Foreign Citizen definition
Examples of Foreign Citizen in a sentence
In the event a Foreign Citizen/ Foreign Company/ Permanent Resident, makes a bid for the property, without the necessary prior approval(s)/ consent(s) the deposit paid shall be forfeited to the Assignee/ Bank and the Property shall be, put up for sale again.
Foreign Citizen or Foreign Company In the event the Purchaser is a foreign citizen or foreign company, the sale is subject to the Purchaser applying and obtaining at his/her/its own costs the unconditional consent of the Economic Planning Unit, Prime Minister's Department, State Authorities and/or other relevant bodies (if required and whether in Malaysia or the relevant foreign jurisdictions) to the said sale on or before the Completion Date.
E- Bidders who are a Foreign Citizen, Foreign Company or Permanent Resident are only allowed to bid for the property with the prior written consent of the ForeignInvestment Committee and/ or Economic Planning Unit of the Prime Minister Department and/ or relevant authorities which shall be uploaded during online registration failing which, the Auctioneer has the sole discretion to reject their registration as registered E- Bidders.
In the event a Foreign Citizen/ Foreign Company/ Permanent Resident, makes a bid for the property, without the necessary prior approval(s)/ consent(s) the deposit paid shall be forfeited to the Assignee/Bank and the Property shall be, put up for sale again.
With rail, more frequent services take paths that could be used by freight trains instead.