Common use of Business Development Clause in Contracts

Business Development. ‌ Within 30 days of the signing of this agreement, Addus and SEIU will form a business development committee that is tasked with establishing specific business development initiatives with measurable objectives and time frames. The express goal of this group is to identify opportunities and impediments to the mutual and relatively equal growth of both the Union and the Company. The group will be chaired by one representative from each entity and will be made up of employees and representatives from each organization whose participation will vary based on specific development projects. The committee will hold meetings no less than quarterly throughout the duration of the agreement. The group will establish business expansion benchmarks, target locations, numbers of workers and/or clients and a schedule of work related to each of the projects initiated for Addus/SEIU expansion. The committee shall make decisions by the written agreement of both parties. Both parties want to grow their organizations. During the term of the Agreement, the company’s business should increase at essentially the same rate as the Union’s Addus Health Care employee membership. The Company and the union agree that both entities and the organized workforce benefit from a committed, sustained effort and coordinated plan for establishing an effective local union specifically focused on home care services. The effectiveness of the local union and the Company should be measured on their collective ability to: shape public policy for state funded homecare programs, increase funding and reimbursement rates for said programs; and build capacity within the political arena to advocate with key decision makers. The Union and the Company agree to commit to this objective prior to any expansion of the nationwide bargaining unit. The Company is currently engaged in an aggressive effort to acquire entities in the field of home care and expects the effort to continue for the foreseeable future. The Union agrees that it has significant growth opportunity in organizing these newly acquired locations of the Company. The Company and the Union agree that it is necessary to proceed cautiously with regard to organizing and negotiating contracts for these previously unorganized acquisitions in new states and markets in order not to impede the company’s ability to perform future acquisitions or to limit the company’s competitiveness in bidding on future acquisitions targets. To assure the acquisition strategy continues, the Company and the Union agree to achieve one or more of the following initiatives before the Union invokes its rights under Article XX in relation to any Home Care Service locations where the Company’s operations are the result of an acquisition of a previously unorganized entity and are located in a state where the Company and the Union do not have an existing collective bargaining agreement. • A reimbursement rate increase in the primary publicly financed home care service program of the location. • The party’s efforts result in a funding increase, policy change or other activities that increase the Employer’s base client census a minimum of 10% in the publicly funded home care services program in which the company participates in the state. • The Union organizes other bargaining units within at least three other agencies in the market of equal size to the Employers operations in the primary publically financed home care service program of the location or representing at least 10% of the private sector employees in the primary publicly financed home care service program of the location. Both parties expect the relationship to improve at the local, state and national levels. Whenever possible, the parties will work together to improve funding to the programs, wages and benefits and working conditions for employees, and to expand opportunities for consumers to remain safely and productively in their communities. To this end, the Union agrees to facilitate dialogue between Addus Health Care and consumer and interest groups with which it has a relationship. In States where the company is a member of a home care industry association, the company, upon the Union’s request, will propose the association adopt a neutrality resolution towards union organizing. The company will encourage the association and its members to meet with the union to discuss neutrality. The parties agree that consumers should have the right to choose how the services they receive are delivered. SEIU plans to continue its longstanding alliance with the consumer organizations and Addus shares an interest in consumer satisfaction. Therefore, whenever possible, the parties will promote the independent living approach to home care service delivery. In some cases the consumer(s) may prefer to have an agency-directed option available. During the term of the Agreement, the parties will work cooperatively to make the agency option available in such cases. This cooperation will not preclude either party’s interest in preserving or maintaining or promoting alliances with consumer organizations. Although not an exhaustive list, the following are some of the business development opportunities the committee will address. • Home Care Services business development in existing or new Addus and/or SEIU states. Initial targets of growth in existing states would include, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Missouri, Indiana, Idaho, California, while initial targets of growth in new states include Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Minnesota, Connecticut and Wisconsin. It is the goal over the term of this agreement that the work of this committee will lead to the | Page 47 initiation of fifteen

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

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Business Development. Within 30 days of the signing of this agreement, Addus and SEIU will form a business development committee that is tasked with establishing specific business development initiatives with measurable objectives and time frames. The express goal of this group is to identify opportunities and impediments to the mutual and relatively equal growth of both the Union and the Company. The group will be chaired by one representative from each entity and will be made up of employees and representatives from each organization whose participation will vary based on specific development projects. The committee will hold meetings no less than quarterly throughout the duration of the agreement. The group will establish business expansion benchmarks, target locations, numbers of workers and/or clients and a schedule of work related to each of the projects initiated for Addus/SEIU expansion. The committee shall make decisions by the written agreement of both parties. Both parties want to grow their organizations. During the term of the Agreement, the company’s business should increase at essentially the same rate as the Union’s Addus Health Care employee membership. The Company and the union agree that both entities and the organized workforce benefit from a committed, sustained effort and coordinated plan for establishing an effective local union specifically focused on home care services. The effectiveness of the local union and the Company should be measured on their collective ability to: shape public policy for state funded homecare programs, increase funding and reimbursement rates for said programs; and build capacity within the political arena to advocate with key decision makers. The Union and the Company agree to commit to this objective prior to any expansion of the nationwide bargaining unit. The Company is currently engaged in an aggressive effort to acquire entities in the field of home care and expects the effort to continue for the foreseeable future. The Union agrees that it has significant growth opportunity in organizing these newly acquired locations of the Company. The Company and the Union agree that it is necessary to proceed cautiously with regard to organizing and negotiating contracts for these previously unorganized acquisitions in new states and markets in order not to impede the company’s ability to perform future acquisitions or to limit the company’s competitiveness competiveness in bidding on future acquisitions targets. To assure the acquisition strategy continues, the Company and the Union agree to achieve one or more of the following initiatives before the Union invokes its rights under Article XX in relation to any Home Care Service locations where the Company’s operations are the result of an acquisition of a previously unorganized entity and are located in a state where the Company and the Union do not have an existing collective bargaining agreement. • A reimbursement rate increase in the primary publicly financed home care service program of the location. • The party’s efforts result in a funding increase, policy change or other activities that increase the Employer’s base client census a minimum of 10% in the publicly funded home care services program in which the company participates in the state. • The Union organizes other bargaining units within at least three other agencies in the market of equal size to the Employers operations in the primary publically financed home care service program of the location or representing at least 10% of the private sector employees in the primary publicly financed home care service program of the location. Both parties expect the relationship to improve at the local, state and national levels. Whenever possible, the parties will work together to improve funding to the programs, wages and benefits and working conditions for employees, and to expand opportunities for consumers to remain safely and productively in their communities. To this end, the Union agrees to facilitate dialogue between Addus Health Care and consumer and interest groups with which it has a relationship. In States where the company is a member of a home care industry association, the company, upon the Union’s request, will propose the association adopt a neutrality resolution towards union organizing. The company will encourage the association and its members to meet with the union to discuss neutrality. The parties agree that consumers should have the right to choose how the services they receive are delivered. SEIU plans to continue its longstanding alliance with the consumer organizations and Addus shares an interest in consumer satisfaction. Therefore, whenever possible, the parties will promote the independent living approach to home care service delivery. In some cases the consumer(s) may prefer to have an agency-directed option available. During the term of the Agreement, the parties will work cooperatively to make the agency option available in such cases. This cooperation will not preclude either party’s interest in preserving or maintaining or promoting alliances with consumer organizations. Although not an exhaustive list, the following are some of the business development opportunities the committee will address. • Home Care Services business development in existing or new Addus and/or SEIU states. Initial targets of growth in existing states would include, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Missouri, Indiana, Idaho, California, while initial targets of growth in new states include Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Minnesota, Connecticut and Wisconsin. It is the goal over the term of this agreement that the work of this committee will lead to the | Page 47 initiation of fifteen.

Appears in 2 contracts

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement, Collective Bargaining Agreement

Business Development. Within 30 days of the signing of this agreement, Addus and SEIU will form a business development committee that is tasked with establishing specific business development initiatives with measurable objectives and time frames. The express goal of this group is to identify opportunities and impediments to the mutual and relatively equal growth of both the Union and the Company. The group will be chaired by one representative from each entity and will be made up of employees and representatives from each organization whose participation will vary based on specific development projects. The committee will hold meetings no less than quarterly throughout the duration of the agreement. The group will establish business expansion benchmarks, target locations, numbers of workers and/or clients and a schedule of work related to each of the projects initiated for Addus/SEIU expansion. The committee shall make decisions by the written agreement of both parties. Both parties want to grow their organizations. During the term of the Agreement, the company’s business should increase at essentially the same rate as the Union’s Addus Health Care employee membership. The Company and the union agree that both entities and the organized workforce benefit from a committed, sustained effort and coordinated plan for establishing an effective local union specifically focused on home care services. The effectiveness of the local union and the Company should be measured on their collective ability to: shape public policy for state funded homecare programs, increase funding and reimbursement rates for said programs; and build capacity within the political arena to advocate with key decision makers. The Union and the Company agree to commit to this objective prior to any expansion of the nationwide bargaining unit. The Company is currently engaged in an aggressive effort to acquire entities in the field of home care and expects the effort to continue for the foreseeable future. The Union agrees that it has significant growth opportunity in organizing these newly acquired locations of the Company. The Company and the Union agree that it is necessary to proceed cautiously with regard to organizing and negotiating contracts for these previously unorganized acquisitions in new states and markets in order not to impede the company’s ability to perform future acquisitions or to limit the company’s competitiveness competiveness in bidding on future acquisitions targets. To assure the acquisition strategy continues, the Company and the Union agree to achieve one or more of the following initiatives before the Union invokes its rights under Article XX in relation to any Home Care Service locations where the Company’s operations are the result of an acquisition of a previously unorganized entity and are located in a state where the Company and the Union do not have an existing collective bargaining agreement. • A reimbursement rate increase in the primary publicly financed home care service program of the location. • The party’s efforts result in a funding increase, policy change or other activities that increase the Employer’s base client census a minimum of 10% in the publicly funded home care services program in which the company participates in the state. • The Union organizes other bargaining units within at least three other agencies in the market of equal size to the Employers operations in the primary publically financed home care service program of the location or representing at least 10% of the private sector employees in the primary publicly financed home care service program of the location. Both parties expect the relationship to improve at the local, state and national levels. Whenever possible, the parties will work together to improve funding to the programs, wages and benefits and working conditions for employees, and to expand opportunities for consumers to remain safely and productively in their communities. To this end, the Union agrees to facilitate dialogue between Addus Health Care and consumer and interest groups with which it has a relationship. In States where the company is a member of a home care industry association, the company, upon the Union’s request, will propose the association adopt a neutrality resolution towards union organizing. The company will encourage the association and its members to meet with the union to discuss neutrality. The parties agree that consumers should have the right to choose how the services they receive are delivered. SEIU plans to continue its longstanding alliance with the consumer organizations and Addus shares an interest in consumer satisfaction. Therefore, whenever possible, the parties will promote the independent living approach to home care service delivery. In some cases the consumer(s) may prefer to have an agency-directed option available. During the term of the Agreement, the parties will work cooperatively to make the agency option available in such cases. This cooperation will not preclude either party’s interest in preserving or maintaining or promoting alliances with consumer organizations. Although not an exhaustive list, the following are some of the business development opportunities the committee will address. • Home Care Services business development in existing or new Addus and/or SEIU states. Initial targets of growth in existing states would include, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Missouri, Indiana, Idaho, California, while initial targets of growth in new states include Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Minnesota, Connecticut and Wisconsin. It is the goal over the term of this agreement that the work of this committee will lead to the | Page 47 initiation of fifteenfifteen (15) new sites serving existing Addus states and the initiation of services in at least one site in ten (10) new states. All new offices would be immediately eligible for SEIU organizing. • During the term of the agreement, SEIU and Addus will jointly advocate that California counties (with a goal of IHSS caseloads of 2000 or greater) that do not currently offer a mix mode of care will initiate the mixed mode of service delivery. The committee, with local input, may discuss possible target counties on the basis of volume, ability to secure an organized workforce in contract mode, the interests of both parties in preserving or maintaining, or promoting alliance with consumer organizations and a strong likelihood that Addus would be successful in the bid or application as contractor. . • Respite (Fill-in) Services for Independent Providers. The committee will draft mailings to be sent to Independent Providers/Personal Attendants in states were both SEIU represents the IP/PAs and Addus provides IHSS services. The letter will offer Addus as a preferred choice to the consumer and IP/PA for services should the IP/PA become ill, need vacation relief or temporary services if the consumer is between IP/PAs. At the request of the Company the Local SEIU will agree to approve and send mailings (no more frequent than quarterly) to all individual providers represented by SEIU in all states where Addus/ SEIU both operate. The Company shall bear the costs of all postage and material costs related to these mailings. • The committee will discuss the organizing of and methods of communicating the skilled services offered by Addus to the Independent Providers/Personal Attendants in states were both SEIU represents the IP/PAs and Addus provides skilled services. Communication will be positioning Addus as a choice to the consumer for the delivery of skilled, intermittent home care services and coordination of care with the IP/PAs. • The committee will discuss ways that SEIU can assist Addus in becoming the preferred provider of home care services from organizations organized by or affiliated with SEIU (Hospitals, nursing homes, pension funds, Federal and State programs, employers, insurers, advocacy groups, etc.) and the organizing of those workers. • . • SEIU and Addus will discuss the possibility of Addus obtaining a contract to serve the Los Angeles market through the Area Agency on Aging and City of Los Angeles. The goal of the ensuing contract will employ at least 200 home care aides after the first year and continue to grow over the term of the contract. • The committee will work proactively on opportunities and threats identified in the areas of Medicaid reform, Managed Care, Cash & Counseling and other significant policy issues surrounding long term care services. • SEIU and Addus will make mutual introductions to advocates and interest groups as requested. • The committee will explore capital strategies of joint interest to Addus and SEIU in the financing of acquisitions.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

Business Development. Within 30 days of the signing of this agreement, Addus and SEIU will form a business development committee that is tasked with group for the purpose of establishing and implementing specific business development initiatives with measurable objectives and time frames. The express goal of this group is to identify opportunities and impediments to the mutual and relatively equal growth of both the Union and the Company. Company The group will be chaired by one representative from each entity and will be made up of employees and representatives from each organization whose participation will vary based on specific business development projects. Addus SEIU Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx XxXxxxxx Vice President for Home Care Services Deputy Director, SEIU Healthcare Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx National Director for Business Development President, SEIU Healthcare Illinois Indiana The committee group will hold meetings no less than quarterly throughout the duration of the agreement. The group will establish business expansion benchmarks, target locations, numbers of workers and/or clients and a schedule of work related to each of the projects initiated for Addus/SEIU expansion. The committee shall make decisions by the written agreement of both parties. Both parties want to grow their organizations. During the term of the Agreement, the company’s business should increase at essentially the same rate as the Union’s Addus Health Care employee membership. The Company and the union agree that both entities and the organized workforce benefit from a committed, sustained effort and coordinated plan for establishing an effective local union specifically focused on home care services. The effectiveness of the local union and the Company should be measured on their collective ability to: shape public policy for state funded homecare programs, increase funding and reimbursement rates for said programs; and build capacity within the political arena to advocate with key decision makers. The Union and the Company agree to commit to this objective prior to the any expansion of the nationwide nation-wide bargaining unit. The Company is currently engaged in an aggressive effort to acquire other entities in the field of home care and expects the effort to continue for the foreseeable future. The Union agrees that it has a significant growth opportunity in organizing these newly acquired locations of the Company. The Company and the Union agree that it is necessary to proceed cautiously with regard to organizing and negotiating contracts for these previously unorganized acquisitions in new states and markets in order not to impede the company’s ability to perform future acquisitions or to limit the company’s competitiveness competiveness in bidding on future acquisitions acquisition targets. To assure the acquisition strategy continues, the Company and the Union agree to achieve one or more of the following initiatives before the Union invokes its rights under Article XX 32 in relation to any Home Care Service locations where the Company’s operations are the result of an acquisition of a previously unorganized entity and are located in a state where the Company and the Union do not have an existing collective bargaining agreement. • A reimbursement rate increase in the primary publicly financed home care service program of the location. • The party’s parties’ efforts result in a funding increase, policy change or other activities that increase the EmployerCompany’s base client census a minimum of 10% in the publicly funded home care services program in which the company participates in the state. • The Union organizes other bargaining units within at least three other agencies in the market of equal size to the Employers Company’s operations in the primary publically publicly financed home care service program of the location or representing at least 10% of the private sector employees in the primary publicly financed home care service program of the location. Both parties expect the relationship to improve and to enhance available services and employment at the local, state and national levels. Whenever possible, the parties will work together to improve funding to the programs, wages and benefits and working conditions for employees, and to expand opportunities for consumers to remain safely and productively in their communities. To this end, the Union agrees to facilitate dialogue between Addus Health Care and consumer and interest groups with which it has a relationshiprelationship as well as facilitate local Union involvement in projects identified and discussed in the business development group. In States where the company is a member of a home care industry association, the company, upon the Union’s request, will propose the association adopt a neutrality resolution towards union organizing. The company will encourage the association and its members to meet with the union to discuss neutralityforming a positive relationship with the union. The parties agree that consumers should have the right to choose how the services they receive are delivered. SEIU plans to continue its longstanding alliance with the consumer organizations and Addus shares an interest in consumer satisfaction. Therefore, whenever possible, the parties will promote the independent living approach to home care service delivery. In some cases the consumer(s) may prefer to have an agency-directed option available. During the term of the Agreement, the parties will work cooperatively to make the agency option available in such cases. This cooperation will not preclude either party’s interest in preserving or maintaining or promoting alliances with consumer organizations. Although not an exhaustive list, the following are some of the business development opportunities the committee will address. • Home Care Services business development in existing or new Addus and/or SEIU states. Initial targets of growth in existing states would include, Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, Missouri, Indiana, Idaho, Washington and California, while initial targets of growth in new states include include; Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, NevadaOhio, New Jersey, and New York, Minnesota, Connecticut and Wisconsin. It is All new offices that are a direct result of the goal over business development plan will be immediately eligible for SEIU organizing under the terms of Article 32. • During the term of this agreement the agreement, SEIU and Addus will jointly advocate for AB 1674 or other legislation requiring that California counties (with IHSS caseloads of 2000 or greater) that do not currently offer a mix mode of care will initiate the work mixed mode of this committee service delivery. The group, with local input, will lead recommend the target counties on the basis of volume, ability to secure an organized workforce in contract mode, the | Page 47 initiation interests of fifteenboth parties in preserving or maintaining, or promoting alliance with consumer organizations and a strong likelihood that Addus would be successful in the bid or application as contractor. • Respite (Fill-in) Services for Independent Providers. Addus will draft mailings to be approved by the SEIU Local sent to Independent Providers/Personal Attendants in Illinois where both SEIU represents the IP/PAs and Addus provides home care

Appears in 1 contract


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Business Development. ‌ Within 30 days of the signing of this agreement, Addus and SEIU will form a business development committee that is tasked with establishing specific business development initiatives with measurable objectives and time frames. The express goal of this group is to identify opportunities and impediments to the mutual and relatively equal growth of both the Union and the Company. The group will be chaired by one representative from each entity and will be made up of employees and representatives from each organization whose participation will vary based on specific development projects. The committee will hold meetings no less than quarterly throughout the duration of the agreement. The group will establish business expansion benchmarks, target locations, numbers of workers and/or clients and a schedule of work related to each of the projects initiated for Addus/SEIU expansion. The committee shall make decisions by the written agreement of both parties. Both parties want to grow their organizations. During the term of the Agreement, the company’s business should increase at essentially the same rate as the Union’s Addus Health Care employee membership. The Company and the union agree that both entities and the organized workforce benefit from a committed, sustained effort and coordinated plan for establishing an effective local union specifically focused on home care services. The effectiveness of the local union and the Company should be measured on their collective ability to: shape public policy for state funded homecare programs, increase funding and reimbursement rates for said programs; and build capacity within the political arena to advocate with key decision makers. The Union and the Company agree to commit to this objective prior to any expansion of the nationwide bargaining unit. The Company is currently engaged in an aggressive effort to acquire entities in the field of home care and expects the effort to continue for the foreseeable future. The Union agrees that it has significant growth opportunity in organizing these newly acquired locations of the Company. The Company and the Union agree that it is necessary to proceed cautiously with regard to organizing and negotiating contracts for these previously unorganized acquisitions in new states and markets in order not to impede the company’s ability to perform future acquisitions or to limit the company’s competitiveness competiveness in bidding on future acquisitions targets. To assure the acquisition strategy continues, the Company and the Union agree to achieve one or more of the following initiatives before the Union invokes its rights under Article XX in relation to any Home Care Service locations where the Company’s operations are the result of an acquisition of a previously unorganized entity and are located in a state where the Company and the Union do not have an existing collective bargaining agreement. • A reimbursement rate increase in the primary publicly financed home care service program of the location. • The party’s efforts result in a funding increase, policy change or other activities that increase the Employer’s base client census a minimum of 10% in the publicly funded home care services program in which the company participates in the state. • The Union organizes other bargaining units within at least three other agencies in the market of equal size to the Employers operations in the primary publically financed home care service program of the location or representing at least 10% of the private sector employees in the primary publicly financed home care service program of the location. Both parties expect the relationship to improve at the local, state and national levels. Whenever possible, the parties will work together to improve funding to the programs, wages and benefits and working conditions for employees, and to expand opportunities for consumers to remain safely and productively in their communities. To this end, the Union agrees to facilitate dialogue between Addus Health Care and consumer and interest groups with which it has a relationship. In States where the company is a member of a home care industry association, the company, upon the Union’s request, will propose the association adopt a neutrality resolution towards union organizing. The company will encourage the association and its members to meet with the union to discuss neutrality. The parties agree that consumers should have the right to choose how the services they receive are delivered. SEIU plans to continue its longstanding alliance with the consumer organizations and Addus shares an interest in consumer satisfaction. Therefore, whenever possible, the parties will promote the independent living approach to home care service delivery. In some cases the consumer(s) may prefer to have an agency-agency- directed option available. During the term of the Agreement, the parties will work cooperatively to make the agency option available in such cases. This cooperation will not preclude either party’s interest in preserving or maintaining or promoting alliances with consumer organizations. Although not an exhaustive list, the following are some of the business development opportunities the committee will address. • Home Care Services business development in existing or new Addus and/or SEIU states. Initial targets of growth in existing states would include, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Missouri, Indiana, Idaho, California, while initial targets of growth in new states include Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Minnesota, Connecticut and Wisconsin. It is the goal over the term of this agreement that the work of this committee will lead to the | Page 47 initiation of fifteenfifteen (15) new sites serving existing Addus states and the initiation of services in at least one site in ten (10) new states. All new offices would be immediately eligible for SEIU organizing. • During the term of the agreement, SEIU and Addus will jointly advocate that California counties (with a goal of IHSS caseloads of 2000 or greater) that do not currently offer a mix mode of care will initiate the mixed mode of service delivery. The committee, with local input, may discuss possible target counties on the basis of volume, ability to secure an organized workforce in contract mode, the interests of both parties in preserving or maintaining, or promoting alliance with consumer organizations and a strong likelihood that Addus would be successful in the bid or application as contractor. • Respite (Fill-in) Services for Independent Providers. The committee will draft mailings to be sent to Independent Providers/Personal Attendants in states were both SEIU represents the IP/PAs and Addus provides IHSS services. The letter will offer Addus as a preferred choice to the consumer and IP/PA for services should the IP/PA become ill, need vacation relief or temporary services if the consumer is between IP/PAs. At the request of the Company the Local SEIU will agree to approve and send mailings (no more frequent than quarterly) to all individual providers represented by SEIU in all states where Addus/ SEIU both operate. The Company shall bear the costs of all postage and material costs related to these mailings. • The committee will discuss the organizing of and methods of communicating the skilled services offered by Addus to the Independent Providers/Personal Attendants in states were both SEIU represents the IP/PAs and Addus provides skilled services. Communication will be positioning Addus as a choice to the consumer for the delivery of skilled, intermittent home care services and coordination of care with the IP/PAs.  The committee will discuss ways that SEIU can assist Addus in becoming the preferred provider of home care services from organizations organized by or affiliated with SEIU (Hospitals, nursing homes, pension funds, Federal and State programs, employers, insurers, advocacy groups, etc.) and the organizing of those workers.  SEIU and Addus will discuss the possibility of Addus obtaining a contract to serve the Los Angeles market through the Area Agency on Aging and City of Los Angeles. The goal of the ensuing contract will employ at least 200 home care aides after the first year and continue to grow over the term of the contract.  The committee will work proactively on opportunities and threats identified in the areas of Medicaid reform, Managed Care, Cash & Counseling and other significant policy issues surrounding long term care services.  SEIU and Addus will make mutual introductions to advocates and interest groups as requested.  The committee will explore capital strategies of joint interest to Addus and SEIU in the financing of acquisitions.

Appears in 1 contract

Samples: Collective Bargaining Agreement

Business Development. ‌ Within 30 days of the signing of this agreement, Addus and SEIU will form a business development committee that is tasked with establishing specific business development initiatives with measurable objectives and time frames. The express goal of this group is to identify opportunities and impediments to the mutual and relatively equal growth of both the Union and the Company. The group will be chaired by one representative from each entity and will be made up of employees and representatives from each organization whose participation will vary based on specific development projects. The committee will hold meetings no less than quarterly throughout the duration of the agreement. The group will establish business expansion benchmarks, target locations, numbers of workers and/or clients and a schedule of work related to each of the projects initiated for Addus/SEIU expansion. The committee shall make decisions by the written agreement of both parties. Both parties want to grow their organizations. During the term of the Agreement, the company’s business should increase at essentially the same rate as the Union’s Addus Health Care employee membership. The Company and the union agree that both entities and the organized workforce benefit from a committed, sustained effort and coordinated plan for establishing an effective local union specifically focused on home care services. The effectiveness of the local union and the Company should be measured on their collective ability to: shape public policy for state funded homecare programs, increase funding and reimbursement rates for said programs; and build capacity within the political arena to advocate with key decision makers. The Union and the Company agree to commit to this objective prior to any expansion of the nationwide bargaining unit. The Company is currently engaged in an aggressive effort to acquire entities in the field of home care and expects the effort to continue for the foreseeable future. The Union agrees that it has significant growth opportunity in organizing these newly acquired locations of the Company. The Company and the Union agree that it is necessary to proceed cautiously with regard to organizing and negotiating contracts for these previously unorganized acquisitions in new states and markets in order not to impede the company’s ability to perform future acquisitions or to limit the company’s competitiveness competiveness in bidding on future acquisitions targets. To assure the acquisition strategy continues, the Company and the Union agree to achieve one or more of the following initiatives before the Union invokes its rights under Article XX in relation to any Home Care Service locations where the Company’s operations are the result of an acquisition of a previously unorganized entity and are located in a state where the Company and the Union do not have an existing collective bargaining agreement. • A reimbursement rate increase in the primary publicly financed home care service program of the location. • The party’s efforts result in a funding increase, policy change or other activities that increase the Employer’s base client census a minimum of 10% in the publicly funded home care services program in which the company participates in the state. • The Union organizes other bargaining units within at least three other agencies in the market of equal size to the Employers operations in the primary publically financed home care service program of the location or representing at least 10% of the private sector employees in the primary publicly financed home care service program of the location. Both parties expect the relationship to improve at the local, state and national levels. Whenever possible, the parties will work together to improve funding to the programs, wages and benefits and working conditions for employees, and to expand opportunities for consumers to remain safely and productively in their communities. To this end, the Union agrees to facilitate dialogue between Addus Health Care and consumer and interest groups with which it has a relationship. In States where the company is a member of a home care industry association, the company, upon the Union’s request, will propose the association adopt a neutrality resolution towards union organizing. The company will encourage the association and its members to meet with the union to discuss neutrality. The parties agree that consumers should have the right to choose how the services they receive are delivered. SEIU plans to continue its longstanding alliance with the consumer organizations and Addus shares an interest in consumer satisfaction. Therefore, whenever possible, the parties will promote the independent living approach to home care service delivery. In some cases the consumer(s) may prefer to have an agency-agency- directed option available. During the term of the Agreement, the parties will work cooperatively to make the agency option available in such cases. This cooperation will not preclude either party’s interest in preserving or maintaining or promoting alliances with consumer organizations. Although not an exhaustive list, the following are some of the business development opportunities the committee will address. • Home Care Services business development in existing or new Addus and/or SEIU states. Initial targets of growth in existing states would include, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Missouri, Indiana, Idaho, California, while initial targets of growth in new states include Arizona, Colorado, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Minnesota, Connecticut and Wisconsin. It is the goal over the term of this agreement that the work of this committee will lead to the | Page 47 initiation of fifteenfifteen (15) new sites serving existing Addus states and the initiation of services in at least one site in ten (10) new states. All new offices would be immediately eligible for SEIU organizing. • During the term of the agreement, SEIU and Addus will jointly advocate that California counties (with a goal of IHSS caseloads of 2000 or greater) that do not currently offer a mix mode of care will initiate the mixed mode of service delivery. The committee, with local input, may discuss possible target counties on the basis of volume, ability to secure an organized workforce in contract mode, the interests of both parties in preserving or maintaining, or promoting alliance with consumer organizations and a strong likelihood that Addus would be successful in the bid or application as contractor. • Respite (Fill-in) Services for Independent Providers. The committee will draft mailings to be sent to Independent Providers/Personal Attendants in states were both SEIU represents the IP/PAs and Addus provides IHSS services. The letter will offer Addus as a preferred choice to the consumer and IP/PA for services should the IP/PA become ill, need vacation relief or temporary services if the consumer is between IP/PAs. At the request of the Company the Local SEIU will agree to approve and send mailings (no more frequent than quarterly) to all individual providers represented by SEIU in all states where Addus/ SEIU both operate. The Company shall bear the costs of all postage and material costs related to these mailings. • The committee will discuss the organizing of and methods of communicating the skilled services offered by Addus to the Independent Providers/Personal Attendants in states were both SEIU represents the IP/PAs and Addus provides skilled services. Communication will be positioning Addus as a choice to the consumer for the delivery of skilled, intermittent home care services and coordination of care with the IP/PAs. The committee will discuss ways that SEIU can assist Addus in becoming the preferred provider of home care services from organizations organized by or affiliated with SEIU (Hospitals, nursing homes, pension funds, Federal and State programs, employers, insurers, advocacy groups, etc.) and the organizing of those workers. • SEIU and Addus will discuss the possibility of Addus obtaining a contract to serve the Los Angeles market through the Area Agency on Aging and City of Los Angeles. The goal of the ensuing contract will employ at least 200 home care aides after the first year and continue to grow over the term of the contract. • The committee will work proactively on opportunities and threats identified in the areas of Medicaid reform, Managed Care, Cash & Counseling and other significant policy issues surrounding long term care services. • SEIU and Addus will make mutual introductions to advocates and interest groups as requested. • The committee will explore capital strategies of joint interest to Addus and SEIU in the financing of acquisitions.

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