Cash Advance Fee. If you request a Cash Advance, in addition to the Interest Charge which will accrue on the Cash Advance, you agree to pay a fee of three percent (3%) of the amount of the Cash Advance subject to a minimum fee of $10.00.
Cash Advance Fee. We charge you a fee for cash advances you make. For purposes of the imposition of Cash Advance Fees, the term “cash advance” means a cash advance loan made to you or on your behalf through the use of a Card, but does not include purchases, the use of Checks, or balance transfers to your Account from credit card accounts you maintained at other financial institutions. See the Pricing Information Disclosure for the amount of the fee.
Cash Advance Fee. If you use your Card or a Check (Convenience Check) to obtain a Cash Advance, we will charge your Account a Cash Advance fee equal to 5% of the U.S. dollar amount of the Cash Advance, subject to a minimum fee of $10 for each Cash Advance.
Cash Advance Fee. If you make a Cash Advance we may debit a Cash Advance fee to your Credit Card Account.
Cash Advance Fee. A cash advance fee of 5% of the amount of cash advanced will be charged, subject to a minimum of RM20.00
Cash Advance Fee. Each time you obtain a Cash Advance under your Account, we will assess a Cash Advance fee equal to 3.0% of the amount of the Cash Advance. The Cash Advance fee will be reflected in the New Balance of your Account.
Cash Advance Fee. A cash advance fee of 5.00% of the amount of cash advanced will be charged, subject to a minimum of RM20.00 (for Ringgit Malaysia Card Account) or RMB40.00 (for Renminbi Card Account).
Cash Advance Fee. This fee is shown in Part 2. It applies to: • cash you get over the counter (e.g., at a bank); • cash you get at an ATM; and • other “cash-like” transactions (such as money orders, traveler’s checks, casino chips, or lottery tickets). This fee is: • charged as of the date the transaction posts to your Account; and • added to the cash advance balance; and • a Finance Charge.
Cash Advance Fee. This is a fee for Cash Advance pursuant to Clause 1A.2 (d) and Clause 3.2. This fee shall be charged on any cash amount withdrawn at a fixed amount and shall be debited from the Card Account at the posting date of the Cash Advance.
Cash Advance Fee. The first (1st) component of the FINANCE CHARGE is the Cash Advance Fee. Cash Advance transactions are subject to a Cash Advance Fee FINANCE CHARGE of two percent (2.00%) of the amount of the Advance that is posted to the Account during the billing cycle. However, the Cash Advance Fee shall not be less than $5.00 or greater than $50.00 for each Cash Advance.