Cash Advance. You may use our Card to obtain a cash advance up to the limit determined by us, whether such limit is notified to you. In respect of each Cash Advance made through the use of any Card and/or the PIN, we shall charge and debit the Card Account: a. a cash advance fee at a percentage of the cash advance amount, subject to a minimum amount as stated in our pricing guide, or any such rate or at such amount as we may determine; and b. an interest or finance charge at such rate per annum as we may determine on a daily basis on the amount of the cash advance as from the date the cash advance is made up to the date on which full payment is received by us.
Appears in 13 contracts
Samples: Cardmember Agreement, Cardmember Agreement, Cardmember Agreement
Cash Advance. You may use our Card to obtain a cash advance up to the limit determined by us, whether such limit is notified to you. In respect of each Cash Advance made through the use of any Card and/or the PIN, we shall charge and debit the Card Account:
a. a cash advance fee at a percentage of the cash advance amount, subject to a minimum amount as stated in our pricing guide, or any such rate or at such amount as we may determine; and
b. an interest or finance charge at such rate per annum as we may determine on a daily basis on the amount of the cash advance as from the date the cash advance is made up to the date on which full payment is received by usmade.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Credit Cardmember Agreement, Credit Cardmember Agreement