Bylines Sample Clauses
Bylines. An employee’s byline or credit line shall not be used over his/her protest.
Bylines. An employee’s byline shall not be used over his protest.
Bylines. Section 33.1. An employee’s byline or credit line shall not be used over the employee’s protest which may be for journalistic reasons only.
Section 33.2. In the event of a substantive change in material submitted by the employee, the Company will make every reasonable effort to bring the change to the employee’s attention prior to publication. An employee shall not be required to and shall not write, process or prepare anything for publication in such a way as to distort any facts or to create an impression which the employee knows to be false. If a question arises as to the accuracy of printed material, the Company will continue its present practice of making every reasonable effort to discuss the matter with the employee prior to a correction or retraction being printed.
Bylines. An employee's byline or credit line shall not be used over the employee's protest. In event a byline or credit line is to be used, substantive changes shall be brought to the employee's attention before publication, if time permits. If a question arises as to the accuracy of bylined material, no correction or retraction of that material shall be printed before the Company has made every reasonable effort to consult with the employee concerned.
Bylines. Except for columns and opinion pieces, the Company shall not use bylines over the employee’s protest. It is understood that bylines shall not be unreasonably withheld.
Bylines. Whenever substantive changes are made in a reporter’s story, an effort will be made to discuss the changes before publication of the story, failing which the byline shall not be used.
Bylines. An employee’s byline on a specific story shall not be used over their protest.
Bylines. The Publisher shall be the sole judge of whether an employee’s byline or credit line shall be used. The Publisher will consider an advance written request from an employee to withhold a byline or credit line, such request to be for professional reasons only. The Guild does not condone withholding of bylines as a protest. BULLETIN BOARDS
Bylines. An employee shall not be required to have published under his/her own name any material containing any expression of opinion not in conformity with his/her opinion. This shall not apply to editorial notes when so labeled.
Bylines. An employee's byline or credit line shall not be used over his/her protest. Whenever substantive changes are made in a reporter's story, an effort will be made to discuss the changes before publication of the story, failing which the byline shall not be used.