
Data Center Location. Upon the Order Form Effective Date, the Data Centers used to host Personal Data in the Cloud Service are located in the EEA or Switzerland. HRMantra will not migrate the Customer instance to a Data Center outside the EEA or Switzerland without Customer’s prior written consent (email permitted). If HRMantra plans to migrate the Customer instance to a data center within the EEA or to Switzerland, HRMantra will notify Customer in writing (email permitted) no later than thirty days before the planned migration.
Data Center Location. Upon the effective date of the Agreement, the Data Centers used to host Personal Data in the Cloud Service are located in the EEA or Switzerland. SAP will not migrate the Customer instance to a Data Center outside the EEA or Switzerland without Customer’s prior written consent (email permitted). If SAP plans to migrate the Customer instance to a Data Center within the EEA or to Switzerland, SAP will notify Customer in writing (email permitted) no later than thirty days before the planned migration. 9.3 Место нахождения Центра обработки данных. Начиная с даты вступления Соглашения в силу, Центры обработки данных, используемые для размещения Персональных данных в Облачной услуге, располагаются в ЕЭЗ или Швейцарии. SAP обязуется не переносить инсталляцию Заказчика в Центр обработки данных за пределами ЕЭЗ и Швейцарии без предварительного письменного согласия Заказчика (которое может быть предоставлено по электронной почте). Если SAP планирует перенести инсталляцию Заказчика в Центр обработки данных за пределами ЕЭЗ и Швейцарии, SAP уведомит об этом Заказчика в письменной форме не позднее чем за тридцать дней до планируемого перевода.
Data Center Location. BRT represents and warrants that BRT’s data centers and servers used to provide the Service will be located solely within the United States. BRT will not move data centers and/or servers outside of the United States without Customer's prior written consent.
Data Center Location. Unless requested by Customer in writing, Panzura will not migrate, transfer, or otherwise move Customer Data to a data center of hosting provider located in a different country from the original data center in which the applicable production environment is established. If Xxxxxxx initiates a change to the data center location, it will notify Customer promptly, without undue delay, provided that Panzura may initiate a change in a data center location without notice if: (i) reasonably necessary to prevent, mitigate, or remedy, a critical security vulnerability; or (ii) in the event of a disaster recovery event.
Data Center Location. For a smooth usage of the service, Customer may elect to choose the geographical location of the Data Center Hosting both the eXo Platform Service and Data close to its premises location. Depending on the Subscription Plan purchased by the Customer, the Customer could choose from alimited list of available locations. Some specific locations may induce additional Hosting, Reserved Bandwidth and Disk Space costs. Those additional costs will be reflected in an applicable Order Form. Upon choosing the Data Center Location, Customer will benefit from a provision of the Service by eXo. eXo warns Customer that some specific Data Center Locations may induce specificity according to local law. Customer agrees to not infringe those laws through the usage of the service. Changing Data Center Locations past the initial provisioning will induce an additional fee.