BUTTED AND BOUNDED BY. To the North: To the South: To the East: To the West: The Set Fourth Value of the Residential Flat Being No. “ ” on
BUTTED AND BOUNDED BY. To the North: To the South: To the East: To the West: ALL THAT a Self Contained Residential Flat being No. “ ” on Floor in Block – , of the Multistoried Building named and known as “ ” measuring Carpet Area of Sq. ft.
BUTTED AND BOUNDED BY. BUTTED AND BOUNDED BY: ON THE NORTH : 10 Feet Wide Road ON THE SOUTH : Residential Building ON THE EAST : Residential Building ON THE WEST : 22 Feet Wide Road OR HOWSOEVER OTHERWISE said land is butted bounded, delineated, distinguished, known and numbered. PAYMENT SCHEDULE FOR XXXXXXX APARTMENT Price Extra Charges Others ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (FOR NON RESIDENT INDIAN OR FOREIGN CITIZEN OF INDIAN ORIGIN ONLY) Please fill in block letters Please fill in block letters
BUTTED AND BOUNDED BY. On the North : Others property. On the South : 19’-0” wide Municipal Road. On the East : Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx. On the West: Others Property. :: THE SCHEDULE “C” :: Sl. Particulars Flat/Parking
BUTTED AND BOUNDED BY. North : South : East : West : One Car Parking Space/Garage having covered area of Sq.ft. in the Ground Floor Block No: One Car Parking Space/Garage No. Down Payment (Booking / Agreement) upto 20% of the Total Price of the Flat and Car Parking space. Next 30 % on Completion of Plinth Ground level of the Total Price of the Flat Car Parking space. Next 10 % on Completion of 1st floor slab, of the Total Price of the Flat Car Parking space. nd Next 10 % on Completion of 2 floor slab, of the Total Price of the Flat Car Parking space. Next 7.5 % on Completion of top slab of the Total Price of the Flat Car Parking space. Next 10 % on Brick Work/ Plaster/ of the Total Price of the Flat Car Parking space. Next 7.5 % on Flooring/ Plumbing of the Total Price of the Flat Car Parking space. Balance before 7 Days of Possession of the Total Price of the Flat Car Parking space. Balance Amount RCC Frame Internal: All internal walls of 125 mm thick red brick finished with reputed brand putty, External: All walls of 200 mm thick red brick finished with Weather proof exterior finishing paint of reputed brand. Vitrified tiles flooring in bed room, leaving room and balcony, Toilet and Kitchen – Tiles. Concealed ISI copper conductor flexible wire and modular switches of reputed brand. Internet point in Living room. Geyser, micro oven, aqua guard connecting provision. Generator connecting power backup provision. Cooking Platform with Black Stone structure, granite top table, Stainless Steel sink, reputed brand glazed tiling up to 3’-0 inch” height from cooking table.
BUTTED AND BOUNDED BY. ON THE NORTH : Xxxx Xx. 000 XX THE SOUTH : Xxxx Xx. 000 XX THE EAST : Plot of Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx & Others ON THE WEST : Xxxx Xx. 000 Floor Plan of the Apartment Owner Name- Block No- Flat No- Saleable Area- Carpet Area- At the time of Booking & Agreement 20% At the time of Commencement of Structure of Ground Floor 25% At the time of Commencement of Structure of Second Floor 30% At the time of Commencement of Brick work and Structure of Fourth Floor 15% At the time of Plastering & Flooring 10% OTHER FIXED CHARGES & DEPOSIT
BUTTED AND BOUNDED BY. ON THE NORTH :- Plot No. 459 of Xxxxxx Xxxxx Korar and Others ON THE SOUTH :- Xxxxx and thereafter G. T. Road ON THE EAST :- Plot No. 461 of Xxxxxx Xxxxx and Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx ON THE WEST :- 4 feet wide passage and thereafter Plot No. 471 Undivided, proportionate, indivisible and impartible share as be attributable to the said unit in:
BUTTED AND BOUNDED BY. NORTH : Property of L. R. Dag Nos. 885 & 886. EAST : Property of L. R. Dag Nos. 895. SOUTH : Common Passaage WEST : Property of L. R. Dag Nos. 885. THE SECOND SCHEDULE ABOVE REFERRED TO ( THE BUILDING ) The building name and Style of “SOUTH POINT” constructed in Holhing No. 99(New), 92(Old), Mankundu Station Road, under Xxxx No. 21of Chandernagore Municipal Corporation, :: 18 :: X. X. Xxxxxxxxxxxxx, District Hooghly, being the land described in the First Schedule according to the Site Plan No. B- 3/S/60(A)/17-18 dated 04-08-2017and Building Plan No. B- 3/RB/55(A)/17-18 dated 09-08-2017sanctioned by the Chandernagore Municipal Corporation.
BUTTED AND BOUNDED BY. On the North : 20’-0’’ wide Municipal Road On the South : Other Land On the East : 08’-0’’ wide Municipal Road On the West : H/o of XXXXXXXX XXXXXX & Others (The Description of FLAT to be sold)
BUTTED AND BOUNDED BY. ON THE NORTH R.S. Dag no. 1685 ON THE SOUTH 10 feet wide Passage ON THE EAST Land of Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxxxx ON THE WEST Building of Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx, R.S. Dag No. 1681 T HE SCHEDULE “B” ABOVE REFFERED TO ALL THAT one self-contained residential flat being no. 7776 measuring super built-up area of 660 (six hundred sixty) sq.ft. be the same a little more or less on the first floor, Eastern side of the said G+3 storied building namely “XXXXX APARTMENT” lying and situated within L/B 11/21A, Xxxxxxxxx, P.O-Xxxxxx Nagar, P.S-Baguiati, Dist. North 24 Parganas, Kolkata-159, Xxxx No. 28 under Rajarhat Gopalpur Municipality at present Xxxxxx Nagar Municipality Corporation, Dist. North 24 Parganas consisting of Two bed rooms, one dining cum drawing room, one varandah, one Kitchen, two toilet etc. TOGETHER WITH undivided, undemarcated, impartible, proportionate share or interest in the land as described in the Schedule ‘A’ herein above written with all easements attached thereto together with the right of user of common areas, portions and facilities of the said premises which is butted and bounded as follows;