Institution Indemnitees definition

Institution Indemnitees means each Institution, Rockefeller, Iowa, UTokyo, Wageningen and MIT and each of their current and former directors, governing board members, trustees, officers, faculty, affiliated investigators, medical and professional staff, employees, students, and agents and their respective successors, heirs and assigns.
Institution Indemnitees shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 12.1. “Inventions” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 9.2. “Investigational Product” shall mean the investigational product as set forth above. “Investigator” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 1.3. “Materials” shall have the meaning as set forth in Clause 5.1. DEFINICE Pro účely této smlouvy mají termíny definované níže význam, který je níže přesně vymezen: Pod pojmem „smlouva“ se rozumí tato smlouva o klinickém hodnocení spolu s přílohami. Jakýkoli odkaz na tuto smlouvu je považován za odkaz na tuto smlouvu včetně jejích příloh. Pod pojmem „identifikovatelná osoba“ se rozumí každá fyzická osoba, kterou lze přímo nebo nepřímo identifikovat, zejména odkazem na její identifikační číslo nebo na jeden či více faktorů specifických pro její fyzickou, fyziologickou, duševní, ekonomickou, kulturní nebo společenskou identitu. Pod pojmem „platné zákony a požadavky“ se rozumí význam uvedený v odstavci 1.2. Pod pojmem „klinické hodnocení“ se rozumí klinické hodnocení, jak je uvedeno výše. Pod pojmem „personál klinického hodnocení“ se rozumí význam uvedený v odstavci 2.1. Pod pojmem „důvěrné informace“ se rozumí význam uvedený v odstavci 10.1. Pod pojmem „správce údajů“ se rozumí fyzická nebo právnická osoba, orgán veřejné moci, agentura nebo jakýkoli jiný subjekt, který sám nebo společně s jinými určuje účely a prostředky zpracování osobních údajů. Pod pojmem „zpracovatel údajů“ se rozumí fyzická nebo právnická osoba, orgán veřejné moci, agentura nebo jakýkoli jiný subjekt, který osobní údaje zpracovává jménem správce. Pod pojmem „formuláře eCRF“ se rozumí elektronické formuláře pro podávání zpráv o případu („záznamy subjektu hodnocení“). Pojem „datum nabytí účinnosti“ má význam uvedený výše. Pod zkratkou „ICH GCP“ se rozumí pokyny ICH pro správnou klinickou praxi. Pojem „odškodnitelné ztráty“ má význam uvedený v odstavci 12.
Institution Indemnitees has the meaning set forth in Section 9.1 of this Agreement.

Examples of Institution Indemnitees in a sentence

  • During clinical trials of any Licensed Product, Juno shall, at its sole cost and expense, procure and maintain commercial general liability insurance in such equal or lesser amount as Institutions, MIT and HHMI shall require, naming the Institution Indemnitees and HHMI Indemnitees as additional insureds.

  • No indemnity shall be provided by MAXIM for any liability imposed upon the Educational Institution Indemnitees for their concurrent negligence, active negligence, sole negligence, and/or willful misconduct.

  • Sponsor shall not reimburse for any illness or injury to the extent such illness or injury is attributable to the: (i) Institution Indemnitees’ negligent activities, reckless misconduct, intentional misconduct or omissions; (ii) failure of Institution Indemnitees to comply with all Applicable Laws; (iii) failure of Institution Indemnitees to adhere to the terms of the Protocol or this Agreement, or (iv) the natural progression of Study Subject’s disease or underlying condition.

  • In addition, this indemnity shall not apply to any claims or lawsuits brought by any Institution Indemnitees against each other.

  • Sponsor’s indemnification obligations under this Agreement shall not apply to any liability, damage, loss, or expense to the extent such liability, damage, loss, or expense results from the [***] of any one or more of the Institution Indemnitees.

  • The procedures for the indemnification of the Institution Indemnitees shall be as set forth in Section 8.1(b) of the M.I.T. License Agreement.

  • Sponsor shall not be obligated to indemnify for Claims to the extent that they relate to the negligence, fault, omission, or improper conduct of any Institution Indemnitee, including, but not limited to, tampering with the Study Drug dosage and/or lack of proper oversight by Institution Indemnitees, failure to comply with the Protocol or this Agreement and failure to obtain informed consent and an authorization from each Study Subject.

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, CMT will not be obligated to indemnify the Institution Indemnitees to the extent that such Losses arise from (i) negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct on the part of any of the Institution Indemnitees or the Study Personnel, or (ii) a breach of the Institution’s obligations, representations, or certifications under this Agreement.

  • Each Company Indemnitee will promptly notify Institution of any injuries and claims of which it is made aware, provided that Company may provide one notice to Institution on behalf of all the Company Indemnitees and Institution as the case may be may provide one notice to Company on behalf of all the Institution Indemnitees.

  • Moreover, the interim storage of nuclear waste has to be postponed until a final disposal can be put into operation (Bode, Marx, & Schacht, 2017).

More Definitions of Institution Indemnitees

Institution Indemnitees shall have the meaning assigned to such term in Section 8.1.1.
Institution Indemnitees. Has the meaning set forth in Section 9.2. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (“IACUC”) A committee established or engaged by a Collaborating Institution to oversee Animal Research in accordance with and for the purposes expressed in Applicable Law. Institutional Review Board (“IRB”) An institutional review board established or engaged by a U.S. Collaborating Institution, or a Research Ethics Board of a Canadian Collaborating Institution, to oversee Clinical Research in accordance with and for the purposes expressed in Applicable Law and that Collaborating Institution’s policies. Intellectual Property Has the meaning set forth in the Innovation and Commercialization Agreement.
Institution Indemnitees shall have the meaning specified in Section 12.1. „Odškodňované osoby v rámci Zdravotnického zařízení“ je pojem, který bude mít význam uvedený v Části 12.
Institution Indemnitees shall have the meaning set forth in Section 8.1.3.

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