By Actelion Sample Clauses

By Actelion. Subject to Section 9.3 (Procedure), Actelion shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Institution and its officers, directors, trustees, employees contractors and agents and Investigator (the "Institution Indemnitees"), from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, court costs and expenses paid to third parties (including reasonable attorneys' fees) (collectively "Liabilities") as a result of a claim, action, or suit, in each case brought by a third party (each, a "Claim") made or filed against the Institution Indemnitees by reason of personal injury, including death, to any person, or damage to property, arising out of, or caused directly by, the Study Drug or its use in accordance with the Protocol; except in each case to the extent such liability arises from the Subject's underlying illness, or any diagnosis, treatment or therapeutic measures not specifically required by the Protocol, and in each case to the extent that Institution is obligated to indemnify Actelion for such Claims under Section 9.2 (By Institution) below.
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By Actelion. Subject to Section 9.3 (Procedure), Actelion shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Provider and its officers, directors, trustees, employees contractors and agents and Investigator (the "Provider Indemnitees"), from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, court costs and expenses paid to third parties (including reasonable attorneys' fees) (collectively "Liabilities") as a result of a claim, action, or suit, in each case brought by a third party (each, a "Claim") made or filed against Provider Indemnitees by reason of personal injury, including death, to any person, or damage to property, arising out of, or caused directly by, the Study Drug or its use in accordance with the Protocol; except in each case to the extent such liability arises from the Subject's underlying illness, or any diagnosis, treatment or therapeutic measures not specifically required by the Protocol, and in each case to the extent that Provider is obligated to indemnify Actelion for such Claims under Section 9.2 (By Provider) below. 9.1 Ze strany společnosti Actelion. V souladu s ustanoveními článku 9.3 (Postup) společnost Actelion odškodní, obhájí a převezme odpovědnost za Poskytovatele a jeho funkcionáře, členy představenstva, správce, zaměstnance, dodavatele a zástupce a za Zkoušejícího (dále označované jen jako „Osoby odškodňované Poskytovatelem“) ve vztahu k veškerým ztrátám, škodám, závazkům, soudním nákladům a výdajům hrazeným třetím osobám (včetně přiměřených poplatků za právní zastoupení) (dále souhrnně označované jen jako „Závazky“) v důsledku nároku, žaloby nebo soudního sporu, v jednotlivých případech vznesených nebo podaných třetí osobou (každý z nich dále označovaný jen jako „Nárok“) proti Osobě odškodňované Poskytovatelem z důvodu újmy na zdraví (včetně úmrtí) jakékoli osoby, případně z důvodu škody na majetku, vzniklých v důsledku užívání Hodnoceného přípravku nebo způsobených přímo užíváním Hodnoceného přípravku v souladu s Protokolem; v každém případě s výjimkou v rozsahu, v němž taková odpovědnost či závazek vznikne z důvodu základní nemoci nebo z důvodu jakékoli diagnózy, léčby nebo léčebných opatření, které Protokol konkrétně nevyžaduje, a v každém případě v rozsahu, v němž je Poskytovatel povinen odškodnit společnost Actelion za takové Nároky v souladu s ustanoveními článku 9.2 (Ze strany Poskytovatele) níže.

Related to By Actelion

  • References to Statutes, Public Acts, Regulations, Codes and Executive Orders All references in this Contract to any statute, public act, regulation, code or executive order shall mean such statute, public act, regulation, code or executive order, respectively, as it has been amended, replaced or superseded at any time. Notwithstanding any language in this Contract that relates to such statute, public act, regulation, code or executive order, and notwithstanding a lack of a formal amendment to this Contract, this Contract shall always be read and interpreted as if it contained the most current and applicable wording and requirements of such statute, public act, regulation, code or executive order as if their most current language had been used in and requirements incorporated into this Contract at the time of its execution.

  • Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000 Subrecipient hereby acknowledges and agrees that it must comply with the requirements of the government-wide award term which implements Section 106(g) of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) of 2000, as amended (22 U.S.C. 7104). The award term is located at 2 C.F.R. Part 175.15, the full text of which is incorporated here by reference.

  • Occupational Health and Safety Act The Employer, the Union and the employees agree to be bound by the provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, S.N.S. 1996, c.7.

  • Privacy Act If performance involves design, development or operation of a system of records on individuals, this Agreement incorporates by reference FAR 52.224-1 Privacy Act Notification (Apr 1984) and FAR 52.224-2 Privacy Act (Apr 1984).

  • Federal Immigration and Nationality Act The contractor shall comply with all federal, state and local immigration laws and regulations relating to the immigration status of their employees during the term of the contract. Further, the contractor shall flow down this requirement to all subcontractors utilized during the term of the contract. The State shall retain the right to perform random audits of contractor and subcontractor records or to inspect papers of any employee thereof to ensure compliance. Should the State determine that the contractor and/or any subcontractors be found noncompliant, the State may pursue all remedies allowed by law, including, but not limited to; suspension of work, termination of the contract for default and suspension and/or debarment of the contractor.

  • Occupational Safety and Health Acts Contractor(s) who perform any work under this contract shall fully comply with the provisions of the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 and any amendments thereto and regulations pursuant to the act. Any Contractor who fails to do so may be terminated for cause as set forth below.

  • SECTION 109 OF THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974 The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. No person in the United States shall on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity funded in whole or in part with funds made available under this title. Section 109 further provides that discrimination on the basis of age under the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 or with respect to an otherwise qualified handicapped individual as provided in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, is prohibited.

  • Safety Act, Sec 1 (1). The employee rights set out above shall be interpreted within the context of the Ontario Human Rights Code. An employee who believes that she has been harassed, contrary to this provision shall be encouraged by both parties to follow the Employer’s policy on harassment and process. Failing resolution, an employee may follow the process set out in the Complaint, Grievance and Arbitration procedure in Article 8 of the Collective Agreement. The employee shall be encouraged by both parties to exhaust these processes prior to filing a complaint with the Ontario Human Rights Commission.

  • PRINCIPLES OF GOOD EMPLOYMENT PRACTICE The Supplier shall, and shall procure that each Sub-Contractor shall, comply with any requirement notified to it by the Customer relating to pensions in respect of any Transferring Former Supplier Employee as set down in: the Cabinet Office Statement of Practice on Staff Transfers in the Public Sector of January 2000, revised 2007; HM Treasury's guidance “Staff Transfers from Central Government: A Fair Deal for Staff Pensions of 1999; HM Treasury's guidance: “Fair deal for staff pensions: procurement of Bulk Transfer Agreements and Related Issues” of June 2004; and/or the New Fair Deal. Any changes embodied in any statement of practice, paper or other guidance that replaces any of the documentation referred to in Paragraph 5.1 shall be agreed in accordance with the Variation Procedure.

  • Compliance with Federal Law, Regulations, and Executive Orders This is an acknowledgement that FEMA financial assistance will be used to fund the contract only. The contractor will comply will all applicable federal law, regulations, executive orders, FEMA policies, procedures, and directives.

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