Breach of Data Sharing Agreement Sample Clauses

Breach of Data Sharing Agreement. Company acknowledges and agrees that any breach of FCS Data by Company, or any of its respective agents, representatives, administrators, employees, officers, directors, attorneys, successors and assigns causes FCS irreparable harm. Therefore, in the event of any breach or threatened breach of this Data Sharing Agreement by Company or any of its representatives, FCS is entitled to equitable relief, including injunctive relief and specific performance, without proof of actual damages and without the posting of a bond. Exhibit C Company Documents The following documents listed below are attached to this agreement as Company Documents. Any inconsistency or conflict among the specific provisions of this Agreement, the Data Sharing Agreement, and the Company Documents shall be resolved as follows: first, by giving preference to the specific provisions of this Agreement; second, by giving preference to the specific provisions of the Terms and Conditions; third, by giving preference to the specific provisions of the Data Sharing Agreement; and, fourth, by giving preference to the specific provisions of the Company Documents.
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Breach of Data Sharing Agreement. Contractor acknowledges and agrees that any breach of APS Data by Contractor, or any of its respective agents, representatives, administrators, employees, officers, directors, attorneys, successors and assigns causes APS irreparable harm. Therefore, in the event of any breach or threatened breach of this Data Sharing Agreement by Contractor or any of its representatives, APS is entitled to equitable relief, including injunctive relief and specific performance, without proof of actual damages and without the posting of a bond. EXHIBIT B APS PROCUREMENT DOCUMENTS Please attach any relevant APS Procurement Documents, for example, the sole/single source or emergency purchase documentation. EXHIBIT C CONTRACTOR DOCUMENTS Contractor, please fill out/include the required Scope of Services and copy and paste the full text of any additional documents, statements of work, policies, terms, conditions, end user agreements, master services agreements, pricing schedules, and order forms that you wish to form part of the Agreement with APS here. No links. APS Scope of Services Please feel free to expand upon this template as necessary. This Scope of Services should be filled out in collaboration with the District contact and Contractor.

Related to Breach of Data Sharing Agreement

  • Breach of Agreement Failure by the party to comply with or perform any agreement or obligation (other than an obligation to make any payment under this Agreement or delivery under Section 2(a)(i) or 2(e) or to give notice of a Termination Event or any agreement or obligation under Section 4(a)(i), 4(a)(iii) or 4(d)) to be complied with or performed by the party in accordance with this Agreement if such failure is not remedied on or before the thirtieth day after notice of such failure is given to the party;

  • FALSE STATEMENTS; BREACH OF REPRESENTATIONS The Parties acknowledge that this Agreement has been negotiated, and is being executed, in reliance upon the information contained in the Application, and any supplements or amendments thereto, without which the Comptroller would not have approved this Agreement and the District would not have executed this Agreement. By signature to this Agreement, the Applicant:

  • Assignment Liability Indemnity Force Majeure Consequential Damages and Default Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, the liability, indemnification and insurance provisions of the Transmission Operating Agreement (“TOA”) or other applicable operating agreements shall apply to the relationship between the System Operator and the Interconnection Transmission Owner and the liability, indemnification and insurance provisions of the Tariff apply to the relationship between the System Operator and the Interconnection Customer and between the Interconnecting Transmission Owner and the Interconnection Customer.

  • Breach of the Agreement The Beneficiary commits a material breach of its obligations under this Agreement;

  • Termination on Breach of Obligations of Confidentiality The Authority may terminate this Framework Agreement by serving notice on the Supplier in writing with effect from the date specified in such notice where the Supplier fails to comply with Clauses 19.1 to 19.5 (Confidentiality).

  • Defendant’s Breach of Plea Agreement If the defendant commits any crimes, violates any conditions of release, or violates any term of this plea agreement between the signing of this plea agreement and the date of sentencing, or fails to appear for sentencing, or if the defendant provides information to the Probation Office or the Court that is intentionally misleading, incomplete, or untruthful, or otherwise breaches this plea agreement, the United States will be released from its obligations under this agreement. The defendant, however, will remain bound by the terms of the agreement, and will not be allowed to withdraw his plea of guilty. The defendant also understands and agrees that in the event he violates this plea agreement, all statements made by him to law enforcement agents subsequent to the execution of this plea agreement, any testimony given by him before a grand jury or any tribunal or any leads from such statements or testimony shall be admissible against him in any and all criminal proceedings. The defendant waives any rights that he might assert under the United States Constitution, any statute, Rule 11(f) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 410 of the Federal Rules of Evidence, or any other federal rule that pertains to the admissibility of any statements made by him subsequent to this plea agreement.

  • Breach of Contract The failure of the Contractor to comply with any of the provisions, covenants or conditions of this Contract shall be a material breach of this Contract. In such event the County may, and in addition to any other remedies available at law, in equity, or otherwise specified in this Contract:

  • BREACH OF CONTRACT TERMS The State reserves its right to all administrative, contractual, or legal remedies, including but not limited to suspension or termination of this contract, in instances where the Contractor or any of its subcontractors violate or breach any contract term. If the Contractor or any of its subcontractors violate or breach any contract term, they shall be subject to such sanctions and penalties as may be appropriate. The duties and obligations imposed by the contract documents and the rights and remedies available thereunder shall be in addition to and not a limitation of any duties, obligations, rights and remedies otherwise imposed or available by law.

  • Material Breach of Contract In the event Contractor fails to deliver the product and services as contracted for herein, to the satisfaction of the City of Sparks or otherwise fails to perform any provisions of this Contract, the City, after providing five (5) days written notice and Contractor’s failure to cure such breach within the time specified in the notice, may without waiving any other remedy, make good the deficiencies and deduct the actual cost of providing alternative products and/or services from payment due the Contractor. Non-performance after the first notice of non-performance shall be considered a material breach of contract.

  • Breach of Contract Claims To the extent that Chapter 2260, Texas Government Code, is applicable to this Agreement and is not preempted by other applicable law, the dispute resolution process provided for in Chapter 2260 and the related rules adopted by the Texas Attorney General pursuant to Chapter 2260, will be used by University and Contractor to attempt to resolve any claim for breach of contract made by Contractor that cannot be resolved in the ordinary course of business. The chief business officer of University will examine Contractor's claim and any counterclaim and negotiate with Contractor in an effort to resolve the claims. The parties specifically agree (i) neither execution of this Agreement by University nor any other conduct, action or inaction of any representative of University relating to this Agreement constitutes or is intended to constitute a waiver of University’s or the state's sovereign immunity to suit; and (ii) University has not waived its right to seek redress in the courts.

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