Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in the present job, shall have bump rights. Bumping may be to a job within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division in the same title classification but in another location, or to a job in another title classification. In the latter instance, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Company, can still perform it satisfactorily, and the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified to perform by previous experience and training. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management. 19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority. 19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status. 19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee. 19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off. 19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article. 19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee shall be subject to lay-off in the same manner as though actively at work.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee notified of layoff may bump an employee with one or more years of lower seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in the present same job classification. If no other position in the employee’s classification is available, the employee may bump an employee with lower seniority in the same pay grade or lower pay grade, provided he/she possesses the required certifications, licenses, knowledge, skill and ability to perform that job. No part-time or seasonal employee may bump a full-time employee. An employee notified of layoff must exercise his/her bumping rights in writing to the Human Resources Department within seven (7) business days of receipt of the layoff notice. In the event the employee wants to exercise his/her bumping rights and has timely notified the Human Resources Department, but does not identify which position he/she wishes to bump into, the least senior person in the classification shall be the person bumped. Employees will be given six (6) months from the date of placement to obtain the required certifications and licenses for the position. If an employee is unable to obtain the certifications and licenses within this period, then the employee shall be laid off and shall be placed on the recall list. Employees who bump into a classification they have bump rightspreviously held are presumed to possess the required knowledge, skills and abilities to perform that job. Bumping may be An employee who bumps into a new position due to a job layoff is eligible to move back to his/her former position should it become available within twenty-four (24) months after the bargaining unit effective date of his/her respective Division in the same title classification but in another location, or layoff. The right to bump back into a job in another title classificationformer position will be granted before other employees are granted recall rights to that position. In the latter instance, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Company, can still perform it satisfactorily, and the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee Full-time employees may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified to perform by previous experience full-time and trainingpart-time employees with less seniority. An employee Part-time employees may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule only part-time employees with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, less seniority and seasonal employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their bump only seasonal employees with less seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee shall be subject to lay-off in the same manner as though actively at work.
Appears in 3 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An Section 25.1. A regular full‐time employee with laid off from his present job due to lack of work or as a result of a bump may bump a regular full‐time employee in another job classification who has less seniority subject to the following:
25.1.1. Any other equal or lower‐rated job than his present job provided that he is reasonably qualified to try such a bump.
25.1.2. In determining whether a regular full‐time employee seeking to bump another by bumping is able to fill the requirements of the job, he shall be given five (5) days trial on the job. This five (5) day trial is not a training period, but an opportunity for the bumping regular full‐time employee to demonstrate his proficiency on the job. During such trial period, the supervisor will give him any information or special instruction that he would normally give to a regular job classification holder and advise him where to find needed equipment. If the regular full‐time employee fails to qualify, he must relinquish this job classification to another eligible applicant or to the original job classification holder and he himself shall go on layoff, unless he elects to bump into a lower‐rated classification than the one from which he originally bumped.
25.1.3. Any regular full‐time employee successfully bumping another regular full‐time employee must keep the job he has bumped into until he is recalled to his previous classification, transferred, or more years of seniority promoted to another job or is laid off in a further reduction in the working force.
25.1.4. Any regular full‐time employee laid off from his job classification who declines to exercise his right to bump, or who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in the present jobunable to do so, shall have be laid off. The regular full‐time employee may elect whether to bump rights. Bumping may be to a job within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division in the same title classification but in another location, or to a job in another title classification. In the latter instance, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily be laid off within the Company, can still perform it satisfactorily, and the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified to perform by previous experience and training. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so three (3) days after being advised that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location he will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee shall be subject to lay-off in the same manner as though actively at work.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one or more years desiring to exercise bumping rights must do so by delivering written notice to Human Resources within five (5) working days of seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued receipt of layoff notice.
a. An employee shall first have the right to bump the least senior regular employee in the present job, shall have bump rights. Bumping may be to a job employee’s current classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division another department in the same title classification but in another location, or City; except that non civil service employees shall not have the right to a job in another title classification. In the latter instancebump into civil service positions.
b. If no bumping option exists under 16.7.2.a, the employee must shall next have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within right to bump the Company, can still perform it satisfactorily, and least senior regular employee in the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump to another title next lower classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held employee’s current classification series as defined in Appendix C; then the next lower job classification within the Companyemployee’s current classification series, but which job he/she may be qualified to perform by previous experience and training. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of managementprogressively.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights c. If no bumping option exists under this Section, employees may exercise their options 16.7.2.b within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For employee’s current classification series, the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience employee shall next have the right to bump the least senior regular employee in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after most recently held classification in which he/she has two or more years work time spent held status at his/her the City of Lakewood within the last four (4) years; then the next lower job classificationclassification within the last four (4) years, progressively. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an d. If no bumping option exists under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights16.7.2.c, the employee shall next have five working days after notification before being laid offthe right to bump the least senior Regular with End Date employee in a position within the employee’s classification series for which the employee is qualified. If no bumping options exist under 16.7.2.a, 16.7.2.b, 16.7.2.c, or 16.7.2.d, then the employee has no bumping rights. In all cases involving bumping, the following provisions must apply:
a. Employees exercising bumping rights must meet the minimum qualifications for the position as described in the job description and civil service rules, if applicable.
19.3.6 b. Employees exercising bumping rights must have more seniority (as defined in Section 16.3) than the person being bumped.
c. Employees exercising bumping rights shall not bump into a higher classification. Regular full-time employees shall have the option of bumping full or part-time employees. Regular part-time employees may only bump part-time employees with an equal or lesser FTE status. An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 who has exercised bumping rights shall retain the employee’s current salary providing it does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under exceed the provisions maximum salary of Section 19.4.2 the new range. If the employee’s current salary exceeds the maximum of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employmentthe new range, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee salary shall be subject reduced to lay-off in the same manner as though actively at workmaximum of the new range. An employee bumping to another position shall retain the employee’s previous anniversary date for purposes of eligibility for salary increases.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 Employees have the right to exercise their bumping rights, based on seniority provisions and minimum qualifications. The Chief Human Resources Officer will review the affected employees’ qualifications. Minimum selection criteria for the position held by the least senior member within the same salary grade will be reviewed first. If the affected employee does not meet the minimum selection criteria for the least senior position, review of minimum selection criteria would then proceed to the second least senior member. If all avenues of less senior members within the same salary grade are exhausted, the process moves to the least senior member at the next lower salary grade. This procedure shall be repeated until the least senior member has been displaced, or the original affected member is laid off. Whenever a member exercises their bumping rights and that action results in another member being bumped out of their current position, the member being bumped will also be served a layoff notice. The review will be completed within ten (10) working days and the affected employee and the Association will be notified in writing. If the employee disagrees with the Chief Human Resources Officer’s interpretation of qualifications, the employee may appeal said decision, in writing, stating the basis of the disagreement. The appeal must be filed with the President’s Office within five (5) working days following notification of qualifications decision and the College President will review the appeal. The President’s decision shall be final and binding on all parties and is not subject to the grievance procedure. In all instances of bumping, pay shall be at the appropriate salary grade for the position. An employee with one forced by layoff to take a position at a lower salary grade shall be placed at the salary step equal to or more years of seniority who greater than the salary at the former salary grade or shall be placed at the highest salary step, whichever is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in the present job, shall have bump rights. Bumping may be to a job within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division in the same title classification but in another location, or to a job in another title classificationless. In the latter instance, the event an employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Company, can still perform it satisfactorily, and the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump not eligible and/or chooses not to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified to perform by previous experience and training. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of right to bump as granted in this Article, seniority may they will be modified notified of the layoff in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to writing and they will be retained on a lower classification through this modification, the Recall List for a period of work time spent at eighteen (18) months starting the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at day after the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority statuslayoff date.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee shall be subject to lay-off in the same manner as though actively at work.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified thatidentified to be laid off may take the layoff or may exercise a right to bump the least senior employee in the cost center regardless of shift or classification providing the employee is willing to accept the hours being worked by the employee she/he is bumping or in the event that there are no bumping rights available in the cost center, through force reductionthe cost center is closed or the employee chooses not to exercise her/his bumping rights within the cost center, employment canthe employee will be offered the choice of any and all vacant positions with the same shift and classificationfor which the employee is qualified. An employee shall not be continued deemed qualified for the purposes of this Article if the employee would require more than thirty (30) days of orientation for the position in question. In the present jobevent there is no vacant position available, shall have same shift and classification, the employee may bump rights. Bumping may be to a job within the least senior employee in the bargaining unit same shift and classification they are qualified to replace. The employee displaced will be offered the choice of his/her respective Division in the same title classification but in another location, any and all vacant positions available regardless of shift or to a job in another title classification. In the latter instanceevent no vacant positions are available, the employee must will have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within right to bump the Company, can still perform it satisfactorily, and the job is held by a less least senior employee. An employee may bump to another title classification within in the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within which the Company, but which job he/she may be employee is qualified to perform replace regardless of shift or classification provided they are willing to assume the shift and classification of that employee. Where there are two (2) or more employees equally qualified to fill the vacancy, as determined by previous experience and trainingthe Hospital, the employee with the greatest bargaining unit seniority shall be offered the vacant position. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualificationsnotify the Hospital of her/his decision to accept or reject the offered vacant position within forty eight (48) hours of the offer being made. If an employee refuses a position, that is in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bumpher/his same classification and shift, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of she/he forfeits all recall rights under this Section, employees Article. The employee may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded convert to a lower classification through this modification, the period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location per diem position (without recall rights) or their employment will be assumed by the employeeterminated.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee shall be subject to lay-off in the same manner as though actively at work.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in the present job, shall have bump rights. Bumping may be to a job within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division in the same title classification but in another location, or to a job in another title classification. In the latter instance, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Company, can still perform it satisfactorily, and the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified to perform by previous experience and training. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 Section19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 Section19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee shall be subject to lay-off in the same manner as though actively at work.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in given the present job, shall have bump initial notice of layoff can either accept the layoff or can use their seniority to exercise bumping rights. Bumping may A request to bump must be made within five (5) seven (7) working days of receipt of the layoff notice. The bumping right can be exercised to assume the position of the least senior employee who holds a job within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division title in the same rank or the next lower rank in the classification group. The bumping right can also be exercised to move into the position of the least senior employee in a position of equal or lower rate of pay previously held by the employee receiving the layoff notice within the past three (3) years, including positions listed in the Specialties grouping, provided that the employee receiving the layoff notice was not removed from the previously held position for poor job performance or for disciplinary reasons.
a. If there is no less senior employee in the next lower job title, the employee may bump the least senior employee in the next lower job title in descending order within the classification but group.
b. An employee who is displaced by being bumped under the preceding paragraph may also use their seniority in another locationthe same manner to bump into the next lower job title in the classification group. However, or there will be a limit of three (3) bumps as a result of the elimination of any position, with the final bump resulting in the layoff of the least senior employee in the classification group.
c. Employees who are to a be laid off may not bump employees with less seniority in higher ranking/higher paid job in another title classificationtitles within the classification group, nor may they bump to positions with more scheduled work hours per week than they had held previously. Less than twelve (12) month per year employees may not bump twelve-month employees.
d. In the latter instanceorder to bump, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Companyability, can still capacity and skill to perform it satisfactorily, and the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified and must demonstrate ability to perform by previous experience and trainingall job functions within fifteen (15) working days from the date they assume the job duties. An employee may bump to If, after a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the trial period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rightsfifteen (15) working days, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring cannot to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under perform the provisions duties of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employmentlower ranked job in a satisfactory manner, the employee will be given ten (10) working days for training and job mastery proficiency or be laid off. If they are laid off, the District will fill the job either by recall of the most senior employee who was laid off from a higher ranked job within the classification group or by recalling the most senior employee who was bumped out of that job title.
e. The employee who bumps into a lower ranked job title shall be subject paid according to lay-off in the salary schedule for that job title and will be placed at the same manner as though actively at workincremental step held in their previous job title.
f. Employees terminated from employment due to a layoff will receive pay for all accrued vacation time and compensatory time on the effective date of termination.
Appears in 1 contract
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in given the present job, shall have bump initial notice of layoff can either accept the layoff or can use their seniority to exercise bumping rights. Bumping may A request to bump must be made within five (5) seven (7) working days of receipt of the layoff notice. The bumping right can be exercised to assume the position of the least senior employee who holds a job within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division title in the same rank or the next lower rank in the classification group. The bumping right can also be exercised to move into the position of the least senior employee in a position of equal or lower rate of pay previously held by the employee receiving the layoff notice within the past three (3) years, including positions listed in the Specialties grouping, provided that the employee receiving the layoff notice was not removed from the previously held position for poor job performance or for disciplinary reasons.
a. If there is no less senior employee in the next lower job title, the employee may bump the least senior employee in the next lower job title in descending order within the classification but group.
b. An employee who is displaced by being bumped under the preceding paragraph may also use their seniority in another locationthe same manner to bump into the next lower job title in the classification group. However, or there will be a limit of three (3) bumps as a result of the elimination of any position, with the final bump resulting in the layoff of the least senior employee in the classification group.
c. Employees who are to a be laid off may not bump employees with less seniority in higher ranking/higher paid job in another title classificationtitles within the classification group, nor may they bump to positions with more scheduled work hours per week than they had held previously. Less than twelve (12) month per year employees may not bump twelve-month employees.
d. In the latter instanceorder to bump, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Companyability, can still capacity and skill to perform it satisfactorily, and the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified and must demonstrate ability to perform by previous experience and trainingall job functions within fifteen (15) working days from the date they assume the job duties. An employee may bump to If, after a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the trial period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rightsfifteen (15) working days, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring cannot to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under perform the provisions duties of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employmentlower ranked job in a satisfactory manner, the employee will be given ten (10) working days for training and job mastery or be laid off. If they are laid off, the District will fill the job either by recall of the most senior employee who was laid off from a higher ranked job within the classification group or by recalling the most senior employee who was bumped out of that job title.
e. The employee who bumps into a lower ranked job title shall be subject paid according to lay-off in the salary schedule for that job title and will be placed at the same manner as though actively at workincremental step held in their previous job title.
f. Employees terminated from employment due to a layoff will receive pay for all accrued vacation time and compensatory time on the effective date of termination.
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Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee notified of layoff may bump an employee with one or more years of lower seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in the present job, shall have bump rights. Bumping may be to a job within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division in the same title classification but in another location, or to a job in another title classification. In If no other position in the latter instanceemployee’s classification is available, the employee must have previously performed may bump an employee with lower seniority in the same job satisfactorily within pay grade or lower pay grade, provided they possess the Companyrequired certifications, can still licenses, knowledge, skill and ability to perform it satisfactorily, and the job is held by that job. No part-time or seasonal employee may bump a less senior full-time employee. An employee may bump notified of layoff must exercise their bumping rights in writing to another title classification the Human Resources Department within seven (7) business days of receipt of the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within layoff notice. In the Companyevent the employee wants to exercise their bumping rights and has timely notified the Human Resources Department, but does not identify which job he/she may be qualified position they wish to perform by previous experience and training. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualificationsinto, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience least senior person in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When classification shall be the person bumped. Employees will be given six (6) months from the date of placement to obtain the required certifications and licenses for the position. If an employee is downgraded unable to a lower classification through obtain the certifications and licenses within this modificationperiod, the period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, then the employee shall be subject laid off and shall be placed on the recall list. Employees who bump into a classification they have previously held are presumed to laypossess the required knowledge, skills and abilities to perform that job. An employee who bumps into a new position due to layoff is eligible to move back to their former position should it become available within twenty-off in four (24) months after the same manner as though actively at workeffective date of their layoff. The right to bump back into a former position will be granted before other employees are granted recall rights to that position. Full-time employees may bump full-time and part-time employees with less seniority. Part-time employees may bump only part-time employees with less seniority and seasonal employees may bump only seasonal employees with less seniority.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in given the present job, shall have bump initial notice of layoff under section 37.3 can either accept the layoff or use their seniority to exercise bumping rights. Bumping Notification of the option to bump will be provided in writing using the employee’s personal contact information. This notification will include current job description(s) for the potential bumping opportunities, rate range of classification(s) available for bumping, potential location, schedule, and supervisor if known. A request to bump must be made within three (3) calendar days, not including holidays Employees who are to be laid off may be to a not bump employees with less seniority in higher-ranking job titles within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division classification group. Bumping rights can be exercised by a more senior employee in a classification to bump the least senior employee in the same title classification but in another location, or to a job in another title classification. In If there is no less senior employee in the latter instanceclassification, then they may bump to the least senior employee must have previously performed in the same job satisfactorily next classification in descending order within the Companyclassification group, can still perform it satisfactorily, and as long as the job is held by a less senior bumping employee has greater seniority than that other employee. An employee who is displaced by bumping may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified to perform by previous experience and training. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise also use their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee shall be subject to lay-off in the same manner to bump into the next lower classification in the classification group. If there is no less senior employee in the next classification, then they may bump to the least senior employee in the next lower classification in descending order within the classification group, as though actively long as the bumping employee has greater seniority than that other employee. An employee who has service under the Agreement in another classification group with the district may exercise bumping rights within that classification group as well. Bumping rights can be exercised to assume the position of the least senior employee who holds a position in the formerly held classification, as long as the bumping employee has greater seniority than that other employee. If there is no less senior employee, they may also use their seniority in the same manner to bump into the next lower classification in the classification group, as long as the bumping employee has greater seniority than that other employee. In order to bump, employees must have the ability, capacity and skill to perform the job and must demonstrate ability to perform all job functions within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date they assume the job duties. If after a trial period of fourteen (14) calendar days, the employee cannot perform the duties of their current position in a satisfactory manner, the employee may, at workthe discretion of the district, either be given additional time for training or be laid off. If they are laid off, the district will fill the position by recall of an employee who was laid off from a higher classification within the same classification group or by recalling the employee who was bumped out of that position, whoever has more seniority. An employee who bumps into a lower classification will be placed on the step in the new classification which is justified by bona fide factors under the Oregon Equal Pay Act. An employee eligible to bump may waive their right to bump and may choose to be placed on the layoff and recall list instead.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in given the present job, shall have bump initial notice of layoff can either accept the layoff or can use their seniority to exercise bumping rights. Bumping may A request to bump must be made within seven (7) ten (10) working days of receipt of the layoff notice. The bumping right can be exercised to assume the position of the least senior employee who holds a job within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division title in the same rank or the next lower rank in the classification group. The bumping right can also be exercised to move into the position of the least senior employee in a position of equal or lower rate of pay previously held by the employee receiving the layoff notice within the past three (3) years, including positions listed in the Specialties grouping, provided that the employee receiving the layoff notice was not removed from the previously held position for poor job performance or for disciplinary reasons.
a. If there is no less senior employee in the next lower job title, the employee may bump the least senior employee in the next lower job title in descending order within the classification but group.
b. An employee who is displaced by being bumped under the preceding paragraph may also use their seniority in another locationthe same manner to bump into the next lower job title in the classification group. However, or there will be a limit of three (3) four (4) bumps because of the elimination of any position, with the final bump resulting in the layoff of the least senior employee in the classification group.
c. Employees who are to a be laid off may not bump employees with less seniority in higher ranking/higher paid job in another title classificationtitles within the classification group, nor may they bump to positions with more scheduled work hours per week than they had held previously. In the latter instanceLess than twelve (12) month per year employees may not bump twelve (12) month employees.
d. To bump, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Companyability, can still perform it satisfactorilycapacity, and skill to perform the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified and must demonstrate ability to perform by previous experience and trainingall job functions within fifteen (15) working days from the date they assume the job duties. An employee may bump to If, after a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the trial period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rightsfifteen (15) working days, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring cannot to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under perform the provisions duties of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employmentlower ranked job in a satisfactory manner, the employee will be given ten (10) working days for training and job proficiency or be laid off. If they are laid off, the District will fill the job either by recalling the most senior employee who was laid off from a higher ranked job within the classification group or by recalling the most senior employee who was bumped out of that job title.
e. The employee who bumps into a lower ranked job title shall be subject paid according to lay-off in the salary schedule for that job title and will be placed at the same manner as though actively at workincremental step held in their previous job title.
f. Employees terminated from employment due to a layoff will receive pay for all accrued vacation time and compensatory time on the effective date of termination.
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Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in given the present job, shall have bump initial notice of layoff can either accept the layoff or can use their seniority to exercise bumping rights. Bumping may A request to bump must be made within seven (7) working days of receipt of the layoff notice. The bumping right can be exercised to assume the position of the least senior employee who holds a job within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division title in the same rank or the next lower rank in the classification group. The bumping right can also be exercised to move into the position of the least senior employee in a position of equal or lower rate of pay previously held by the employee receiving the layoff notice within the past three (3) years, including positions listed in the Specialties grouping, provided that the employee receiving the layoff notice was not removed from the previously held position for poor job performance or for disciplinary reasons.
a. If there is no less senior employee in the next lower job title, the employee may bump the least senior employee in the next lower job title in descending order within the classification but group.
b. An employee who is displaced by being bumped under the preceding paragraph may also use their seniority in another locationthe same manner to bump into the next lower job title in the classification group. However, or there will be a limit of three (3) bumps as a result of the elimination of any position, with the final bump resulting in the layoff of the least senior employee in the classification group.
c. Employees who are to a be laid off may not bump employees with less seniority in higher ranking/higher paid job in another title classificationtitles within the classification group, nor may they bump to positions with more scheduled work hours per week than they had held previously. Less than twelve (12) month per year employees may not bump twelve- (12) month employees.
d. In the latter instanceorder to To bump, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Companyability, can still perform it satisfactorilycapacity, and skill to perform the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified and must demonstrate ability to perform by previous experience and trainingall job functions within fifteen (15) working days from the date they assume the job duties. An employee may bump to If, after a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the trial period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee shall be subject to lay-off in the same manner as though actively at work.fifteen
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Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in the present job, shall have bump rights. Bumping may be 11.04.01 The layoff notice to a job within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division in the same title classification but in another location, or employees will include notification to a job in another title classification. In the latter instance, the employee must have previously performed on the same job satisfactorily within applicable form that he may avail himself of the Company, can still perform it satisfactorily, and the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump right to displace another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified to perform by previous experience and training. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, 11.04.02 Such form shall be filled out and returned to the Company with a copy to the Shop Committee within 48 hours of receipt of the notice and shall bear the signature of the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 11.04.03 An employee desiring not may displace the least senior employee in his Occupational Branch and Seniority unit only provided that he meets the general conditions below and the specific conditions applicable to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights his Occupational Branch in the following paragraphs:
a) Is willing to accept the responsibility of the job;
b) Is willing to accept the applicable rate of pay for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Articlejob;
c) Has greater total seniority (defined in article 11.04.06) than the employee being displaced;
11.04.04 Within the Aircraft Maintenance Branch an employee can only displace an employee in a lower classification and must hold the skills and qualifications required for the specific job to be performed.
19.3.7 11.04.05 Within the Logistics branch, an employee can displace the least senior employee within this branch with the exception of Team Lead. A Logistics Team Lead can displace the least senior employee in the Logistics branch providing conditions in 11.04.01 are met. The company will provide suitable training to each employee occupying a new position as the result of such displacement. If the employee is not able to acquire the necessary skills within 6 months, he will be laid off and the most senior employee on layoff will be recalled.
11.04.06 For the purposes of this ArticleBumping, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient total seniority exists to retain employment, is the seniority accrued in the employee’s status shall remain unchangedcurrent Occupational Classification added to any seniority accrued in lower Classification Levels within the employee’s Occupational Branch down to the Level of the displacement. For example, a Team Lead attempting to displace a Servicing Technician would count all Seniority accrued as a Team Lead, a Technical Specialist, an Aircraft Technician, and a Servicing Technician. A Technical Specialist displacing an Aircraft Technician would count seniority accrued as a Technical Specialist as well as Seniority accrued as an Aircraft Technician. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee shall be subject to lay-off in the same manner as though actively at work.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An (a) If an employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot to be continued in the present job, shall have bump rights. Bumping may be to a job within the bargaining unit of displaced from his/her respective Division in the same title classification but in another location, position or to a job in another title classification. In the latter instance, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Company, can still perform it satisfactorily, and the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Divisionhours are to be permanently reduced, not previously held within the Company, but which job hes/she he may be qualified to perform by previous experience and training. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at Seniority to bump any employee within the same classification and department.
(b) If the employee facing layoff is unable to exercise his/her job classification. When an Company Seniority to bump someone in his/her own classification and department, s/he may exercise his/her Company Seniority to bump the least senior employee is downgraded in any equally or lesser paid classification within his/her department. In order to a lower classification through this modification, the period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rightsdo this, the employee shall facing layoff must have five working days after notification before being the necessary skill and ability to perform the job. There will be a trial period of up to three (3) months. At any time during this trial period, the employee may elect to be laid off and the Employer may elect to lay off the employee if s/he proves incapable of successfully performing the new duties.
(c) If the employee facing layoff is unable to exercise his/her Company Seniority to bump someone in his/her own department, s/he may bump the least senior employee in any previously held classification in any department provided s/he has the immediate ability to produce a normal quantity and quality of work in the job into which s/he is bumping.
(d) If the employee facing layoff is unable to exercise his/her Company Seniority to bump into a previously held classification in any department, s/he may exercise his/her Company Seniority to bump the least senior employee in any department within which the employee has previously worked provided s/he has the immediate ability to produce a normal quantity and quality of work in the job into which s/he is bumping.
(e) An employee unable or unwilling to exercise any of the foregoing options will be laid off.
19.3.6 (f) An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights designated for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the layoff may only bump an employee shall be subject to lay-off in the same manner as though actively at workor lesser-paid classification and a part-time employee may only bump another part-time employee who regularly works the same or fewer hours per week.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An Where no vacancy in their section exists, employees who are to be laid off may elect to bump the least senior employee with one or more years of less Employer seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in the present job, shall have bump rights. Bumping may be to a lower paying job within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division classification in the same title section provided they notify the Employer of their election to do so within seventy-two (72) hours of being notified of their lay-off and provided they are qualified and able to do the work of the job classification but in another location, or to a job in another title classification. In the latter instance, held by the employee must have previously performed being bumped without further training. The employees' wage rate shall be the same rate for that job satisfactorily within classification effective with the Company, can still perform it satisfactorily, and the job date their bumping is held by a less senior employeeeffective. Employees who require familiarization but who are otherwise qualified will be deemed to be qualified. An employee may displaced by bumping shall, in turn, have the right to bump a junior employee, subject to another title classification within the bargaining unit provisions of his/her respective Division, above. Employees who decline a vacancy in their section or who do not previously held within elect or who are unable to bump and are laid shall be eligible by their choice for either severance pay in accordance with the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified to perform by previous experience and trainingschedule in below or recall seniority. An employee may who has chosen to bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to into a lower classification through this modification, the period of work time spent at the higher paying classification shall be added to any time previously worked at retain their position on the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter recall list for consideration. Costs of moving recall to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being classification from which they were laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence . Employees choosing severance pay shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, paid wages at their straight-time hourly rate prevailing on the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee shall be subject to date of lay-off in accordance with the same manner following schedule and shall not be eligible for recall seniority. years or over hours hours hours hours hours hours hours Employees choosing to be placed on the recall list shall have recall seniority for a period of twenty-four (24) months and shall be recalled in order of their seniority to any vacant job classification in the section from which they were laid off provided they are qualified and able to perform the work of that job classification without further training. Employees who do not accept a recall to the job classification from which they were laid off shall have their name removed from the recall list. Employees who require familiarization but who are otherwise qualified, will be deemed to be qualified. Notice of recall shall be given to an employee by registered mail to the last recorded address provided by the employee. The letter of recall shall provide five (5) days notice, plus the number of days required for normal mail delivery, as though actively to the date the employee is required to be at work. Any employee who fails to report as directed in the Notice of Recall and fails to notify the Employer with an acceptable reason for such failure to report shall be deemed to have not accepted recall and shall be removed from the Recall List. An employee choosing severance pay shall cease to be covered by the benefit plans provided in this Agreement at the end of the month following the effective date of the lay-off. Employees choosing to be placed on the recall list shall be covered by the benefit plans provided in this Agreement for three (3) calendar months following the effective date of the lay-off provided they prepay on a monthly basis the employee portion of the premiums. Employees returning to work shall not have time on lay-off considered as time worked for the purpose of vacation pay or statutory holiday pay.
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Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee who has received notice of layoff may choose to ‘bump’, i.e. displace a less-senior employee in an equal or lower classification (an equal or lower classification is a classification where the annual full-time salary is less than or equal to the annual full-time salary in the classification currently occupied by an employee - a list of equal or lower classifications will be provided to employees receiving layoff/bumping notice). Those positions into which employees can ‘bump’ (including positions of individuals on Leave of Absence) are those which the employees are qualified to perform given a reasonable familiarization period. It is not anticipated that an employee will target a specific employee’s position to ‘bump’ into (unless there is only one such position within the classification in the work location) but will instead ‘bump’ into the position with one or more years an E.F.T. identical to the employee’s current E.F.T. and which is held by the junior employee in the classification at that location. If an E.F.T. match is not available, the employee may ‘bump’ into the position which is within +/-0.2 of seniority who current E.F.T. and which is notified thatheld by the junior employee in the classification at that location. While consideration will be given to matching as closely as possible an employee’s current hours of work and shift rotation, through force reduction, employment canit is understood that this will not be continued possible in many cases, especially where the present jobhours of work and shift rotations of other staff would be significantly impacted. An employee who ‘bumps’ into a position will not have a trial period in that position, shall have bump rightshowever a familiarization period will be provided if required. Bumping A familiarization period may not be to a job within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division required (e.g. where an employee bumps into another position in the same title classification but in the same department/unit). Where an employee bumps into another location, or to a job in another title classification. In the latter instanceclassification and/or department, the familiarization period shall be as appropriate for any new hire. Employees should carefully consider the position into which they are ‘bumping’ as only one ‘bump’ is allowed. While a ‘bump’ will normally take place effective the date on which an employee’s current position is deleted, it will be required that employees provide the Centre with advance notice of their intentions so employees affected by the ‘bumping’ process can be advised well in advance. Any employee must have previously performed who is displaced by the same job satisfactorily within the Company, can still perform it satisfactorily, ‘bumping’ process will be so notified and the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump will be eligible to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified utilize seniority rights to perform by previous experience and training. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, “bump’ or transfer in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional trainingthis protocol. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited Should an employee experience performance difficulties in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after position into which he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When ‘bumped’, the parties shall meet to discuss the situation with a view to resolving the problem. It is the position of the Centre that an employee is downgraded who, after being given a fair and reasonable opportunity, proves ultimately to a lower classification through this modification, be unsatisfactory in the period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location position into which he or she has ‘bumped’ will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off. It is the position of the Alliance that an individual in such a situation is allowed to then bump in accordance with the terms of the Collective Agreement.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee shall be subject to lay-off in the same manner as though actively at work.
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Samples: Collective Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in given the present job, shall have bump initial notice of layoff can either accept the layoff or can use his or her seniority to exercise bumping rights. Bumping may A request to bump must be made within five (5) days of receipt of the layoff notice. The bumping right can be exercised to assume the position of the least senior employee who holds a job within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division title in the same rank or the next lower rank in the classification group. The bumping right can also be exercised to move into the position of the least senior employee in a position of equal or lower rate of pay previously held by the employee receiving the layoff notice within the past three (3) years, including positions listed in the Specialties grouping, provided that the employee receiving the layoff notice was not removed from the previously held position for poor job performance or for disciplinary reasons.
a. If there is no less senior employee in next lower job title, then the employee may bump the least senior employee in the next lower job title in descending order within the classification but group.
b. An employee who is displaced by being bumped under the preceding paragraph may also use his or her seniority in another locationthe same manner to bump into the next lower job title in the classification group. However, or there will be a limit of three bumps as a result of the elimination of any position, with the final bump resulting in the layoff of the least senior employee in the classification group.
c. Employees who are to a be laid off may not bump employees with less seniority in higher ranking/higher paid job in another title classificationtitles within the classification group, nor may they bump to positions with more scheduled work hours per week than they had held previously. Less than twelve (12) month per year employees may not bump twelve month employees.
d. In the latter instanceorder to bump, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Companyability, can still capacity and skill to perform it satisfactorily, and the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified and must demonstrate ability to perform by previous experience and trainingall job functions within fifteen (15) working days from the date he or she assumes the job duties. An employee may bump to If, after a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the trial period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee shall be subject to lay-off in the same manner as though actively at work.fifteen
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Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in given the present job, shall have bump initial notice of layoff can either accept the layoff or can use their seniority to exercise bumping rights. Bumping may A request to bump must be made within seven (7) working days of receipt of the layoff notice. The bumping right can be exercised to assume the position of the least senior employee who holds a job within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division title in the same rank or the next lower rank in the classification group. The bumping right can also be exercised to move into the position of the least senior employee in a position of equal or lower rate of pay previously held by the employee receiving the layoff notice within the past three (3) years, including positions listed in the Specialties grouping, provided that the employee receiving the layoff notice was not removed from the previously held position for poor job performance or for disciplinary reasons.
a. If there is no less senior employee in the next lower job title, the employee may bump the least senior employee in the next lower job title in descending order within the classification but group.
b. An employee who is displaced by being bumped under the preceding paragraph may also use their seniority in another locationthe same manner to bump into the next lower job title in the classification group. However, or there will be a limit of three (3) four (4) bumps as a result of the elimination of any position, with the final bump resulting in the layoff of the least senior employee in the classification group. (OK)
c. Employees who are to a be laid off may not bump employees with less seniority in higher ranking/higher paid job in another title classificationtitles within the classification group, nor may they bump to positions with more scheduled work hours per week than they had held previously. Less than twelve (12) month per year employees may not bump twelve- (12) month employees.
d. In the latter instanceorder to To bump, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Companyability, can still perform it satisfactorilycapacity, and skill to perform the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified and must demonstrate ability to perform by previous experience and trainingall job functions within fifteen (15) working days from the date they assume the job duties. An employee may bump to If, after a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the trial period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee shall be subject to lay-off in the same manner as though actively at work.fifteen
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Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot given the initial notice of layoff under paragraph B of this article can either accept the layoff or can use his or her seniority to exercise bumping rights. A request to bump must be continued made within five (5) days of receipt of the layoff notice. The bumping right can be exercised to assume the position of the least senior employee who holds a job title in the present jobnext lower rank in the classification group, shall have as long as the bumping employee has greater seniority than that other employee. An employee who is displaced by being bumped under the preceding paragraph may also use his or her seniority in the same manner to bump rightsinto the next lower job title in the classification group. Bumping If there is no less senior employee in the next job title, then he/she may be bump to the least senior employee in the next lower job title in descending order within the classification group. If an employee who is given the initial notice of layoff under paragraph B of this article is unable to bump into a job title within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division current classification group, and that employee has been employed by the District in a classification group different than his/her current classification group, the employee shall have the right to be moved back to his/her previous classification group, assuming the layoff occurs within four (4) years of the employee changing classification groups. He/she may only be moved back into the same or lower paying job title within the classification group that he/she previously held, as long as the bumping employee has greater seniority than the least senior employee in the same title former classification but group. The employee must still be qualified to perform the duties of the job, as contained in another location, or this article. Employees who are to a be laid off may not bump employees with less seniority in higher ranking job in another title classificationtitles within the classification group. In the latter instanceorder to bump, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Companyability, can still perform it satisfactorily, capacity and the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified skill to perform by previous experience and training. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualificationsthe job, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional trainingbumping. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In employee must then demonstrate ability to perform all job functions within ten (10) working days from the application date he or she assumes the job duties. If, after a trial period of rights under this Sectionten (10) working days, employees may exercise their options the employee cannot perform the duties of the lower ranked job in a satisfactory manner, the employee may, at the discretion of the District, either be given additional time for training and job mastery or be laid off. If he or she is laid off, the District will fill the job either by recall of an employee who was laid off from a higher ranked job within the bargaining unit classification group or by recalling the employee who was bumped out of his/her respective division based that job. The employee who bumps into a lower ranked job title shall be placed on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose experience step of this Articlethe salary range for that job equivalent to whichever is higher in 1 or 2 below, seniority may be modified in instances provided the rate paid does not exceed the top of limited experience in the present title classification. An salary range for the lower ranked job or the rate of pay the employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after received on the job from which he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classificationbumped. When an 1. the years of service the employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modificationhas completed in the job title from which he/she bumped, or
2. the period years of work time spent at service the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at employee has actually completed in the lower classification ranked title to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice hiswhich he/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee shall be subject to lay-off in the same manner as though actively at work.she bumped
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in given the present job, shall have bump initial notice of layoff can either accept the layoff or can use their seniority to exercise bumping rights. Bumping may A request to bump must be made within five (5) ten (10) working days of receipt of the layoff notice. The bumping right can be exercised to assume the position of the least senior employee who holds a job within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division title in the same rank or the next lower rank in the classification group. The bumping right can also be exercised to move into the position of the least senior employee in a position of equal or lower rate of pay previously held by the employee receiving the layoff notice within the past three (3) years, including positions listed in the Specialties grouping, provided that the employee receiving the layoff notice was not removed from the previously held position for poor job performance or for disciplinary reasons.
a. If there is no less senior employee in the next lower job title, the employee may bump the least senior employee in the next lower job title in descending order within the classification but group.
b. An employee who is displaced by being bumped under the preceding paragraph may also use their seniority in another locationthe same manner to bump into the next lower job title in the classification group. However, or there will be a limit of three (3) bumps as a result of the elimination of any position, with the final bump resulting in the layoff of the least senior employee in the classification group.
c. Employees who are to a be laid off may not bump employees with less seniority in higher ranking/higher paid job in another title classificationtitles within the classification group, nor may they bump to positions with more scheduled work hours per week than they had held previously. Less than twelve (12) month per year employees may not bump twelve-month employees.
d. In the latter instanceorder to bump, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Companyability, can still capacity and skill to perform it satisfactorily, and the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified and must demonstrate ability to perform by previous experience and trainingall job functions within fifteen (15) working days from the date they assume the job duties. An employee may bump to If, after a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the trial period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rightsfifteen (15) working days, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring cannot to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under perform the provisions duties of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employmentlower ranked job in a satisfactory manner, the employee will be given ten (10) working days for training and job mastery proficiency or be laid off. If they are laid off, the District will fill the job either by recall of the most senior employee who was laid off from a higher ranked job within the classification group or by recalling the most senior employee who was bumped out of that job title.
e. The employee who bumps into a lower ranked job title shall be subject paid according to lay-off in the salary schedule for that job title and will be placed at the same manner as though actively at workincremental step held in their previous job title.
f. Employees terminated from employment due to a layoff will receive pay for all accrued vacation time and compensatory time on the effective date of termination.
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Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An Upon notification of layoff, which shall include a reference to this section, an employee with one shall have two (2) working days to notify the Employer of his intent to exercise bumping rights as set forth below. A regular full-time or more years of seniority part-time employee who is notified thatof a pending layoff because of budgetary limitations, through force reductionlack of work, employment cannot be continued in the present jobdepartmental reorganization or abolishment of position, shall have bumping rights as follows which may result in several options:
A. An employee notified of layoff may bump rights. Bumping may be to a job person out of a position if he/she has previously held that position within that department and if he/she has more Borough-wide seniority than the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division in person currently occupying the same title classification but in another location, or to a job in another title classification. In the latter instance, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Company, can still perform it satisfactorily, and the job is held by a less senior employeeposition. An employee may not bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but into a position from which job he/she may be qualified to perform by previous experience and training. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has had an unsuccessful work improvement plan or disciplinary action for substandard job performance in the prior two or more years work time spent at (2) years.
B. An employee notified of a layoff may bump a person out of another position within his/her job classificationown department if the employee notified of pending layoff meets the minimum qualifications of the position, and the employee has more Borough- wide seniority than the person currently occupying the position. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 C. An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice hisnotified of a layoff may bump the person last hired with the same position title, even though this would mean going into another department or division if he/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leaveshe has more Borough-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee shall be subject to lay-off wide seniority. If several people are in the same manner position title and the last one hired does not have the same FTE as though actively at workthe employee bumping, then they may choose to bump another employee in the same position title most recently hired with the equivalent FTE, provided that the bumping employee has more Borough-wide seniority.
D. Employees designated as Terms are not eligible for bumping rights.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in given the present job, shall have bump initial notice of layoff can either accept the layoff or can use their seniority to exercise bumping rights. Bumping may A request to bump must be made within seven (7) ten (10) working days of receipt of the layoff notice. The bumping right can be exercised to assume the position of the least senior employee who holds a job within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division title in the same rank or the next lower rank in the classification group. The bumping right can also be exercised to move into the position of the least senior employee in a position of equal or lower rate of pay previously held by the employee receiving the layoff notice within the past three (3) years, including positions listed in the Specialties grouping, provided that the employee receiving the layoff notice was not removed from the previously held position for poor job performance or for disciplinary reasons.
a. If there is no less senior employee in the next lower job title, the employee may bump the least senior employee in the next lower job title in descending order within the classification but group.
b. An employee who is displaced by being bumped under the preceding paragraph may also use their seniority in another locationthe same manner to bump into the next lower job title in the classification group. However, or there will be a limit of three (3) five (5) bumps because of the elimination of any position, with the final bump resulting in the layoff of the least senior employee in the classification group.
c. Employees who are to a be laid off may not bump employees with less seniority in higher ranking/higher paid job in another title classificationtitles within the classification group, nor may they bump to positions with more scheduled work hours per week than they had held previously. In the latter instanceLess than twelve (12) month per year employees may not bump twelve (12) month employees.
d. To bump, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Companyability, can still perform it satisfactorilycapacity, and skill to perform the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified and must demonstrate ability to perform by previous experience and trainingall job functions within fifteen (15) working days from the date they assume the job duties. An employee may bump to If, after a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the trial period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rightsfifteen (15) working days, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring cannot to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under perform the provisions duties of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employmentlower ranked job in a satisfactory manner, the employee will be given ten (10) working days for training and job proficiency or be laid off. If they are laid off, the District will fill the job either by recalling the most senior employee who was laid off from a higher ranked job within the classification group or by recalling the most senior employee who was bumped out of that job title.
e. The employee who bumps into a lower ranked job title shall be subject paid according to lay-off in the salary schedule for that job title and will be placed at the same manner as though actively at workincremental step held in their previous job title.
f. Employees terminated from employment due to a layoff will receive pay for all accrued vacation time and compensatory time on the effective date of termination.
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Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 1. An employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified thatidentified to be laid off may take the layoff or may exercise a right to bump the least senior employee in the cost center regardless of shift or classification providing the employee is willing to accept the hours being worked by the employee she/he is bumping or in the event that there are no bumping rights available in the cost center, through force reductionthe cost center is closed or the employee chooses not to exercise her/his bumping rights within the cost center, employment canthe employee will be offered the choice of any and all vacant positions with the same shift and classification for which the employee is qualified. An employee shall not be continued deemed qualified for the purposes of this Article if the employee would require more than thirty (30) days of orientation for the position in question. In the present jobevent there is no vacant position available, shall have same shift and classification, the employee may bump rights. Bumping may be to a job within the least senior employee in the bargaining unit same shift and classification they are qualified to replace. The employee displaced will be offered the choice of his/her respective Division in the same title classification but in another location, any and all vacant positions available regardless of shift or to a job in another title classification. In the latter instanceevent no vacant positions are available, the employee must will have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within right to bump the Company, can still perform it satisfactorily, and the job is held by a less least senior employee. An employee may bump to another title classification within in the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within which the Company, but which job he/she may be employee is qualified to perform replace regardless of shift or classification provided they are willing to assume the shift and classification of that employee. Where there are two (2) or more employees equally qualified to fill the vacancy, as determined by previous experience and trainingthe Hospital, the employee with the greatest bargaining unit seniority shall be offered the vacant position. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualificationsnotify the Hospital of her/his decision to accept or reject the offered vacant position within forty eight (48) hours of the offer being made. If an employee refuses a position, that is in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bumpher/his same classification and shift, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of she/he forfeits all recall rights under this Section, employees Article. The employee may exercise convert to a per diem position (without recall rights) or their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniorityemployment will be terminated.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two 2. If there are no vacant positions or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an bumping rights available for which a laid off employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employmentqualified, the employee shall be subject to laylaid off.
3. A laid-off in employee may convert to a per diem position. If the same manner as though actively at workemployee accepts a per diem position, this will not affect layoff/recall rights.
4. Laid off employees must exercise their bumping rights, if any, within forty eight (48) hours of being notified of their options by the Hospital.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one Employees identified for layoff who have seniority (bumping) rights to their current or more years previously held classification within the representation unit must declare their intention to exercise these rights within seven (7) regularly scheduled working days after written notification of seniority who is notified thatlayoff, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in the present job, shall have bump rightsotherwise bumping rights will automatically terminate. Bumping may be to a job occur within the bargaining unit representation unit, only to the least senior incumbent of his/her respective Division in the same title classification but in another location, current or to a job in another title previously held classification. In the latter instanceTo successfully bump, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Company, can still perform it satisfactorilybe qualified, and capable of CITY OF PALO ALTO AND SEIU LOCAL 521-HOURLY UNIT July 1, 2023-June 30, 2025 performing all work in the job is held by a less senior employeeposition bumped. An employee who declares bumping rights may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified to perform by previous experience and trainingalso claim priority re-employment rights. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason section of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employmentthe Agreement, the employee’s status term "working days" shall remain unchanged. mean Mondays through Fridays, exclusive of holidays. When sufficient employees declare their intention to exercise their seniority exists to retain employment(bumping) rights, the employee shall be subject City will provide the Union with a current list of the least senior incumbents to their current or previously held classification, within five (5) working days from the date employees exercise their seniority (bumping) rights, with the mutual goal to offset a potential lay-off of the impacted employee(s). Employees who are in jeopardy of being laid off and have waived their right to bump or when there are no positions that exist within the same manner current or previously held classification for the employees to exercise their right to bump, employees will have priority hiring rights for any vacant budgeted positions within the City. For the purposes of this section, priority hiring is defined as though actively sole consideration by the hiring manager for any position where the employee meets the minimum qualification or through a combination of knowledge and experience can be reasonably assumed to meet the minimum qualifications. No other internal or external candidates will be considered until a final determination has been made by the hiring manager in regard to the priority hire. If more than one (1) employee in jeopardy of being laid off exercises their priority hiring status, then all employees with priority hiring status will be considered simultaneously. This section shall not constitute any guarantees to appointment of positions or expansion of bumping rights. When employees exercise their priority hiring status rights, the City will provide the Union with a current list of all vacant budgeted positions at workthe City within five (5) working days from the date the employees exercise their priority hire status, with the mutual goal to offset a potential lay-off of the impacted employee(s). When an employee secures a position with the City through the priority hire process, all reasonable measures will be taken to ensure and support a successful transition into their new position.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Memorandum of Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one Employees identified for layoff who have seniority (bumping) rights to their current or more years previously held classification within the representation unit must declare their intention to exercise these rights within seven (7) regularly scheduled working days after written notification of seniority who is notified thatlayoff, through force reduction, employment cannot be continued in the present job, shall have bump rightsotherwise bumping rights will automatically terminate. Bumping may be to a job occur within the bargaining unit representation unit, only to the least senior incumbent of his/her respective Division in the same title classification but in another location, current or to a job in another title previously held classification. In the latter instanceTo successfully bump, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Company, can still perform it satisfactorilybe qualified, and capable of performing all work in the job is held by a less senior employeeposition bumped. An employee who declares bumping rights may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified to perform by previous experience and trainingalso claim priority re-employment rights. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualifications, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional training. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In the application of rights under this Section, employees may exercise their options within the bargaining unit of his/her respective division based on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose of this Article, seniority may be modified in instances of limited experience in the present title classification. An employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classification. When an employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modification, the period of work time spent at the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at the lower classification to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason section of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employmentthe Agreement, the employee’s status term "working days" shall remain unchanged. mean Mondays through Fridays, exclusive of holidays. When sufficient employees declare their intention to exercise their seniority exists to retain employment(bumping) rights, the employee shall be subject City will provide the Union with a current list of the least senior incumbents to their current or previously held classification, within five (5) working days from the date employees exercise their seniority (bumping) rights, with the mutual goal to offset a potential lay-off of the impacted employee(s). Employees who are in jeopardy of being laid off and have waived their right to bump or when there are no positons that exist within the same manner current or previously held classification for the employees to exercise their right to bump, employees will have priority hiring rights for any vacant budgeted positions within the City. For the purposes of this section, priority hiring is defined as though actively sole consideration by the hiring manager for any position where the employee meets the minimum qualification or through a combination of knowledge and experience can be reasonably assumed to meet the minimum qualifications. No other internal or external candidates will be considered until a final determination has been made by the hiring manager in regards to the priority hire. If more than one (1) employee in jeopardy of being laid off exercises their priority hiring status, then all employees with priority hiring status will be considered simultaneously. This section shall not constitute any guarantees to appointment of positions or expansion of bumping rights. When employees exercise their priority hiring status rights, the City will provide the Union with a current list of all vacant budgeted positions at workthe City within five (5) working days from the date the employees exercise their priority hire status, with the mutual goal to offset a potential lay-off of the impacted employee(s). When an employee secures a position with the City through the priority hire process, all reasonable measures will be taken to ensure and support a successful transition into their new position.
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Memorandum of Agreement
Bumping Rights. 19.3.1 An employee with one or more years of seniority who is notified that, through force reduction, employment cannot given the initial notice of layoff under paragraph B of this article can either accept the layoff or can use his or her seniority to exercise bumping rights. A request to bump must be continued made within five (5) days of receipt of the layoff notice. The bumping right can be exercised to assume the position of the least senior employee who holds a job title in the present jobnext lower rank in the classification group, shall have as long as the bumping employee has greater seniority than that other employee. An employee who is displaced by being bumped under the preceding paragraph may also use his or her seniority in the same manner to bump rightsinto the next lower job title in the classification group. Bumping If there is no less senior employee in the next job title, then he/she may be bump to the least senior employee in the next lower job title in descending order within the classification group. If an employee who is given the initial notice of layoff under paragraph B of this article is unable to bump into a job title within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division current classification group, and that employee has been employed by the District in a classification group different than his/her current classification group, the employee shall have the right to be moved back to his/her previous classification group, assuming the layoff occurs within four (4) years of the employee changing classification groups. He/she may only be moved back into the same or lower paying job title within the classification group that he/she previously held, as long as the bumping employee has greater seniority than the least senior employee in the same title former classification but group. The employee must still be qualified to perform the duties of the job, as contained in another location, or this article. Employees who are to a be laid off may not bump employees with less seniority in higher ranking job in another title classificationtitles within the classification group. In the latter instanceorder to bump, the employee must have previously performed the same job satisfactorily within the Companyability, can still perform it satisfactorily, capacity and the job is held by a less senior employee. An employee may bump to another title classification within the bargaining unit of his/her respective Division, not previously held within the Company, but which job he/she may be qualified skill to perform by previous experience and training. An employee may bump to a job on a higher wage schedule with authorization of management.
19.3.2 The employee must possess sufficient qualificationsthe job, in accordance with Company standards in effect at the time of requested bump, so that the alternate job can be performed with minimum additional trainingbumping. The Company shall decide whether qualifications are adequate. In employee must then demonstrate ability to perform all job functions within ten (10) working days from the application date he or she assumes the job duties. If, after a trial period of rights under this Sectionten (10) working days, employees may exercise their options the employee cannot perform the duties of the lower ranked job in a satisfactory manner, the employee may, at the discretion of the District, either be given additional time for training and job mastery or be laid off. If he or she is laid off, the District will fill the job either by recall of an employee who was laid off from a higher ranked job within the bargaining unit classification group or by recalling the employee who was bumped out of his/her respective division based that job. The employee who bumps into a lower ranked job title shall be placed on their seniority.
19.3.3 For the purpose experience step of this Articlethe salary range for that job equivalent to whichever is higher in 1 or 2 below, seniority may be modified in instances provided the rate paid does not exceed the top of limited experience in the present title classification. An salary range for the lower ranked job or the rate of pay the employee can exercise his/her full Company seniority only after received on the job from which he/she has two or more years work time spent at his/her job classificationbumped. When an 1. the years of service the employee is downgraded to a lower classification through this modificationhas completed in the job title from which he/she bumped, or
2. the period years of work time spent at service the higher classification shall be added to any time previously worked at employee has actually completed in the lower classification ranked title to establish the employee’s seniority status.
19.3.4 When an employee exercises an option under Section 19.3 requiring relocation to another reporting location, the Company may select the reporting location where operating factors become a matter for consideration. Costs of moving to the new reporting location will be assumed by the employee.
19.3.5 When an employee has exhausted bump rights, the employee shall have five working days after notification before being laid off.
19.3.6 An employee desiring not to exercise options available under Section 19.3 does not prejudice his/her rights for recall from lay- off under the provisions of Section 19.4.2 of this Article.
19.3.7 For purposes of this Article, employees absent from active employment by reason of disability and/or leave-of-absence shall be treated as follows: When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee’s status shall remain unchanged. When sufficient seniority exists to retain employment, the employee shall be subject to lay-off in the same manner as though actively at work.which he/ she bumped
Appears in 1 contract
Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement